Title: Geometry Foldable
1Geometry Foldable
- Use this foldable to go with the Euler Points
learned in Chapter 5 - Circumcenter
- Incenter
- Centroid
- Orthocenter
- Make your foldable using one sheet of legal size
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3Circumcenter where the 3 perpendicular
bisectors cross Is the center of a circle that
goes around the outside of a triangle and touches
only the vertices
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5Incenter where the 3 angle bisectors cross Is
the center of a circle that goes inside a
triangle and touches the sides of the triangle at
only one point
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7Centroid the balance point where the 3 medians
of the triangle cross A median goes from the
midpoint of one side to the vertex opposite
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9Orthocenter where the 3 altitudes of the
triangle cross An altitude is measured
perpendicular to a side and going to the vertex
10For a right triangle the circumcenter is always
on the hypotenuse and the orthocenter is always
at the 90º angle. For all triangles the incenter
and centroid are always inside the triangle