Title: Most plastics are made from chemicals obtained from
Standard Grade Topic 13
2Most plastics are made from chemicals obtained
- Coal.
- Plant material.
- Natural gas.
- Crude oil.
3If a material is described as being biodegradable
it can be
- broken down by bacteria in the soil and rot away.
- softened by heating.
- disposed of by burning.
- easily moulded into different shapes.
4The toxic gas formed when PVC is burned is
- hydrogen cyanide.
- sulphur dioxide.
- hydrogen chloride.
- carbon dioxide.
5A thermoplastic is a plastic material which
- burns without producing toxic fumes.
- can be broken down by bacteria in the soil.
- can be reshaped on heating.
- does not soften on heating.
6Electrical plugs and sockets are made from
plastics which are
- thermosetting plastics.
- thermoplastic plastics.
- biodegradable plastics.
- made from PVC.
7Plastics are made up of long chain molecules
- monomers
- polymers
- residues
- fractions.
8The process of joining many small molecules
together to make a plastic is called.
- Recycling.
- Incineration.
- Monomerisation.
- Polymerisation.
9The small molecules which are joined together to
make plastics are called
- Plastimers.
- Monomers.
- Elastomers.
- Polymers.
10Which monomer is used to make the polymer chain
shown below?
- A
- B
- C
- D.
11What would be formed when three of this monomer
are joined?
- A
- B
- C
- D.