Title: Programming the RecordSet Object
1Programming the RecordSet Object
2Recordset Object (ADO)
- When you use ADO, you manipulate data almost
entirely using Recordset objects. - A Recordset object represents the entire set of
records from a database table or the results of
an executed command. - All Recordset objects are constructed using
records (rows) and fields (columns).
- A cursor caches data on a client.
- Provides synchronization mechanisms
- Provides tools to minimize network traffic.
- Define how a cursor is created using the
CursorLocation and CursorType properties
pertaining to the Recordset object. - You must set these properties before opening the
4The Recordset CursorLocation Property
- Specifies the location of the cursor engine and
can be set to one of two constants - adUseClient
- adUseServer
- default
5The Recordset CursorType Property
- The CursorType property defines the kind of
cursor that will be opened. - adOpenStatic creates a static cursor
- adOpenForwardOnly creates a forward only cursor
- adOpenDynamic creates a dynamic cursor
- adOpenKeyset creates a keyset cursor
6The Recordset LockType Property
- To resolve the conflicts that may arise when two
users try to change the same records, database
providers support locking. - To specify the type of locking, set the LockType
property to one of the following - adLockReadOnly (default)
- adLockPessimistic
- adLockOptimistic
7The Recordset Open Method
- The Open method opens a cursor (recordset).
- Syntax
- recordset.Open Source
8Private rstCurrent As New ADODB.Recordset Private
Sub Form_Load() Dim conMagnet As New
ADODB.Connection Dim cmdMagnet As New
ADODB.Command conMagnet.Mode
adModeShareDenyNone conMagnet.Provider
"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conMagnet.Connection
String "Data SourceA\Magnet.mdb"
conMagnet.Open Set cmdMagnet.ActiveConnection
conMagnet cmdMagnet.CommandType
adCmdTable cmdMagnet.CommandText
"tblOrderMaster" rstCurrent.LockType
adLockOptimistic rstCurrent.CursorLocation
adUseClient rstCurrent.CursorType
adOpenKeyset rstCurrent.Open cmdMagnet
Call LoadCurrentRecord End Sub
9Recordset Navigation Methods
- Navigate through the records in a Recordset with
the following Recordset methods - MoveFirst
- MoveLast
- MoveNext
- MovePrevious
- Move
- Examples
- rstCurrent.Move 5
- rstCurrent.MoveFirst
- rstCurrent.MoveLast
10Recordset BOF and EOF Properties
- The BOF and EOF properties indicate the beginning
or end of the Recordset. - The BOF or EOF property is True when you move one
record past the first or last record. - If both BOF and EOF are True, there are no
records in the Recordset. - Example
- If rstCurrent.BOF True Then
- rstCurrent.MoveFirst
- EndIf
11Recordset RecordCount Property
- Use the RecordCount property to return the number
of records in a Recordset object. - The property returns -1 when ADO cannot determine
the number of records. - Reading the RecordCount property on a closed
Recordset causes an error. - Example
txtRecordCount.Text rstCurrent.RecordCount
12Recordset AbsolutePosition Property
- Use the AbsolutePosition property to determine
the current record number - The AbsolutePosition property is a Long Integer
between 1 and the number of records in the
Recordset. - Example
txtCurrentRecord.Text rstCurrent.AbsolutePositio
13Recordset Find Method
- recordsetName.Find (criteria)
- Searches a Recordset for the record that
satisfies the specified criteria. - If the criteria is met, the recordset position is
set on the found record otherwise, the position
is set on the end of the recordset. - Example
- rstCurrent.Find Member ID 1234
- Dim strName As String
- strName "John Smith"
- rstCurrent.Find "fldID 123"
- rstCurrent.Find "fldName 'John Smith'"
- rstCurrent.Find "fldName '" strName "'"
15Private Sub cboMemberID_Click() Dim strTemp
As String strTemp cboMemberID.Text
rstCurrent.MoveFirst rstCurrent.Find "Member
ID '" strTemp "'" Call
LoadCurrentRecord End Sub