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Increasing demand for skilled workers with more training and qualifications, ... About 1/3 do uni with a high level of churn and often non-vocational courses ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Stages 1-3 of the CAA Evaluation
Career Advice Australia
  • Findings from Stage 1of the Evaluation
  • A Strategic Overview
  • National data analysis
  • Stakeholder interview data
  • Provider report analysis

Key drivers
  • Demand (industry)
  • Increasing demand for skilled workers with more
    training and qualifications, including associate
    professionals with technical training
  • Supply (education)
  • Identified need to smooth transition pathways and
    engage more young people in gaining
    qualifications through school, training or other
    career pathways

National Data
  • Early school leavers
  • 25 leave school early
  • Up to 70 of those leave for unskilled jobs part
    time work, low pay and/or unemployment
  • The younger leavers fare worst
  • School completers
  • About 1/3 do uni with a high level of churn and
    often non-vocational courses
  • About 1/3 do VET pathways
  • About 1/3 go to unskilled jobs part time work,
    low pay and/or unemployment

Interview Data
  • Stakeholders in education see an important place
    for a national careers strategy
  • All stakeholders are committed to the broad
  • CAA is expected to bring the demand side
    (industry) strongly to the table
  • CAA does not have the capacity to match supply
    side (school) provisions

Provider Reports
  • Provided evidence of
  • Environmental scanning in terms of skill needs
  • Supply side (especially school) connections
  • Emerging demand side (business) networks
  • Support for school career advisers/ VET
  • A strong focus on providing services to schools
  • Emerging approaches to involve parents
  • Extensive involvement in information provision
  • Most importantly, they showed an established
    network of local organisations across Australia

Career Advice Australia
  • Findings from Stage 2 of the Evaluation
  • Client and Stakeholder Feedback
  • Targeted business survey
  • Random business survey
  • School survey
  • Parent survey
  • Year 11 survey
  • Non school young people focus groups
  • Good practice interviews

Business data (targeted)
  • LCP contacts at the strategic (executive) level
  • 60 of (targeted) respondents knew of CAA
  • SWL was the most recognised element
  • 80 satisfaction with LCP services
  • However, facilitating industry involvement in the
    career agenda was the lowest rated LCP service

Business data (targeted)
  • Business suggested
  • LCPs take a more strategic role on behalf of
    business rather than mainly being a provider of
    SWL placements and information services
  • LCPs work as a network (local, regional,
    national) to focus on emerging skill needs
  • DEEWR build capacities of some providers to
    undertake a more strategic role
  • LCPs identify creative and innovative ways to
    bring business to the agenda, especially small

Business data (random)
  • 61 had heard of the a national career initiative
  • 22 knew the term CAA and 27 were aware of LCPs
  • Businesses saw more benefit in the career agenda
    for young people than for themselves
  • Businesses reported a decrease in short term
    productivity when they engaged in career support
  • Business satisfaction with career support
    services for young people was positive but not
  • There was more business satisfaction with career
    services that involve contact with young people
    for longer periods (including AsBAs).

School data
  • The response rate was low
  • VET coordinators and careers advisers were the
    main LCP contacts
  • The general school rating of career support
    services from LCPs was 5/10
  • Schools saw a clear link between work placement
    and school engagement so wanted to be in the
  • Promotion of VET was seen as a key feature in the
    school career agenda
  • There was little indication of LCPs
  • brokering changing business involvement with
    schools or
  • helping business to influence the culture,
    curriculum, or practices of schools

  • Parents indicate moderate satisfaction with
    career services
  • They see career services as relevant only to
    older children
  • 85 talk with their older children about careers
  • Parents have limited career information, mainly
    from their children, friends and schools
  • There is little direct impact by business or
  • 60 want university for their children
  • They help them choose subjects for this purpose
  • Only 15 have knowledge of a written career
    development plan
  • 33 of those were involved in the development of
    the plan
  • They rate the usefulness of the plan at 6.2/10
    (choosing subjects to keep options open)

Students (Yr 11)
  • 50 of Year 11 students intend university
  • 14 want VET training
  • They do not have a lot of knowledge about career
    development opportunities
  • Those who work part time or undertake structured
    workplace learning have more knowledge
  • Parents are the main source of career advice
  • They rate 5.6/10 for having received sufficient
    info to make career decisions
  • They feel marginally confident re careers

Non-school young people
  • Work/uni/training
  • Career understandings are an important guide to
    their decisions
  • However, few had accessed career information
    since they left school
  • Most lacked broad awareness of career
  • They all indicated regret at not considering
    career ideas earlier in high school

Non-school young people
  • Disengaged young people
  • They had issues beyond careers
  • Few had accessed career advice
  • Many had accessed job support networks
  • Having a significant adult (one-to-one
    coordinated case management) was a real need
  • Industry placement and career pathway planning
    could become important motivating and guiding

Good Practice
  • An emerging concept that included
  • having a strategic focus on outcomes
  • facilitating demand (industry) side involvement
    by supporting a major role for industry in the
    career agenda
  • facilitating stakeholder connections and working
    as a network
  • ensuring quality in all career aspects for all
    13-19 year olds
  • building power and influence in the community
  • engaging and influencing parents to support
    career planning
  • supporting and influencing schools into a new
    community space
  • joining community engagement services and
    local/regional planning to be part of the careers
  • building new community infrastructure resources
    and capacity to facilitate the career agenda
  • increasing the awareness of needs of and
    opportunities in industry for all students

Career Advice Australia
  • Findings from Stage 3 of the Evaluation
  • The LCP Case Studies

Orientation of LCPs
  • Many LCPs are
  • sponsored by the school agenda
  • focus especially on VET
  • undertake SWL and other school related activity
  • are part of the process of schooling
  • provide service delivery for schools
  • garner industry resources for the school
    curriculum and processes
  • keep school personnel engaged by providing

Orientation of LCPs
  • Other LCPs
  • are independent of any stakeholder space
  • tend to have larger networks
  • bring influence, synergy and leverage
  • have stronger industry orientation
  • understand supply and demand drivers
  • focus on infrastructure and capacity
  • use service delivery to engage and demonstrate
    but ensure there is capacity building and

Structure of LCPs
  • Scale and community of interest impact on
    influence, orientation and leverage. Getting it
    wrong can lead to
  • inefficiencies
  • large proportionate infrastructure costs
  • small views of role and function
  • capture by interest groups
  • inequities and lack of involvement for some
  • difficulties in achieving strategic position or
    influential capacity
  • DEEWR requirements in terms of statistical
    districts and contracting arrangements have
    contributed to these issues

Scope of LCPs
  • Some LCPs have only the CAA contract while others
    have many contracts.
  • Variations in focus occur in emphasis on
  • governance or management
  • outcome orientation or activity focus
  • capacity development or service delivery
  • infrastructure in a new space or activity in an
    old space
  • leverage and synergy or displacement and lack of
  • DEEWR guidelines and procedures did not
    distinguish between scope of the organisation and
    requirements of CAA.

Governance of LCPs
  • Some LCP boards operate as management committees.
    They tend to
  • have a focus on their internal program operations
  • be mainly led from a schools orientation
  • see their purpose as complementing and enhancing
    school programs
  • function as a service deliverer for schools
  • DEEWR management and reporting tend to be in this
    space and encourage this orientation

Governance of LCPs
  • Other LCP Boards operate with independent
  • They tend to
  • have a broader focus on bringing stakeholders
    together to develop infrastructure
  • support each stakeholder group to develop the
    career and transition space
  • focus on capacity building in any service
  • ensure that capacity is being developed in all
    stakeholder groups
  • focus on outcomes not on activities
  • be frustrated at activity and input reporting

The client group
Churn and non vocational pathways
Professional Career Pathways
Huge growth but little knowledge
Associate Professional Career Pathways
SWL for Yrs 11/12
Intergenerational Replacement
Trade Career Pathways
Often unsuccessful but a potential pool of workers
Not trained or not yet work ready
Implications of the findings for the future
The space of CAA work
Lack of participation Complaints re inadequate
Community Stakeholders
Lack of involvement Little synergy
Program silos
The 13 to 19 year client group
Industry Stakeholders
Education Stakeholders
Jobs Placement
Service delivery Dependence
Lack of access or support Guided by myths
Parent Stakeholders
The space of CAA work
Working in synergy, sharing resources,
facilitating regional workforce planning,
reengaging young people
Infrastructure, systems and capacity building,
training mentors, building associations, making
Community Stakeholders
Program silos
The 13 to 19 year client group
Industry Stakeholders
Education Stakeholders
Supporting movement to the community learning
space, promoting partnerships in authentic
learning, building a work orientation in all
Developing engagement, building information
systems, promoting responsibility and aspiration,
facilitating networks
Parent Stakeholders
Profiling the development of an LCP
Profiling the development of an LCP
  • 5. The purpose of the LCP is to develop
    infrastructure in a common space focussed on a
    holistic response to matching youth career and
    transition needs and the skills needs of
  • 4. The purpose of the LCP is to engage all key
    community stakeholders in a shared approach that
    is responsive to industry workforce planning data
    and needs and addresses the career and transition
    needs of young people.
  • 3. The purpose of the LCP is to bring young
    people, parents, employers and other stakeholders
    into a range of school programs and initiatives
    that will support the transition of young people
    through and from school.
  • 2. The purpose of the LCP is to support student
    engagement with industry as a resource for the
    school curriculum, including work awareness and
    readiness, work experience, structured workplace
    learning and visits to industry.
  • 1. The purpose of the LCP is to manage the
    initiative contract to provide service delivery
    to schools, especially in relation to Structured
    Workplace Learning placements.

  • 5. The structure of the LCP is broadly and
    independently based and strongly led including
    strategic partnerships with and a strong and
    balanced voice from industry community
    organisations, parents and schools as
  • 4. The structure of the LCP consists of strongly
    influential people from industry and schools, and
    provides a voice for community organisations and
  • 3. The structure of the LCP consists of school
    personnel at strategic level, and provides a
    voice for industry, parents and community
  • 2. The structure of the LCP consists of VET and
    school career and other related education
    personnel, along with members from industry at
    operational level.
  • 1. The structure of the LCP consists mainly of
    school personnel in VET and careers areas.

  • 5. The LCP is the lead local agency in a
    common space shared by all stakeholders where
    responsibility is exercised for building the
    capacity to deliver a full suite of brokered,
    contracted and direct service programs and
    initiatives that respond to youth transition and
    industry needs.
  • 4. The LCP exercises responsibility for
    gathering and disseminating industry-based
    information about local skills needs, and works
    with schools, industry, providers and other key
    stakeholders to develop targeted initiatives and
    infrastructure that will respond to these needs.
  • 3. The LCP has responsibility for informing
    local youth, parents, employers and community
    members about the career and transition agenda
    and for supporting their access to appropriate
    programs and initiatives as provided by schools.
  • 2. The LCP identifies its primary
    responsibility as the provision of direct and
    continuing services on behalf of schools to meet
    student participation targets in discrete
    programs and initiatives.
  • 1. The LCP identifies its primary
    responsibility as the coordination of structured
    workplace learning for students in VET courses,
    and allocates resources accordingly.

  • 5. The LCP has capacity to mobilise a broad base
    of interest groups, leading associations and
    strategic stakeholders in the building of
    infrastructure and systems for a common space
    focussed on youth transition and industry needs.
  • 4. The LCP has capacity to facilitate and broker
    programs and initiatives that enable young
    people, parents, employers, teachers, and other
    stakeholders to access and develop knowledge and
    skills in relation to the career and transition
  • 3. The LCP has capacity to coordinate and
    deliver services that involve young people,
    parents, employers and other stakeholders in
    programs and initiatives that address the career
    and transition agenda.
  • 2. The LCP has capacity to provide information
    and advice about the youth career and transition
    agenda, and provide services to support
    vocational aspects of the school curriculum.
  • 1. The LCP has capacity to respond to school
    needs through direct provision of services,
    especially focussed on SWL placements.

  • 5. The LCP engages with and leads strategic
    stakeholders in creating and sustaining the
    common space within which they can act in
    shared endeavour that addresses youth transition
    and industry needs.
  • 4. The LCP has linkages with leading
    associations, constituencies and community
    organisations in developing infrastructure,
    capacity and networks that address the career and
    transition needs of young people.
  • 3. The LCP has access to stakeholders to garner
    resources to support career and transition
    programs and initiatives.
  • 2. The LCP has cooperative arrangements with
    groups of schools and with employers to support
    career and transition programs and initiatives.
  • 1. The LCP has largely self-contained
    relationships with schools and with individual

Policy Frame
  • 5. The LCP integrates and influences youth
    transition and industry workforce needs policies
    within and between local, state and national
  • 4. The LCP operates within and leverages from a
    range of youth career and transition and industry
  • 3. The LCP meets policy requirements of
    education and industry stakeholders in the
    development of career and transition programs and
  • 2. The LCP ensures compliance with school and
    employer policy requirements and regulations for
    student contact with industry.
  • 1. The LCP meets education authority policy
    requirements for structured workplace learning
    and DEEWR contract requirements.

Profiling the development of an LCP
Outcomes and Reporting
The Outcomes and Reporting Process
  • Overall, it is suggested that
  • the outcomes need to be the same for all networks
    in CAA (LCPs, RICAs, NICS)
  • the outcomes need to focus on strategic changes
    for each of the four stakeholder groups
  • there be three parts to the reporting
  • Acquittals reporting against the annual business
  • KPI and evidence reporting against an outcomes
  • Case studies of good practice and outcomes with
    advice to DEEWR

Outcome re education stakeholders
  • The education sector actively participates with
    all stakeholders in community systems and
    structures that engage all young people in
    appropriate career and transition pathway
    planning and development

Outcome re business stakeholders
  • Business and industry share a core responsibility
    with other stakeholders to engage with community
    structures and systems that provide all young
    people with opportunities to know and experience
    emerging careers, pathways and training

Outcome re parent stakeholders
  • Parents partner with other stakeholders in
    community systems and structures to support all
    young people in pathway planning and career

Outcome re community stakeholders
  • Planning and support agencies partner with other
    stakeholders in community systems and structures
    to support transitions for all young people and
    link them to community workforce needs

  • Key infrastructure is in place for education
    providers to
  • ensure universal transition planning (e.g.
    support of trained mentors, procedures for
    regular revision, ensuring they are career rather
    than job or subject focused)
  • take responsibility for development of enterprise
    attributes, employability skills and workplace
    understandings (e.g. training and assessment,
    creating extended opportunities and contexts)
  • facilitate engagement in appropriate workplace
    and community learning (e.g. IT for contact
    networks, upskilling students and parents,
    recruiting businesses and community
    organisations, expanding to younger years)
  • access, navigate and understand career advice,
    training and higher education networks (e.g.
    training of career advisers and parents, adding
    local, regional and national information,
    focussing from the viewpoint of the client)

  • Key infrastructure is in place for industry to
  • facilitate exposure to career understandings and
    opportunities (e.g. structures and systems for
    young people, parents, community organisations,
  • provide mentors and coaches (e.g. training and
    release, participation in programs for all 13-19
    year olds)
  • guide workplace learning (e.g. interview,
    recruit, train, supervise, assess, feedback for
    all 13-19 year olds)
  • accept responsibility for career support (e.g.
    business or industry associations, education and
    understanding, networking, innovative
    participation, strategic input to school
    curriculum implementation, etc)

  • Key infrastructure is in place for parents to
  • partner and support their children (e.g.
    associations, processes, tools, training, etc)
  • access career and transition knowledge (e.g.
    access mechanisms at work and in the community,
    training on website use, opportunities for
    exposure to industry needs, etc)
  • access and belong to community support mechanisms
    (e.g. online networks, meeting points, self and
    community help stations, etc)
  • access and networks with industry (e.g. web-based
    networks, industry and community information and
    contacts, introductions, brokering facilities,

  • Key infrastructure is in place for community
    agencies to
  • connect and engage with young people (e.g.
    networks, joint planning, joint projects,
    networking and links to services, etc)
  • join stakeholders into regional workforce
    planning (e.g. linking school curriculum, parents
    and teachers to local and regional government
    workforce plans and opportunities, networks and
    joint planning, facilitating projects, etc)
  • participate as stakeholders in the career agenda
    (e.g. developing interlinks and influence,
    harnessing and linking various projects
    information sharing facilities, network
    development, etc)
  • take part in career and transition mentoring and
    coaching (e.g. recruitment and training,
    facilitating programs and procedures,
    establishing protocols, etc)

  • KPIs built on (numerator/denominator)
  • e.g. of workplaces contributing to
    community-based systems to foster and facilitate
  • Needs a data system to facilitate reporting
  • KPIs built on a judgement scale based on evidence
  • e.g. 7 on a 0 to 10 scale
  • Needs moderation procedures to establish a

Acquittals Reporting
Outcomes Reporting
Case Study Reporting
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