Title: EIC Collaboration Meeting, Hampton University,
1Exclusive Meson Production with EIC
Tanja Horn (JLab) Antje Bruell (JLab) Garth Huber
(University of Regina) Christian Weiss (JLab)
- EIC Collaboration Meeting, Hampton University,
- 19-23 May 2008
- Exclusive processes physics motivation
- Cross section parameterization
- Monte Carlo simulations input for detector
design - L/T separations and the pion form factor
3Exclusive Processes Physics motivation
- Study of high-Q2 exclusive processes essential
part of physics program for ep collider - Reaction mechanism QCD factorization
- Information about GPDs, meson wave functions
(baryon/meson structure)
- Experimental challenge
- Small cross sections, s(mesonN) 1/Q8
- Detection of the recoil nucleon
- Differential measurements in x, Q2, t
- cf. GPD White Paper for NSAC Long-Range Plan,
presented at Rutgers Town Meeting Jan-07
4Exclusive Processes Collider Energies
5Exclusive Processes EIC Potential and Simulations
61H(e,ep)n at EIC Cross Section Parameterization
7MC Simulations
- Rate predictions including simulations of the
detector restrictions - Input for detector design
- Momentum and angular distributions for various
particles - Case studies
- H(e,ep)n
- H(e,ep)p
- H(e,eK) ?
8Exclusive MC Generator
- Exclusive EIC Monte Carlo
- Based on HERMES GMC
- New event generator using standard cernlib
functions - Includes cross section model by Ch. Weiss model
for p production - Can be easily extended to other channels, e.g.
p, K? etc.
- MC agrees with fixed target data from Jlab
91H(e,ep)n Momentum and Angular Distributions
- Kinematically, electrons and pions are separated
Q2gt1 GeV2
- The neutron is the highest energy particle and is
emitted in the direction of the proton beam
101H(e,ep)n Scattered Electron
- Most electrons scatter at angles lt25
- BUT access to the high Q2 region of interest for
GPD studies requires larger electron angles
111H(e,ep)n Scattered Neutron
- Low t neutrons are emitted at very small angles
with respect to the beam line, outside the main
detector acceptance - A separate detector placed tangent to the proton
beam line away from the intersection region is
121H(e,ep)n Scattered Pion
Q2 (GeV2)
P (GeV)
Pion Lab Angle (deg)
Pion Lab Angle (deg)
- The pion cross section is peaked in the direction
of the proton - At larger Q2 pion angles and momenta are smaller
- within the capability of the detector (pp and Q2
are uncorrelated) - provide good missing mass resolution
13Event Topologies
- The most straightforward way to assure
exclusivity of the 1H(e,ep)n reaction is by
detecting the recoil neutron - The neutron acceptance is limited to lt0.27 by a
magnet aperture close to the interaction point
- Alternatively, the neutron can be reconstructed
from missing momentum - Missing mass resolution has to be good enough to
exclude additional pions
14Rates and coverage in different Event Topologies
Assume 100 days, Luminosity10E34
Detect the neutron
Missing mass reconstruction
G ds/dt (ub/GeV2)
G ds/dt (ub/GeV2)
-t (GeV2)
-t (GeV2)
- Neutron acceptance limits the t-coverage
- The missing mass method gives full t-coverage for
Assume dp/p1 (pplt5 GeV)
15- At higher energies, the missing mass resolution
deteriorates, so need to detect the neutron - At lower energies, the missing mass
reconstruction works well, but neutron detection
is more difficult - With Ee5 GeV and Ep 50 GeV can ensure
exclusivity over the full region in (x,-t, Q2)
using a combination of the two methods - Overlap region between the two methods allows for
cross checks
16Systematic uncertainty on the rate estimate
Assume 100 days, Luminosity10E34
- Data rates obtained using two different
approaches are in reasonable agreement - Ch. Weiss Regge model
- T. Horn p empirical parameterization
17Statistical uncertainty in the measurement
Assume 100 days
Luminosity 1031
G ds/dt (ub/GeV2)
- High luminosity is essential to achieve the
experimental goals
181H(e,ep)p Momentum and Angular Distributions
Photon from p decay
- Similar to p, but additional complication due to
photons from p decay
Q2gt1 GeV2
- p decay photon opening angle places a constraint
on the calorimetry
2? opening angle
191H(e,ep)p p Decay Photons
1 ? 35mm / 2m
- Opening angle is small and requires fine
calorimeter granularity - JLab/BigCal 38x38mm, H1 forward calorimeter
35x35mm - High energy photons at large angles can be
detected - At high momentum, charged particles are difficult
to measure
201H(e,eK)? Momentum and Angle Distributions
Assume 100 days, Luminosity10E34
- Kinematics overall similar to the pion case
- Some p- from ? decay might be detected in an
outbending toroidal field
21Rate estimate for K?
- Using an empirical fit to kaon electroproduction
data from DESY and JLab
221H(e,ep)n L/T Separation Experiments
- Pion Form Factor, Fp(Q2)
- Excellent opportunity for studying the QCD
transition from effective degrees of freedom to
quarks and gluons. - i.e. from the strong QCD regime to the hard QCD
regime. - 2. Longitudinal Photon, Transverse Nucleon
Single-Spin Asymmetry, A-p - Especially sensitive to spin-flip GPD which
can only be probed via hard exclusive
pseudoscalar meson production. - 3. QCD and GPD scaling tests
- Scan vs Q2 at fixed xB to test Hard QCD scaling
predictions - sL1/Q6, sT1/Q8
- Scan sL vs xB at fixed Q2 to distinguish pole and
axial contributions in GPD framework.
23Determination of F? via Pion Electroproduction
At low Q2lt0.3 GeV2, the ? form factor can be
measured exactly using high energy ? scattering
from atomic electrons. ? F? determined by the
pion charge radius 0.6570.012 fm.
- To access higher Q2, one must employ the
p(e,e?)n reaction. - the t-channel process dominates ?L at
- small tlt0.02 GeV2.
In the actual analysis, a model incorporating the
? production mechanism and the spectator
nucleon is used to extract F? from ?L.
24L/T separations in exclusive p production
- Cross Section Extraction
- Determine sT e sL for high and low e
- Isolate sL, by varying photon polarization, e
Ee3 GeV Ep5 GeV
Ee5 GeV Ep2 GeV
- L/T separations require sufficiently large ?e to
avoid magnification of the systematic uncertainty
in the separation
- Requires special low energies for at least one e
point and cannot be done with the standard EIC
25Different accelerator mode
- The ability to use 5-15 GeV protons will allow
many high priority L/T-separation experiments
which are otherwise not possible. - The proton accelerator needs a mode where the
injector is not run to its full energy. - This beam is injected into the main proton
accelerator, which is used as a storage ring. - The costs to implement this low energy mode will
be reduced if this flexibility is included at the
planning stage. - Achieving the high luminosity required for this
experiment may not be possible
26Recoil Polarization Technique
- In parallel kinematics can relate sL/sT to recoil
polarization observables
- From R and the simultaneous measurement of s0 one
can obtain sL
- Requires only one epsilon setting
- Polarized proton beam
- Additional model assumptions needed in general if
the reaction is not elastic
27Kinematic Reach (Pion Form Factor)
- Assumptions
- High e 5(e-) on 50(p).
- Low e proton energies as noted.
- ?e0.22.
- Scattered electron detection over 4p.
- Recoil neutrons detected at ?lt0.35o with high
efficiency. - Statistical unc ?sL/sL5
- Systematic unc 6/?e.
- Approximately one year at L1034.
Excellent potential to study the QCD transition
nearly over the whole range from the strong QCD
regime to the hard QCD regime.
28Projected uncertainties for Q-n scaling
EIC Ee5 GeV, Ep50 GeV
- Transition region 5-15 GeV2 well mapped out even
with narrow fixed x and t - careful with detector requirements
- Extend studies to vector mesons
- Resolution studies
- Test additional requirements from e.g. p and K?
- At high energies, calorimeter granularity needs
to be better than 35x35mm - Requirements on magnets, e.g. toroidal fields for
- High Q2 studies of exclusive processes are an
essential part of the physics program for an ep
collider - For beam energy 5 on 50 two methods are available
to ensure exclusivity over the full range in
(x,-t,Q2) - At high energies, need a separate detector
tangent to proton direction to detect the
exclusive final state limited acceptance - At low energies, missing mass reconstruction
works well - Overlap in certain kinematic regions allows for
cross checks between the two methods - High luminosity (10E34) is essential for these
321H(e,ep)n Momentum and Angular Distributions
- Kinematically, electrons and pions are separated
Q2gt1 GeV2
- The neutron is the highest energy particle and is
emitted in the direction of the proton beam
331H(e,ep)p p Decay Photons
6 on 15
Opening Angle (deg)
Opening Angle (deg)
3 on 30
5 on 50
10 on 250
p Lab Angle (deg)
- Separating the p decay photons is getting more
difficult as the energy increases, but recall
that pion momenta are low at high Q2
34Systematic uncertainty on the p rate estimate
- Data rates obtained using two different
approaches are in reasonable agreement - Ch. Weiss sT from Regge model
- T. Horn sT from p empirical parameterization
35Missing Mass Resolution
Assume dp/p0.5
36Longitudinal Photon, Transverse Nucleon
Single-Spin Asymmetry, A-p
where ds is the exclusive p(e,ep)n cross
section using longitudinal photons ß is the angle
between the proton polarization vector and the
reaction plane.
- Measure A-p to access the spin-flip GPD
- Requires a transversely polarized proton beam,
and an L/T-separation. - The asymmetry vanishes in parallel kinematics, so
the p must be detected at ?pqgt0, -t up to 0.2Q2.
A.V.Belitsky, hep-ph/0307256
37QCD Scaling Tests
- To access physics contained in GPDs, one is
limited to the kinematic regime where hard-soft
factorization applies - No single criterion for the applicability, but
tests of necessary conditions can provide
evidence that the Q2 scaling regime (partonic
picture) has been reached
- One of the most stringent tests of factorization
is the Q2 dependence of the p electroproduction
cross section - sL scales to leading order as Q-6
- sT scales as Q-8
- As Q2 becomes large sL gtgt sT
Q2 ?
- Factorization theorems for meson
electroproduction have been proven rigorously
only for longitudinal photons Collins,
Frankfurt, Strikman, 1997
38Low e data from Jlab12?
EIC Ee5 GeV, Ep50 GeV
- L/T separations at EIC will benefit from Jlab12