Title: Teach with Technology: Designing Instruction
1Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Melissa J. Miszkiewicz Director, Academic
Computing and Technical Services - Buffalo State College Buffalo, NY, USA
- 23.04.2007.
- Technology is a tool that can aid teaching.
- How you use technology, how you ask your students
to use and apply technology, is up to you. - How do you design instruction?
3Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- What are some of the things you consider when
designing a course? - Audience requisite knowledge?
- Type of knowledge course is intended to impart?
(rote knowledge, problem solving skills,
information seeking, application of a motor
skill?) - Desired outcome(s)?
- Methods by which you will evaluate progress,
learning, mastery?
4Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- It is in considering these items that you begin
the process of designing instruction. - It is during the design process that you may
consider technology.
5Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- A little information about the Instructional
Design Field - Behaviorism
- Constructivism
- Rapid Prototyping
6Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- A little information on learner characteristics
- Howard Gardner
- http//pzweb.harvard.edu/PIs/HG.htm
- http//pss.uvm.edu/pss162/learning_styles.html
- http//www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm
- Malcolm Knowles
- http//www.nl.edu/academics/cas/ace/resources/malc
7Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Learner Characteristics
- Controlled for, to a some degree, by your
admissions criteria - Still, some variances (e.g. verbal vs. visual,
adult vs. teen,etc.) will appear - In some cases, technology can help you appeal to
multiple learner characteristics - More on learning theory
- http//tip.psychology.org/theories.html
- http//www.vark-learn.com/english/index.asp
8Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- What if you dont know where to start? (HO)
- Lets look at some ready-made resources
- http//www.merlot.org
- http//www.healcentral.org
9Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Web 2.0
- Web 2.0 zeitgeist is that we do not have to
create our own technology. Its there waiting for
us to use it!
10Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Blogs
- Your students can keep blogs (web journals)
- https//www2.blogger.com/start
- You can assign blogs for students to read
(expert bloggers) - http//chronicle.com/wiredcampus/
- http//www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archive
s/F/ucsb057.html - http//engineering.curiouscatblog.net/2006/07/12/g
oogle-tech-talks/ - http//media.ucsc.edu/blog/
11Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- RSS Feeds
- Some built in to browsers
- Google desktop
- http//www.bloglines.com
- iTunes and iTunesU
- http//itunes.stanford.edu/
- Podcasts
12Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Web 2.0 and Collaboration
- Want to share?
- http//www.flickr.com
- http//www.del.icio.us/
- http//www.scrapblog.com/
- Need a spreadsheet that everyone can use?
- http//numsum.com/ http//www.google.com/google-d-
s/intl/en/tour1.html - Need a Word Processor?
- http//mashable.com/2005/09/21/writely-the-web-20-
13Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Trouble citing sources in your research paper?
- http//scholarword.com/
- http//www.editgrid.com/home
- Need file space?
- http//www.pando.com/ (be careful)
- http//www.openomy.com/
14Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Wikis
- Faculty memer at BSC uses this to teach folklore.
- Many businesses using them to create and share
documentation. - In-context correspondence, not linear.
- http//www.pmwiki.org/
15Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- Open Office
- http//www.openoffice.org/
- http//www.goffice.com/
- Want your students to create Web pages
- http//www.nvu.com/index.php
- Slide Editor (PPT)
- http//meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/
16Teach with Technology Designing Instruction
- More Resources
- http//www.aypwip.org/webnote/
- http//www.thinkfree.com/common/main.tfo
- http//www2.meebo.com/index-en.html
- http//www.zimbra.com/index.html
- www.bloglines.com
- http//www.google.com/ig?sourcegeaw
17Teach with Technology Designing Instruction