1Geographic Information System Weather Data
Management And Manipulation RDBMS
Ashley Abare Advisor Ed Harcourt
q 'INSERT INTO ' . table . ' VALUES (' for
(i 0 i ! array_size i) if (i
0 ) q . info_arrayi
else // MUST USE . !!!!!
q . ", " . info_arrayi q . ')'
The Integrated Science Education
Initiative ISEI program maintains three weather
stations that collect meteorological data and
transmit it to St. Lawrence University every
fifteen minutes. The stations are placed in
three distinct environments around Canton, NY
one in an open field near the ESL House 68, one
in a wooded environment on the Little River
Nature Area woods and the other approximately 5
miles south of campus on Waterman Hill
waterman. - http//www.stlawu.edu/isei/rtwd.htm
An example of the PHP code
An example MySQL command and corresponding table
mysqlgt SELECT FROM watermanh ---------------
----------------------- TIMESTAMPÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Record BP_mb AirTC_AVG RH WS_kph_AVG
2007-04-09 125602 Â Â Â Â 33 Â Â Â Â 2
        3  4          5
----------------------------------------- WS_kp
h_S_WVT WindDir_D1_WVT WindDir_SD1_WVT
WS_kph_MAX ----------------------------------
------- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 6 Â
       7 8
 9 ----------------------
----------------------- ------------------------
WS_kph_Time_MAX Rain_mm_TOT VW
----------- 041301Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
     11 12            13
     14       15
Collected data is transmitted to the LoggerNet
"TOA5","waterman","","","","","","Hourly" "TIMESTA
,"","","","","","","","","","","","" "2006-03-06
5,"2006-03-06 145540.375",0,0.511,501.2,-11.89,-
3.616 "2006-03-06 160000",1,991,-1.02,42.6,9.01,
152140.375",0,0.511,399.3,-12.23,-4.055 "2006-03
-06 170000",2,992,-1.321,50.58,7.109,7.109,16.05
,73.23,16.09,"2006-03-06 164935.375",0,0.51,206.
A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
is used to better manage the data.
Conclusion Administrators and everyday
users will benefit from this new relational
database since it will improve the visibility and
increase the accessibility of data through the
use of tables which can be merged, updated, and
archived much better than the previous primitive
system which had to be updated manually. In
the future, a website can be generated with the
MySQL database information using PHP, MySQL, and
html. I have written and included a manual to
assist in the use of the MySQL database and some
general code for a printer-friendly style sheet
(CSS). I have also trained the current systems
manager in basic MySQL commands.
RDBMS - A database management system (DBMS) with
the ability to access data organized in tabular
files that can be related to each other by a
common field. An RDBMS has the capability to
recombine the data items from different files,
providing powerful tools for data usage. -
LoggerNet runs a batch file. The batch file
executes a PHP file. The PHP file automatically
populates the MySQL database.
Ashley M Abare