Title: Most plastics are made from chemicals obtained from
2Most plastics are made from chemicals obtained
- biogas
- plant material
- crude oil
- natural gas
3Which three materials are all plastics?
- Wool, Nylon and PVC
- Polythene, Formica and PVC
- Cotton, Polystyrene and Bakelite
- Silk, PVC and Nylon
4If a material is described as being biodegradable
it can be
- broken down by bacteria in the soil and rot away.
- softened by heating.
- disposed of by burning.
- easily moulded into different shapes.
5Most burning plastics produce
- sulphur dioxide
- nitrogen dioxide
- hydrogen
- carbon monoxide
6A thermoplastic is a plastic material which
- burns without producing toxic fumes.
- can be broken down by bacteria in the soil.
- can be reshaped on heating.
- does not soften on heating.
7Electrical plugs and sockets are made from
plastics which are
- thermosetting plastics.
- thermoplastic plastics.
- biodegradable plastics.
- made from PVC
8Plastics are made up of long chain molecules
- monomers.
- polymers.
- residues.
- Fractions.
9The process of joining many small molecules
together to make a plastic is called.
- recycling.
- incineration.
- monomerisation
- polymerisation.
10The small molecules which are joined together to
make plastics are called
- plastimers.
- monomers.
- polymers.
- elastomers.
11Recycling of plastics can be difficult because
- most plastics burn.
- plastics are not widely used.
- plastics are non-biodegradable.
- there are many different types of plastic in
common use.