Parent Involvement and IDEA 2004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Parent Involvement and IDEA 2004


Create and preserve constructive relationships between parents and schools ... B. Elbaum, W. Fisher, A. Coulter. National Accountability Conference. September 2006 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Parent Involvement and IDEA 2004

Parent Involvement and IDEA 2004
  • Washington State Performance Plan
  • Performance Indicator B8

What is parent involvement?
NCLB 2001, Title I Definition of Parent
  • The statute defines parental involvement as the
    participation of parents in regular, two-way, and
    meaningful communication involving student
    academic learning and other school activities.

IDEA 2004 Support for parent training and
information activities is intended to
  • Create and preserve constructive relationships
    between parents and schools
  • Ensure parent involvement in planning and
    decision making
  • Assist parents to develop skills they need to
    participate effectively in the education and
    development of their children
  • Support parents as participants within
  • Help overcome economic, cultural, and linguistic
    barriers to full parent participation

Parent Involvement and State Accountability
  • Under IDEA 2004, State Educational Agencies are
    responsible for reporting to OSEP (the U.S.
    Department of Educations Office of Special
    Education Programs) on parent involvement.

Ongoing accountability
  • Performance Indicators
  • Washington State Performance Plan
  • Annual Performance Report
  • Focused Monitoring

Performance Indicators
  • Part B programs (3-21) must report on 20
    performance indicators.
  • The indicators focus not only on procedural
    compliance but on results.

State Performance Plan
  • 6-year plan describing
  • How the State will collect data addressing each
    performance indicator
  • Baseline data-how the state was doing at the
    beginning of the plan period
  • Targets-where the State wants to be in 6 years
  • Improvement strategies-activities designed to
    meet or exceed targets

Annual Performance Report
  • Must be submitted to OSEP by February 1st
  • Results must be reported publicly
  • Results must be reported
  • For the State as a whole
  • For each school district in the State

Focused Monitoring
  • A process that purposefully selects priority
    areas to examine for compliance and results,
    while not specifically examining other areas for
    compliance, to
  • Maximize resources
  • Emphasize important variables, and
  • Increase the probability of improved results

Focused Monitoring Framework
Example of Part B Compliance Indicator (B12)
  • Percent of children referred by Part C (Infant
    Toddler Early Intervention Program) prior to age
    three (3), who are found eligible for Part B, and
    who have an IEP developed and implemented by
    their third birthdays.

Example of Part B Results Indicator (B1)
  • Percent of youth with individualized education
    programs (IEPs) graduating from high school with
    a regular diploma compared to percent of all
    youth in the State graduating with a regular

What it comes down to is
  • What gets counted, counts!

Part B Indicator 8
  • Percent of parents with a child receiving special
    education services who report that schools
    facilitated parent involvement as a means of
    improving service and results for children with

Independent evaluator
  • On behalf of the Washington State Office of the
    Superintendent of Public Instruction, Avatar
    International, Inc. disseminates parent surveys
    to all parents of special education students
    currently enrolled in districts that participated
    in program review activities during the school

NCSEAM Parent Survey
  • A reliable tool, developed by the National Center
    for Special Education Accountability Monitoring
  • The results of the survey are being used as part
    of the States federal accountability and are
    included in the Annual Performance Report

What is being measured?
  • The School Age Survey looks at the Schools
    Efforts to Partner with Parents
  • The Preschool Survey looks at the Preschools
    Partnership Efforts and Quality of Services

Part B School Partnership Efforts
  • S offers parents training about special education
  • S gives parents help to play an active role in
    child's education
  • I was given information about organizations that
    offer information and training for parents
  • I have been asked for my opinion about services
  • The school provides information on agencies for
  • S gives me choices with regard to services
  • S communicates regularly with me regarding my
    child's progress
  • Teachers and administrators seek out parent input
  • TA ensure that I have fully understood the
    Procedural Safeguards
  • I am considered an equal partner with teachers
    and professionals
  • All of my concerns and recommendations were
    documented on the IEP
  • TA show sensitivity to the needs of students
    with disabilities
  • S offers parents different ways to communicate
    with teachers
  • We discussed accommodations and modifications for
    my child
  • T treat me as a team member
  • TA respect my culture and language
  • Written information I receive is written in an
    understandable way
  • T are available to speak with me
  • Information is provided to me in a language I

Measurement Parameters
  • Item Calibrations
  • Survey data are analyzed through a measurement
  • The results indicate the relative position of
    each item on the NCSEAM measurement ruler
  • An items position on the measurement ruler is
    the items calibration
  • For example
  • Each parents answers to the survey questions are
    measured on the NCSEAM scale-think of the scale
    as a ruler and each parent gives a score from 200
    to 800 (how the parents rate their schools
    partnership efforts)

Measurement Parameters (continued)
  • Obtaining State-level Measure
  • Survey data are analyzed through the measurement
  • The results show the relative position of each
    respondent (parent) on the measurement ruler
  • The mean (average) of all the individual measures
    constitutes the States measure on the
    performance indicator B8

Calculation of the States percent on the
performance indicator
  • An analogy
  • Same logic as percent of fourth graders reading
    at grade level.
  • The reading test on which this determination is
    based yields a range of scores.
  • A decision is made as to what score is needed in
    order to say that a student is reading at the
    fourth grade level.
  • We report the percentage of students who score at
    or above the criterion score.

Calculation of the States percent on the
performance indicator cont.
  • The distribution of measures of all parents who
    responded to the survey were examined.
  • The standard that the State adopted is
  • The percent the State reports to OSEP is the
    percent of parents with measures at or above the
    standard (600)

Criterion item (the standard) for Part B
  • The school explains what options parents have if
    they disagree with a decision of the school.

800 .
. .
. .
. . 700
. .
. . .
. .
. .
. 600 .
. .
. .
. . .
. .
500 . .
. .
. .
. .
. . 400
. .
. .
. . .
. 300 .
. .
. .
. .
. . .
200 .
  • The school explains what options parents have
    if they disagree with a decision of the school.

Slide from NCSEAM Presentation September 2006
State Performance Plan Targets
Washington Parent Survey Results
  • Measurement Formula for Indicator B8
  • Percent (of respondent parents who report
    schools facilitated parent involvement as a means
    of improving services and results for children
    with disabilities) divided by the (total of
    respondent parents of children with
    disabilities) times 100

Parent Survey Results (continued)
  • Applied
  • FFY 2005 (619) divided by (2,578) times 100
    24 (weighted mean percentage of Washington
    parents with measures at or above the standard
  • FFY 2006 (397) divided by (1,654) times 100
    24 (weighted mean percentage of Washington
    parents with measures at or above the standard

For Federal Fiscal Year 2005
For Federal Fiscal Year 2006
Comparison of Results to TargetParent Survey for
FFY 2006
Target Setting/Adjustments
  • The NCSEAM Improvement Calculator is a computer
    application that was developed as a tool for
    states to use in conjunction with the NCSEAM
    Parent Survey, to set and adjust targets for
  • The use of the NCSEAM Improvement Calculator
    helps ensure that targets are set that represent
    real improvement, not just random variation owing
    to sampling and measurement error.
  • Change in percentage representing real change
    1.87 for Washington State

Sample Using Java Runtime Environment Improvement
Improvement Initiatives FFY 2007
  • Acquire Translated Parent Surveys-Research and
    adopt translated parent surveys in Spanish,
    Cambodian, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese.
  • Enhancing Family/Educator Partnerships(WEA)
  • There are two primary project goals, one of
    which is to develop and implement a plan to
    systemically address the needs of underserved
    populations including families that are
    culturally, linguistically, economically and
    geographically diverse.

Improvement Initiatives FFY 2007 (continued)
  • Washington Sensory Disabilities Services
  • This project will
  • a. assist local education communities and
    families develop quality education programs for
    all children and youth with sensory disabilities
    through shared expertise, trainings, and
    partnerships and
  • b. specifically increase family members
    ability to understand the impact of vision
    impairment and participate in the planning,
    development, and implementation of their childs
    intervention and

  • The NCSEAM Parent/Family Survey Interpreting
    Results and Setting Meaningful Performance
    Targets. B. Elbaum, W. Fisher, A. Coulter.
    National Accountability Conference. September
  • Parent Involvement Whos Accountable? Who
    Benefits? Batya Elbaum, Ph.D. University of
    Miami. June 2006
  • National Center for Special Education
    Accountability Monitoring www.monitoringcenter.lsu
  • Michigan State Department of Education Parent
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