Title: Cross-cultural communications
1Cross-cultural communications
- David McArthur
- Assistant Professor of International Business and
Strategic Management - Utah Valley State College
2Experiences with other cultures
- Describe the heart of an experience that struck
you as strange or difficult in dealing with
people or systems across cultures.
3(Sony computer haiku)
- Sony has announced its own computer operating
system now available on its hot new portable PC
called the Vaio. Instead of producing the cryptic
error messages characteristic of Microsofts
Windows 95, 3.1, and DOS operating systems,
Sonys chairman Asai Tawara said, "We intend to
capture the high ground by putting a human,
Japanese face on what has been until nowan
operating system that reflects Western cultural
hegemony. For example, we have replaced the
impersonal and unhelpful Microsoft error messages
with our own Japanese haiku poetry." The chairman
went on to give examples of Sonys new error
4Universalism v. Particularism
- Universalism
- Rules, codes, laws, and generalizations that
define what should happen
- Particularism
- Exceptions, circumstances, relations that modify
or define what should happen
Both views of governing relationships use the
rules, but they approach the problem of what
governs our decisions in dealing with it.
5How does these dimensions manifest themselves?
- In business
- In law
- In families
- In school
6Why is North American culture universalist?
- The earliest settlers of New England were
Calvinists or were influenced by Calvins
teachings - They were dissenters from Englands state church
- The energy and vigor (the success) of the
American expansion have steamrolled many other
7Advantages to universalism
- Values equality of treatment
- Makes opportunities available on the same basis
to all - No one is above the law
- Allows large diversity of means
- Economies of scale
- Celebrates science technology
8Disadvantages of universalism
- Simplistic application of laws stifles other
views and ideas - Objectifies aesthetics such as beauty and
character - Assumes linearity as a fundamental characteristic
- Opportunistic application of laws
9Advantages of particularism
- Higher rates of some types of creativity
- Customization is valued
- Develops supportive markets for higher quality
goods - Gives expression to personal zeniths
- Closer to nature
- May be more vital
10Disadvantages of particularism
- Mystical or obscurantist v. rational or
scientific - May justify avariciousness
- Is in-group oriented
- Secret, conspiratorial, racist
- Prone to favoritism, special privileges
- In-group stresses have few outlets (violence)
11Universalist-Particularist continua
- Scientific management
- Mass production
- Formal authority
- hierarchies
- Building core competencies
- human relations school
- Customization
- informal trust networks
- getting close to the customer