Title: Los Angeles Unified School District
1 Los Angeles Unified School District Division of
Special Education
Schools for All Children
Audiologic Resource Unit
Donnalyn Jaque-Antón Associate Superintendent
- Audiometry or Audiology ??
- Types of Hearing Loss
- Degrees of Hearing Acuity
- Reading the Audiogram
- Educational Implications of Hearing Loss
- The Unfair Hearing Test
- Help for Students with Hearing Loss
- ARU Services
- The ARU Referral Process
- The DHH Referral Process
- Contacts
- Acknowledgements
- Resources
3Educational Audiology ProgramAudiologic Resource
Unit (ARU)
4LAUSD System Audiometry and Audiology
- Audiometry
- Student Health
- Human Services
- Travels to schools
- Screens hearing
- Refers to audiology (ARU)
- as needed
- Audiology
- Division of Special Education
- Works in a permanent sound booth
- Provides comprehensive evaluation of hearing
- Refers to DHH as needed
5LAUSD System Audiometry and Audiology
- Audiometrists go to schools and screen the
hearing of students - If the student fails this hearing screening
- She/he may be referred for a more comprehensive
audiological evaluation by an Educational
Audiologist in a sound room (at the ARU)
6Types of Hearing Loss
- Conductive
- Usually not permanent
- Often treated medically
- Left untreated, loss may become permanent
- Affects outer and middle ear
7Conductive loss Problem in outer and/or middle
8Types of Hearing Loss
- Sensorineural
- Permanent hearing loss
- Affects inner ear (sensory), and/or
- Auditory nerve (neural)
9Sensorineural loss problem with inner ear
(cochlea) and/or nerve
10Types of Hearing Loss
- Mixed Hearing Loss combination of
- sensorineural (permanent)
- conductive (usually temporary)
11Mixed loss Problem in outer and/or middle ear
along with problem with inner ear and/or nerve
12 Degrees of Hearing Loss
- Normal Hearing 0-15 decibels
- Minimal (Borderline) 16-25 decibels
- Mild 26-40 decibels
- Moderate 41-70 decibels
- Severe 71-90 decibels
- Profound 91 decibels
13 Audiogram (graph of hearing status)
- low pitch
high pitch - (FREQUENCY)
RIGHT EAR threshold of hearing
LEFT EAR threshold of hearing
14Frequency (pitch)
Low pitch
High pitch
Loudness (decibels)
Average conversational speech level
15 RIGHT EAR (Remember red/round RIGHT)
- Student can hear sounds BELOW the line
- Student will have difficulty hearing sounds
above the line
- Student can hear sounds BELOW the line
- Student will have difficulty hearing sounds
above the line
You may see both ears on the same audiogram This
audiogram indicates a mild to moderate loss in
the right ear and a moderate to profound loss in
the left ear.
18 Educational Implications of Normal Hearing
- Child detects complete speech signal even at soft
conversational level - Good hearing does not preclude auditory
processing problems
19Educational Implications of Minimal (Borderline)
- Child with a cold or the consistent mouth
breather - May have difficulty hearing
- Faint or distant speech
- At a distance
- If classroom is noisy
- May miss portions of fast-paced interactions
- May fatigue more easily because of listening
20Educational Implications of Fluctuating
(conductive) Loss
- Hearing ability may change daily
- Typical of listening with fluid behind eardrum
- Can hear but misses fragments of the message
- May be accused of daydreaming or not paying
attention - Speech and listening/attention skills may be
affected if child experiences chronic fluctuating
hearing acuity before age 7 years
21 Educational Implications of Mild Loss
- Degree of difficulty experienced depends on
- Noise level in classroom
- Distance from teacher (speaker)
- Configuration of hearing loss
- May miss portions of fast-paced interactions and
classroom discussions - Student often accused of
- Not paying attention
- Hearing when s/he wants to
- Increased fatigue from listening effort
22 Educational Implications of Moderate Loss
- Difficulty understanding conversational speech at
a distance of 3 feet - Needs face to face communication
- Needs structure and vocabulary controlled
- Communication characterized by
- Delayed receptive and expressive language
- Limited vocabulary
- Articulation errors
23Educational Implications of Moderate-Severe Loss
- Communication significantly affected
- Marked difficulty in verbal communication in both
one to one and group situations - Social interaction is increasingly difficult
- Communication may be characterized by
- Delayed receptive and expressive language
- Limited vocabulary
- Articulation errors
- Possible impact on self-esteem
24Educational Implications ofSevere Loss
- May hear loud noises one foot from ear
- If loss is pre-lingual in onset, oral language
and speech may not develop spontaneously or will
be severely delayed - If hearing loss is progressive or sudden, speech
may deteriorate
25 Educational Implications of Profound Loss
- Most students cannot depend solely on listening
for communication access - Degree and configuration of loss will affect
speech skills - If loss is pre-lingual in onset, oral language
and speech will not develop spontaneously or will
be severely delayed - If hearing loss is progressive or sudden, speech
may deteriorate
26Unfair Hearing Test
27Children with Hearing Loss Need Our Help!
- Early intense intervention is essential for
receptive and expressive language development - Students need appropriate and consistent
amplification for all their waking hours from an
early age - Classroom acoustics need to be arranged to the
students advantage (think about things that
make it easier for YOU to hear in a group
28Help for Students with Hearing Loss
- Flexible/preferential classroom seating
- Amplification/FM systems
- Personal hearing aids
- Personal FMs
- Classroom speaker system
- Personal speaker system
- Acoustic modifications of classroom
29 Audiologic Resource Unit (ARU) Services
- Provides audiologic evaluations for any child
residing within the geographic boundaries of
LAUSD, infant to age 22 - Educational Audiologists provide designated
instruction and services (DIS) to Deaf and Hard
of Hearing Special Day Programs to - Ensure properly functioning amplification systems
- Support teacher in developing skills for use of
residual hearing
30 Audiologic Resource Unit (ARU) Services
- Provides resource to DHH Itinerant Program
regarding - Residual hearing
- Amplification systems
- Provides counseling to parents regarding
- Hearing loss
- Amplification
- Services and resources available to the student
31 Audiologic Resource Unit (ARU) Services
- Provides professional development to District
staff and outside agencies - Refers for possible assistance through California
Childrens Services (CCS) for coverage of hearing
aids and hearing health care services
32 Referral Process For Students with Suspected
Hearing Loss
- Begins with a referral to the ARU
- If...
- Student fails hearing screening (at school, by
Audiometry) - OR
- Student has an audiogram from outside facility
- OR
- Student has known hearing loss
- OR
- Parent/school requests audiologic evaluation
- (213) 241 - 8258
- Student Name ____________________________________
___ Birth date ________________ - Address _________________________________________
___ Home Phone ______________ - Parent/Guardian _________________________________
____ Work phone ________________ - School ___________________________
Loc.District _______ Home language
_____________ - REASON FOR REFERRAL ? Failed hearing screening
(Date____________) - ? D HHitinerant assessment 3rd Year (Date
________________) - ? Hearing loss suspected
- Comments___________
________________________________ -
- Student is receiving special education services ?
No ? Yes - If yes, please specify program ? Special Day
Class _________________(Please attach a copy of
current IEP) - ? Itinerant DHH ___
LAS ___ RSP ___ APE ___ VH ___ - Comments________________________________________
- Fill in all identifying information
- Include reason for referral
- Identify special education services student is
receiving, if any - Include any other information to assist the
office) - MEDICAL
- chronic ear infections ? PE tubes ? Other
_________________________________ - ? under private medical care Physician
________________________________________ - Comments ________________________________________
____________________________ - AUDIOLOGIC
- Has the student had a recent AUDIOLOGIC
evaluation? ? No ? Yes If yes, - Date/Location____________________________
- and please forward a copy of evaluation to
- Does the student have hearing aids? ? No
? Yes, Right_______ Left________ - Dispenser______________________________
- Is the student using amplification on a
consistent basis? ? No ? Yes - Comments ________________________________________
- Students health history has important
implications for referral process.
please fill this out as fully as possible - Information from outside service providers is
essential to appropriate diagnosis and management
of hearing impairmentsif they have had private
hearing tests please attach a copy!
35- STUDENT PERFORMANCE (per classroom teacher)
- Is a speech/language problem suspected? ?
No ? Yes If yes, Comments_________________
_ - ACADEMICS ? Above grade level ? At
grade level ? Below grade level - Comments__________________________________
_______________________ - ATTENTION ? Good work habits ? Completes
assignments ? Short attention span ?
Easily distracted ? Follows oral
directions - Comments__________________________________
_______________________ - BEHAVIOR ? Well-behaved ? Cooperative ?
Helpful ? Easily frustrated - ? Behaves inappropriately ?
Relates well with peers - ? Interacts with peers inappropriately
- Comments__________________________________
_______________________ -
- Referred by ________________________________
Date ___________________ - School Designee
- Received by ________________________________
Date ___________________ - Audiologic Resource Unit
- Students performance provides valuable
information for establishing testing conditions
we may need two audiologists to test this student
reliably - Remember although you know the student, the
educational audiologist has only the information
you provide
36Referral Process for DHH Services
- Based on the hearing evaluation, the ARU
determines whether - Student has normal hearing, ending DHH referral
process - Students hearing loss may adversely affect
academic performance and/or access to the core
curriculum, necessitating a referral to DHH for
assessment to determine eligibility for DHH
37Referral Process for DHH Services
- ARU will
- Complete a report of each student tested
- Complete page 1 of Request for Special Education
Assessment and - ARU will mail the above to
- School
- DHH Office
38Referral Process for DHH Services
- School will
- In order to make sure all areas of parental
concerns are addressed the school will assist
parent in completing page 2 of Request for
Special Education Assessment Student
Information Questionnaire - The school will generate Assessment Plan within
15 days, including all areas of suspected
39Referral Process for DHH Services
- School will
- Check areas specific to DHH assessment
- Academic-DHH assessor
- Communication-DHH assessor and/or speech-language
pathologist - Health-nurse/doctor
- Send copy of signed Assessment Plan and Student
Information Questionnaire to DHH Program,
Beaudry-16th Floor
40Referral Process for DHH Services
- When signed Assessment Plan is received the DHH
Assessor will contact school to arrange DHH
Assessment to determine if - Hearing loss impacts access and progress in
standards based core curriculum - Hearing loss impacts communication skills
adversely affecting educational performance
41Referral Process for DHH Services
- Once all assessments are completed, school will
- Contact all committee members
- Schedule and complete IEP within 50 day time-line
- Students eligibility, determination of services
and placement will be discussed at the IEP Team
42 For Assistance Please Contact
- Audiologic Resource Unit
- 333 South Beaudry Avenue-16th Floor
- Los Angeles, California 90017
- (213) 241-8053
- Marilyn Geffeney, Coordinator, ARU / DHH
- (213) 241-8225
- Roe Saxman, Senior Audiologist
- (213) 241-8258
- Authors
- Marilyn Geffeney, Coordinator ARU / DHH
- Roe Saxman, Senior Educational Audiologist
- Sandy Keaton, Educational Audiologist
- Patty Klein, Educational Audiologist
- With input from the
- Audiologic Resource Unit Educational Audiologists
- Technical Assistance
- Kate Brandon, Coordinator in Instructional
Initiatives - Daniel Gumarang,Instructional Technology Advisor
- American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
- audiology.org
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
(ASHA) asha.org - Educational Audiology Association (EAA)
- edaud.org
- California Academy of Audiology (CAA)
- caaud.org
- Disclaimer These sites have been chosen for
educational and professional purposes. LAUSD does
not endorse of guarantee any information
contained in these sites. - Getting Through, recording from Zenith Radio
Corp - Hearing Loss Simulation, Med Rx Inc.