Title: David Dunlap Observatory
1David Dunlap Observatory
Slavek Rucinski Dept. Astronomy
Astrophysics University of Toronto
2History of DDO (1)
- The 74 inch (1.88m) telescope, made in 1933 DDO
dedicated on May 31, 1935. - Classical Cassegrain design concave primary,
convex secondary. - Largest in Canada (next in size, DAO Victoria, 72
3History of DDO (2)
- Clarence Augustus Chant (1865-1956), the first
DDO Director. - Chant gave a lecture in 1921, David Dunlap in the
audience. DD dies in 1924, but his widow Jessie
allocates funds in 1926. - Site selection 1930, purchase of land (180
acres), the telescope the admin building for
the total cost C200k.
4History of DDO (3)
- Variable stars in globular clusters (Helen S.
Hogg). - Radial velocity studies of binary stars (1st
known stellar black hole, Cyg X-1). - Radio-astronomy program (46m dish in Algonquin in
1960). - Small telescopes (0.5m, 0.6m, 0.6m at Las
Campanas (1971-1997). - Planetoids named in relation to DDO/DAA (Chant,
Fernie, Heard, Inannen, Martinduncan, Northcott,
Sawyer-Hogg, Shelton, Tremaine, van den Bergh,
- Richmond Hill, access from Bayview Ave., N of
16th Ave. - 123 Hillsview Drive
6Aerial view
7Light pollution how serious?
- 1, 2 HgI 4047, HgI 4358
- 3, 4, 5 NaI 4665,4669, NaI 4748,4752, NaI
4978,4983 (HPS) - 7 NaI 5149,5153 (HPS)
- 8 HgI 5461
- 9 OI 5577 airglow
- 10 NaI 5683,5688 (HPS,LPS)
- 11 NaI 5890,5896 (HPS), wings extend 5500A -
6500A with self-absorption - 12 NaI 6154,6161 (HPS,LPS)
- 13 OI 6300 airglow
V-band 17.0-17.5 mag per arcsec2
8Weather - cloudiness
- Summer months better, but more haze.
- Winter nights usually cloudy, but sometimes
crispy clear (and long).
- Statistics for the years 1999 2004 (July-June)
- Year Nights Hours
- 1999 151/294 51 888 26
- 2000 168/315 53 986 28
- 2001 198/332 60 1121 32
- 210/332 63 1317 38
- 186/315 59 1090 32
- (Max 3459 hours 100 efficiency)
101.88m telescope seeing
- Median seeing (FWHM) 1.7 arcsec, but large values
(gt3 to 5 arcsec) happen. - Best images are about 1.0 arcsec in size, so this
is the quality of the main mirror of the
111.88m Cassegrain
Cassegrain 1672
Gregory 1663
12The grating spectrographs
- The 1.88m Cassegrain telescope has two
spectrographs - The Cassegrain medium res. (R 700 12,000),
- The Echelle high res. sp. (R 50,000).
13Cass spectro
All reflective optics (except the corrective
plate). The blazed diffraction gratings (several
to select 100 1,800 lines/mm).
14Blazed diffraction gratings
15Stellar spectra
- The 2-D images are analyzed using IRAF (in UNIX)
- Image trace (2D-gt1D) background subtraction,
wavelength calibration, rectification. -
16Possible programs
- Radial velocity measurements of stars.
- Stellar atmosphere studies
- - Atmosphere parameters (densities, pressure,
temperature) - - Abundances.
- Interstellar matter.
17Radial velocities
- Doppler shift ??/? v/c (?ln ? v/c)
- Space velocities of stars galactic kinematics
dynamics - Pulsating stars radial and non-radial
pulsations. - Binary stars the only method to determine masses
- Rotating stars line broadening, surface features.
18Broadening Function and Cross Correlation
Function (1)
q 0.091
19BF and CCF (2)
The convolution reduces the amplitude, so that
the spectral signal (per pixel) is relatively
weaker for a given noise level. Hence a poorer
20BF and CCF (3)
The goal is to obtain the BF. The CCF is a poor
substitute of the BF.
21BF and CCF (4)
Observed spectrum P ( convolution of the sharp
line spectrum S with a broadening function
B) P(x) ? B(u) S(x-u) du Computed CCF from
the observed P S C(z) ? P(x) S(xz) dx
? ? B(u) S(x-u) S(xz) du dx ? B(u) It is not a
surprise that C is a poor substitute of B CCF
is sensitive to the intrinsic broadening of lines
or insufficient resolution. (e.g, the well known
need to extricate the hydrogen lines).
22BF and CCF (5)
We express the convolution (of the sharp line
spectrum S with the broadening function B) P(x)
? B(u) S(x-u) du A set of over-determined
linear equations, to be solveed using any LSQ
method (SVD is preferable). Typically P and S
(used to construct Des) have dimension N
1000-2000 pixels. B has dimension M 100-200
23DDO program
- DDO1 to 10 published in AJ (1999-2005), each
with 10 RV orbits. - DDO11 in preparation 100 orbits (a few
additional publications, e.g., W Ser) - DDO7, an explanatory paper with a discussion of
uncertainties. - Participants
- R.M.Blake, C.C.Capobianco, G.Conidis, H.DeBond,
K.Gazeas, P.Ligeza, W.Lu, S.W.Mochnacki,
W.Ogloza, T.Pribulla, W.Pych, P.Rogoziecki,
S.M.Rucinski, G.Stachowski, J.R.Thomson
2410 papers
- DDO papers 1 to 10, each contains 10 RV orbits.
- DDO11 in preparation.
25SX Crv
The smallest mass-ratio known q0.066 ? 0.002.
This information cannot be derived from the light
26SW Lac
A well known W-type system q0.776 ? 0.012.
?T/T 5. The temperature excess can be
determined to ? 1.
27TU UMi
A triple system probably intractable without the
BF technique. Individual BFs as vertical cuts in
a 2-D figure.
28Contact binaries in triple systems
We see a very high percentage of triple systems.
A new investigation of all available evidences
of triple multiple components of contact
binaries (Pribulla Rucinski 2005). Percentage
of triples/multiples, the lower limit 56 to
68. This is high as we are blind to some types
of companions (WDs, etc.) Preferential origin in
- Magnitude limits
- Cassegrain spectrograph
- 11 mag 0.15A/pix (2160 l/mm)
- 15 mag 3.7A/pix (100 l/mm)
- Echelle
- 6 mag (0.05 A/pix)
30Time allocation
- Faculty, graduate students and senior
under-graduate students, visitors. - The schedule is prepared ½ month in advance on
the basis of Web based application form. - Observers must be present during the observations.
31Information contacts
- www.astro.utoronto.ca/DDO/
- rucinski_at_astro.utoronto.ca