Title: Physics of the Atmosphere
1Physics of the Atmosphere
Global Warming
2The sun Emits Light that radiates through space
and warms the Earth
3The sun emits most of its light as visible light
Blackbody Curve
4Absorbed radiation heats up the Earth and it
radiates as a blackbody at a lower temperature
5Molecules Combination of atoms most in the
atmosphere contain only a few atoms (e.g. CO2,
O2) Molecules are held together by an attractive
electrical force. If they get too close to each
other, the atoms start to repel. The net result
gives something that behaves like a spring
6Emission and Absorption of Electromagnetic
Radiation by Molecules
Because of the spring-like forces between atoms
in a molecule, they can vibrate and vibrating
charges emit electromagnetic radiation. For most
molecules this radiation is in the infrared part
of the electromagnetic spectrum
If electromagnetic radiation of the right
wavelength passes near the molecule, it can
resonate and the molecule can absorb the
radiation. For many molecules, this is also in
the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum
7Composition of the Atmosphere
N2 78.084 O2 20.946 Ar 00.934
Some Trace Gases (in ppm)
CO2 350 H2O 20-20,000 Ne 12 He 5 NO2
2 CH4 2
Greenhouse gases
8Solar constant increased by about 30 during the
lifetime of Sun
Albedo Snow and clouds have high albedo dark
earth has low albedo
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17CO2 Emissions From Fossil Fuel Combustion 1996
Million Tonnes of CO2
Source CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 1971 -
1996, International Energy Agency, page II.4-5,
1998 Edition
18CO2 Emissions Per Person 1996
Million Tonnes of CO2
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20Hydroflourocarbons (HFCs), perflourocarbons
(PFCs), and Sulfur hexaflouride (SF6)
Nitrous Oxide
Carbon Dioxide
Source Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Sinks 1990 - 1996. U.S. EPA
publication 236-R-98-006
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22Global Warming is a complicated problem
There are many complicated affects that work
e.g. Increased CO2 causes planet to warm which
causes more water vapor to form. Water vapor is
also a greenhouse gas which will cause more
warming (positive feedback) Increased CO2 causes
planet to warm which causes more water vapor to
form. This causes more clouds which increases
the amount of sunlight reflected away from the
Earth (increases the albedo) which would cause
the planet to cool.
23Actions of the US on Global Warming
- Developing countries are not included
- Cost is too great wait until science is more
precise - Warmer temperatures are not necessarily bad
- Too many uncertainties in science
- Climate models have fudge factors
- Global climate models dont agree with each other
- Evidence for connection of solar cycle and
warming - Discrepancies between surface and atmospheric
temperature data