Enemies to our Faith - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enemies to our Faith


This is the only fight we are called to fight. ... Jesus put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself on the cross of Calvary (Heb 9:26) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Enemies to our Faith

Enemies to our Faith
  • 1Ti 612 Be fighting the good fight of the
    faith take for yourself the life eternal, for
    which you were marked out, and of which you gave
    witness in the eyes of all. 1Ti 612 Stry die
    goeie stryd van die geloof, gryp na die ewige
    lewe, waartoe jy ook geroep is en die goeie
    belydenis voor baie getuies afgelê het.
  • I want you to notice that the Bible says we have
    to 'fight the good fight of the faith'. This is
    the only fight we are called to fight. You never
    fight circumstances sickness sin or even the
  • Our sin deserve the righteous anger of God but
    when Christ died on the cross, He became our
    substitute. He took upon Himself the anger of God
    that we deserved. In this we see the depth of
    God's love for us by the extremity of His actions
    for us The holy Son of God became a man and died
    a horrible death in our place.
  • Ref Isa 534-9 GNB
  • Providing His only begotten Son as the substitute
    for our sin was the greatest possible
    demonstration of God's love for mankind.

  • He is absolutely holy and perfect and can not
    overlook sin, nor can He compromise by accepting
    sinful behavior. In His holiness, God condemns
    sin, but in the most awesome example of love the
    world has ever seen, He ordained that His Son
    would die to pay for our sins.
  • Who can measure the fathomless depth of love that
    sent Christ to the cross? While we were the
    enemies of God, Jesus averted the anger we
    deserved so that we might become the sons of God.
    (Rom 57-10)?
  • Only Jesus could avert God's righteous anger
    against sin, so in love the Father kept silent as
    Jesus hung from the cross. All of His anger, all
    of the wrath we would ever deserve, was poured
    out on Christ, and Jesus became sin for us (2Cor
    521) He defeated Satan, death, hell and the
    grave in His redemptive work on the cross.
  • So no more fighting sin for Jesus put away sin by
    the sacrifice of Himself on the cross of Calvary
    (Heb 926)?
  • No, the only fight the believer is called upon to
    fight is the good fight of faith and brother
    there is a fight to faith ... Understanding there
    is a fight is also understanding that there are
    enemies to faith.
  • Principle A Lack of Faith Comes From a Lack of
    Knowledge of God's Word. (Rom 1017)?

  • Most people confess their lack of faith when
    actually they don't lack faith at all. They are
    only failing to release their faith. We have
    faith if we have the Word we just aren't
    exercising or releasing our faith.
  • If you say I don't know much about the Word, but
    I need faith then there is no quick fix except
    through hard work. You can't get faith any other
    way except through the Word.
  • We do not pray for faith. You will have to take
    time to feed upon the Word of God, and listen and
    learn from the teachers and pastors God gave you,
    then faith and life will come to your spirit
    because Jesus said, '...the words that I speak
    unto you, they are spirit, and they are life'
    (John 663)?
  • A lack of knowledge will be an enemy that will
    hold us in bondage because we cannot act upon
    God's Word beyond our actual understanding of
    God's Word.
  • Principle If your faith is not growing, then
    your understanding of the Word is not growing.
  • ENEMY ONE A Lack of Understanding the New
  • Ref 2 Cor 517

  • Many believers do not know that they are new
    creatures. They think God just forgave them of
    their sins. We are not poor, staggering, sinners
    barely-getting-along church members saved by
  • We are new creatures, created by God in Christ
    Jesus, with the very life and nature of God (2Pet
    14)(2Cor 517) We are children of God, sons of
    God and heirs of God joint-heirs with Jesus
    Christ (Rom 817)?
  • When you know what you have and who you are in
    Christ, it makes all the difference in the world.
  • ENEMY TWO A Lack of Understanding our Position
    in Christ
  • You will find expressions in the epistles such as
    'in Christ', 'in Him' and 'in whom'. Expressions
    such as these occur /- 134 times in the New
    Testament. Some instances the text only infer it
    like the one we find in 1Joh 44 'greater is he
    that is in you, than he that is in the world'
  • Understanding our position 'in Christ' begins
    with the confession of these scriptures in our
    day-to-day life. It is beginning to walk in the
    light of what we had possessed as believers all
    along. It is walking in the fullness of our
    rights and privileges in Christ.

  • Rom 837 'Maar in al hierdie dinge is ons meer
    as oorwinnaars deur Hom wat ons liefgehad het.'
    in all these things we are more than conquerors
  • ENEMY THREE A Lack of Understanding
  • 2Co 521 'For he hath made him to be sin for us,
    who knew no sin that we might be made the
    righteousness of God in him.' The blood of Jesus
    cleanses us from sin and by the new birth we
    become a righteous new creation.
  • God did not make any unrighteous new creatures.
    We are sons and daughters of God and live in
    right standing with God. We can enter in His
    presence without any sense of embarrassment,
    guilt or condemnation. We can come into His
    presence because we belong there.
  • When we were born again, our sins were remitted
    because our past life stopped existing. God said
    that He would not remember our transgressions no
    more (Isa 4325)?
  • Ref Ps 10310-12
  • Since God doesn't remember them, why should we?

  • Someone may say he has sinned since he was born
    again, but I have good news for him. 1Joh 19
    says 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and
    just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
    from all unrighteousness'
  • God does two things for the believer who may have
  • First when the believer confesses his sins, the
    Lord forgives him
  • Second the Bible says that God also cleanses us
    from all unrighteousness.
  • God is not angry at you. All of His anger, all of
    the wrath we would ever deserve, was poured out
    on Christ, and Jesus became sin for us. He became
    our substitute so that we might be made the
    righteousness of God in Him. (2Cor 521)?
  • When we know that we are the righteouness of God
    in Christ, then we step out of the narrow place
    of failure and weakness in which we have lived
    and we step into the boundless fullness of God.
  • ENEMY FOUR We do not Understand the right Use of
    the Name of Jesus. When we know what the Name of
    Jesus will do, we can take our rightful position
    of authority over Satan and enjoy victory.

  • Ref Joh 1623-24
  • Ref Mark 1615-18
  • These signs follow those who believe the gospel.
    These signs are not just for preachers, but they
    are for believers. Every believer has authority
    over demons in the Name of Jesus.
  • In His Name (vers 18) believers will speak in new
    tongues. In His Name believers shall lay hands on
    the sick, and they shall recover.
  • I believe we should learn to use the Name of
    Jesus. We should know that His Name has authority
    and power on the earth today and that His Name
    legally belongs to us. By the new birth we are
    legally connected with that name and everything
    it stand for.
  • ENEMY FIVE A Lack of Understanding about Acting
    on the Word
  • We should stop trying to make God's Word work and
    start acting on the Word. Pro 35 'Trust in the
    LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto
    thine own understanding.'
  • All that is necessary for you to do in any
    situation is ask 'what does God's Word have to
    say about this?'

  • If we know that the Word is true and if we act as
    though it is true, it becomes a reality in our
  • P C Nelson a assistent chaplain during the Korean
    war made the following observation about acting
    on faith. He explained how he saw the United
    States took one mountain fourteen different times
    in one battle and each time losing it. They lost
    it thirteen times and the fourteenth time they
    held onto it. It's the same way with faith he
    said. You need to fight to hold on to your faith.
  • It is a battle to act in a certain way
    (accourding to the Word) and feeling diverently,
    seeing diverent results and having diverent
    circumstances. Still we need to fight it through.
    This we can only do if we act on the Word as if
    we believed that the Word is true.
  • ENEMY SIX We Need to Hold Fast to Our Confession
    of Faith
  • Principle Believing Plus Confessing Equals
    Activated Faith.
  • Heb 1023 'Let us hold fast the profession of our
    faith without wavering (for he is faithful that
    promised)' (Rom 1010) (Mark 1123)?
  • Faith is measured by our confession. Our
    usefulness in the Lord is measured by our
    confession. Mark 1123 'We become what we

  • There is a confession of our hearts and a
    confession of our lips and when these two
    harmonize, we become mighty in our prayer life.
  • The reason so many are defeated is that they have
    a negative confession. They talk of their
    weaknesses and failures and invariably they go
    down to the level of their confession.
  • Mar 528 'For she said, If I may touch but his
    clothes, I shall be whole.' Mar 534 'And he said
    unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee
    whole go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.'
  • What she said (Mar 528) was her faith speaking.
    Her faith moved her beyond her comfort into her
    possesing of the promise of healing.
  • We spend time on six enemies to our faith and by
    recognizing these enemies to our faith and by the
    renewing of our minds with the word we will cause
    our faith to grow and increase.
  • Every believer can see the promises of God come
    to pass in his life if he will take time to feed
    upon the Word of God, to get understanding on who
    he is in Christ and what he has in Christ and act
    like God's Word is true!
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