Surrogate Parent Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Surrogate Parent Training


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Surrogate Parent Training

(No Transcript)
Surrogate Parent TrainingGet in The Game
  • Miami-Dade County Public Schools
  • Division of Special Education
  • Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources

Updated July 2013
Welcome To The Surrogate Parent Program
It TakesYou
  • How did you get here?
  • Name
  • How did you hear about the Surrogate Parent
  • Yes I am ready to serve! (activity/cheering)

  • Introduction to the surrogate parent program
  • Overview of exceptionalities
  • ESE in Florida
  • ESE evaluation, identification, and eligibility
    and the provision of a free appropriate public
  • Impact of xxxxxs
  • IEP process
  • Procedural Safeguards
  • Confidentiality of student records (including the
    provisions of the Family Educational Rights and
    Privacy Act)
  • Information and assistance available to surrogate

  • It is a curious reality that societys most
    vulnerable youth, those who have suffered abuse
    or neglect and have never known consistent,
    permanent, nurturing adult relationships, are
    asked to be self sufficient at a time when other
    youth are still receiving parental support in
    college or are experimenting with their first
    jobs from within the safe confines of a family.
  • Wendy Whiting Blome

Volunteer Program
  • No compensation. Gratification through duty call
    to serve.

  • A drivers license or appropriate photo
    identification card
  • Wait until they receive notice from the school to
    begin services
  • Complete the registration and background check
  • Report any criminal proceedings, including those,
    which may occur after a background check , to
    school authorities immediately

  • Must sign in and out at a designated location I
  • Serve as a positive role model. MUST ALWAYS use
    appropriate language discuss age (6)
  • MUJST keep CONFIDENTIAL any information about a
    student or any school-related incident. If there
    a a safety concern or an emergency issue, it must
    immediately be communicated to someone in

Definition of Parent
  • A natural, adoptive, or foster parent of child
    (unless a foster parent is prohibited by State
    law from serving as a parent) or

Definition of Parent
  • A guardian (but not the state if the child is a
    ward of the state)

Definition of Parent
  • An individual acting in the place of a natural or
    adoptive parent (including a grandparent,
    stepparent, or other relative) with whom the
    child lives, or an individual who is legally
    responsible for the childs welfare or

Definition of Parent
  • An individual assigned to be a surrogate parent.

  • All of us in Child Welfare, including Judges,
    need to realize that if education is important
    and valued for our children at home, it is more
    important for our children in careIf we expect
    them to be productive members of society we need
    to partner together and share responsibility for
    giving them the right tools to do so. Family
    Court Judge

What Exactly Is a Surrogate Parent?
Surrogate Parent
  • A person who acts in the interests of an
    exceptional student in the ESE process, and

A hero!
Surrogate Parent
  • Someone appointed to act in the place of a parent
    in safeguarding a childs rights in the special
    education decision-making process

When Is A Surrogate Parent Needed?
  1. After diligent inquiry the parent is unknown or
    cannot be located (including unaccompanied
    homeless children) or
  2. The child is a ward of the state or the court
    (such as children who live in group foster care
    youth in juvenile justice facilities) and
  3. When the child is an exceptional student or is
    suspected of being an exceptional student.

What Qualifications Must a Potential Surrogate
Parent Have?
Minimum Qualifications
  • A surrogate parent must
  • be a U.S. Citizen and a resident of Florida and
    above the age of 18
  • be a non-employee of the school board or other
    public agency involved in the care or education
    of the child

Minimum Qualifications
  • Have the knowledge, skills and experience after
    successfully completing training to ensure
    adequate representation of the child and
  • have no interest that conflicts with the best
    interests of the child
  • Clearance through M-DCPS
  • NOTE
  • DCF workers and representatives from the Juvenile
    Justice system may NOT sign as a parent for
    educational purposes. A surrogate parent may not
    be an employee of any agency involved in the care
    or education of the child.

  • Youth living in our foster care system have the
    potential to triumph over difficult childhoods
    and become the community leaders of our future.
    They may invent the next Microsoft in someones
    garage, find the cure for a terminal disease, or
    serve In the highest courts in our land- but non
    of this will be possible if they are at risk for
    educational failure. Youth in foster care
    deserve the best start in life that we can
    provide . To do less would be to turn our backs
    on the future and the young people who ask only
    for a chance to achieve their potential. Miriam

What Are the Responsibilities and Limitations of
a Surrogate Parent?
Impact of abuse/neglect to learn
  • Academics
  • Higher rates of absenteeism
  • Higher rates of diciplinary referrals
  • Perform below grade level
  • More that ½ retained at least one year
  • Perform significantly lower on standard
    achievement tests like FACT, specifically reading
    and math
  • Higher rates of depression
  • Low scores in adaptive functioning assessments

  • It is assumed that the responsibility for
    changing the unacceptably low educational
    performance of these students is a shared one.

  • Excess number of studies report that groups
    responsible for supporting these children do not
    work in unified ways.

  • How can you Help Us If You dont Know Who We
  • How can you help? You may ask, easy for some
    and for others a harder task. There are so many
    ways to start. But first you can help by helping
    straight from the heart. How can you help when
    you dont know my needs? How can you help when
    you don't know me? Too many papers that seem like
    a foreign language Fro Free Money for School
    for a FAFSA application in exchange with. But
    once again how can I complete an application if
    it seems like a whole new language? Sometimes
    you need a guiding light to see the dark path
    ahead. But whit if you walk in blinded with no
    helping had? So many foster youth wan a higher
    education and a future worth looking forward to.
    But the sad part is not making it because youre
    not aware that an application deadline is due.
    Im not asking for sympathy or all your time.
    Just an interpreter there before I sign the
    dotted line. But to the first questions
    mentionedHow can you help me? With support
    toward a successful future that is meant to be
  • By Tramisha Poindexter, Youth from Foster Care

  • Represents the child in all matters relating to
    the identification, evaluation, and placement of
    the child in the special education (SPED)
    program and
  • Participate in the ESE process
  • Give consent for ESE services (or refuse to give
  • Make sure the students education needs are met

  • Represents the child in all matters relating to
    the provision of a free appropriate public
    education (FAPE).
  • Make sure the students rights are protected

  • A surrogate parent
  • Shall NOT extend to the care, maintenance,
    custody, residential placement, or any other area
    not specifically related to the education of the
    child, or to the identification or evaluation of
    the child that does not relate specifically to
    special education.

What Rights Does a Surrogate Parent Have?
Surrogate Parents Rights
  • Same as a natural parent (for educational
    purposes only) including the right to
  • Receive notice of meetings
  • Give or deny consent for evaluation,
    reevaluation, initial placement

Surrogate Parents Rights
  • Request IEP meetings, teacher conferences, due
    process hearings
  • Inspect and review the students records and
    having someone at the school explain any item in
    the records

What Liabilities Might a Surrogate Parent Face?
Surrogate Parents Liabilities
  • A person appointed as a surrogate parent shall
    NOT be held liable for actions taken in good
    faith on behalf of the child in protecting the
    special education rights of the child.
  • (Rule 6A-6.0333, F.A.C., Surrogate Parents)

When Is a Surrogate Parents Job Finished?
Completion of Assignment
  • At some point in time, the child may no longer
    need a surrogate parent or other circumstances
    may arise that require termination of the
    surrogate parent assignment.

Completion of Assignment
  • Rule 6A-6.0333(a)(b), F.A.C., Surrogate Parents
    identifies these circumstances
  • The child is no longer eligible or in need of
    special programs
  • The legal guardian or parent is able to carry out
    their role
  • The parent becomes known or their whereabouts are

Completion of Assignment
  • The surrogate parent no longer wishes (or is
    unable) to represent the child
  • The superintendentdetermines that representation
    is inadequate
  • The child moves to a geographical location that
    is not reasonably accessible to the surrogate

IDEA 2004
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • The nations special education law that requires
    states to provide a free appropriate public
    education to children with disabilities

What is ESE orSpecial Education?
Special Education
  • In Florida, special education is called
    exceptional student education (ESE).
  • ESE includes specially designed instruction,
    materials, and services provided to a student
    with special learning needs to help the student
    make progress in school

Examples of ESE Services
  • Special teaching methods and materials
  • Specially trained teachers
  • Assistive technology
  • Accommodations
  • Modifications
  • Behavior Plan
  • Speech, OT, PT
  • Special transportation

Special Education
  • To receive SPED services, a student must meet the
    eligibility criteria for one of the following
    program areas
  • Mentally Handicapped, Speech and Language
    Impaired, Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, Visually
    Impaired, Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities,
    Specific Learning Disabilities, Physically
    Impaired, Other Health Impaired, Homebound or
    Hospitalized, Dual Sensory Impaired, Autism
    Spectrum Disorder, Developmentally Delayed (ages
    2 to 5), and Gifted

Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
  • A heterogeneous group of psychological processing
    disorders manifest by significant difficulties in
    the acquisition and use of language, reading,
    writing, or mathematics

Intellectual Disabilities (ID)
  • A student who is mildly impaired in intellectual
    and adaptive behavior and whose development
    reflects a reduced rate of learning.
  • A student who is moderately or severely impaired
    in intellectual and adaptive behavior and whose
    development reflects a reduced rate of learning.
  • Intellectual and adaptive behavior and whose
    development reflects a reduced rate of learning.

Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (EBD)
  • Students who have difficulty accessing their
    education in the general educational setting due
    to their emotional and behavior difficulties

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Includes
  • Autistic Disorder
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Other related pervasive developmental delays

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • An uneven developmental profile across the
    domains of language, social interaction, adaptive
    behavior, and/or cognitive skills
  • Impairment in social interaction evidence by
    delayed, absent, or atypical ability to relate to
    people or the environment
  • Impairment in verbal and/or nonverbal language or
    social communication skills
  • Restricted repetitive and/or sterotyped patterns
    of behavior, interests, or activities

Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH)
  • Hearing loss must interfere with progress in
    developmental skills or academic performance,
    social-emotional development, or
    linguistic/communicative skills
  • Performance in the educational environment must
    be adversely affected

Developmentally Delayed
  • Delay in one or more of the following areas
  • Adaptive or self help development cognitive
    development communication development social or
    emotional development or physical development
    including fine or gross or perceptual motor, in
    children ages birth through five (5) years of

  • A student who has a medically diagnosed physical
    or psychiatric condition which is acute or
    catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness or a
    repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting
    medical problem, which confines the student to
    home or hospital and restricts activities for an
    extended period of time

Visually Impaired
  • Disorders in the structure and function of the
    eye that, even with the best correction and
    treatment, interfere with learning.

Orthopedic Impairment
  • Areas affected include ambulation, hand
    movements, coordination, or daily living skills

Speech/Language Impaired
  • Disorders of language, articulation, fluency, or
    voice which interfere with communication,
    pre-academic or academic learning, vocational
    training, or social adjustment.

Health Impairment (OHI)
  • References ADD, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, and
    acquired brain injury
  • Includes anoxia due to trauma (near drowning)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • An acquired injury to the brain caused by an
    external physical force, resulting in total or
    partial functional disability or psychological
    impairment, or both, that adversely affects a
    child's educational performance

Dual Sensory Impaired
  • Impairments affecting both vision and hearing,
    the combination of which causes a serious
    impairment in the abilities to acquire
    information, communicate, or function within the
    environment, or who has a degenerative condition
    which will lead to such an impairment

Whats the Referral Process?
Frequently Asked Questions
  • A Parent Guide Requesting Assistance For My
    Child Who May Need Special Services

What is Rti?
  • Response to Intervention
  • Information brochure for parents

Insert RtI training pieces
Participation in the General Curriculum
  • General Ed as much as possible

Yearly Development of New IEP
  • At least once every 12 months
  • Services can only be changed during an IEP
  • Parents must be invited to participate in
    decisions and given notice of any changes

  • To find out how a students needs have changed
    over time
  • Student must be re-evaluated at least once every
    three year unless the parent and the school
    district agree otherwise

Surrogate parents have the same rights in the ESE
process as parents have.
Procedural Safeguards/Rights
  • Received informed written notice
  • Participate in planning and decision-making
  • Give or refuse to give consent

Educational Records
  • Look at or get a copy of the childs educational
  • Ask for changes to be made in the childs
    educational records, when appropriate

Formal Conflict Resolution
  • Mediation
  • Formal written complaint to DOE
  • Due process hearing

  • Mediator helps the parent and the school district
    come to an agreement that satisfies both parties.

Formal Written Complaint to DOE
  • Parent submits complaint to DOE
  • About possible violation of IDEA or other law
    related to ESE
  • DOE decides on corrective actions

Due Process Hearing
  • Hearing before administrative law judge (ALJ)
  • About ESE identification, evaluation, placement,
    or services (FAPE)
  • Parities present evidence
  • Often involves attorneys
  • Judge decides on corrective actions

Special Education Terminology
  • Individual Educational Plan
  • A written plan that describes the individual
    learning needs of a student with disabilities and
    the special education services, supports, aids,
    and accommodations and modification that will be
    provided to the student

  • Local Education Agency Representative
  • School board employee who is
  • Familiar with the provisions of special education
    and related services that may be considered for a
    student with a disability
  • Familiar with where the special education and
    related service can be provided, if they cannot
    be provided at the home school site, and
  • Assures that special education and related
    services indicated on the IEP will be provided
    within the timeframes indicated

  • Free Appropriate Public Education
  • The right of a student with a disability to
    special education and related services that will
    meet his or her individual learning needs, at no
    cost to his parents

  • Least Restrictive Environment
  • Educating children with disabilities with their
    nondisabled peers to the maximum extent

  • Extended School Year
  • Special education and related services provided
    to students with disabilities beyond the regular
    180 day school year

  • Assistive Technology
  • Considered for every student
  • Any item, piece of equipment or product system
    that is used to increase, maintain, or improve
    the functional capabilities of a student
  • Helps a student accomplish a task

  • The process of getting ready to move from school
    to adult life. The process occurs over a period
    of several years and includes planning, goal
    setting, instruction, services, and activities
    designed to make the move successful

Accommodations and Modifications
  • Accommodations changes in how students are
    taught and tested but does not change the
    requirement of the course or the standards the
    student must meet.
  • Modifications changes in what students are
    taught and tested on change in the requirements
    of a course or the standards a student must meet
    changes to what a student is expected to learn

Measurable Goals
  • Behavior, conditions, and criteria that
  • Reveals what to do to measure whether the goal
    has been accomplished
  • Yields the same conclusion if measured by several
  • Allows a calculation of how much progress it
  • Can be understood without additional information

  • Statements on the IEP that describes major
    milestones a student must reach in order to
    achieve one of his or her measurable annual goals

Resource Information
  • Help
  • Information
  • Training
  • Main Office 305-274-3501
  • Iliana Hernandez
  • North Satellite Center 305-754-4081
  • Keisha C. Robinson

For Information About Disabilities
  • 1-800-695-0285

Parent Resource Sheet Screen
For Free Publications-Clearinghouse Information
Center at DOE

Winning Teamwork!
  • Know the rules of the team
  • Respect all team members
  • Listen
  • Be clear
  • Be flexible
  • Find a mutually agreeable solution
  • Write it down

Steps In Problem Solving
  • Talk to the right person
  • Name the problem
  • Talk about concerns, documentation, whats
    already been tried, and how it worked
  • Listen to all team members
  • Brainstorm possible solutions
  • Find a solution team members can agree on
  • Take a break when needed

You do not have to be an expert to be a great
surrogate parent
This job takes
  • Caring
  • Gathering information
  • Participating and sharing what you have learned
  • Listening and asking questions
  • Focusing on the child

It takes
  • You

Many Thanks
  • For your concern for the protection of the rights
    of Miami-Dade exceptional education students

So Whats Next
  • Parent Liaisons will make an appointment to meet
    you at the school to appointment to introduce
    yourself to the school through the .once you
    have been appointed.
  • Review all of the students records including the
    cumulative folder
  • Obtain a copy of the current IEP.

Who to contact for additional information or
  • Keisha C. Robinson
  • Surrogate Parent Program Coordinator
  • 305-626-3970
  • 305-626-3972

(No Transcript)
Education Success in school is a critical
contributor to a high quality of life for
children and adults and is central to the
transition process. School success
also contributes to the positive self-esteem and
hope for the future associated with resilience in
youth.20 The performance of various adult roles,
the achievement of physical and material
well-being, and the realization of a sense of
personal fulfillment are all to a large extent
grounded in successful school experiences. Many
factors contribute to educational challenges for
youth in out-of-home care. The effects of
prolonged abuse and neglect may include
cognitive impairment, speech and language delays,
attention disorders, emotional disturbance and
attachment disorders, all of which may affect
educational attainment. In addition, multiple
foster home placements and school changes may
cause students in out-of-home care to experience
school instability and/or academic failure.21
They may also lack a strong, consistent advocate
for their educational needs. Further, a
disproportionate number of foster children have
special education needs that arise from
problems preceding their placement into care or
from the foster care experience
itself.22 Caregivers, social workers, teachers,
counselors, judges and youth can work together to
become effective educational advocates and
planners. Educational excellence and transition
success can become a reality when individuals and
systems commit themselves to a coordinated
approach that addresses the practice
recommendations below. I pursue relationships
that help me succeed and seek opportunities to
make contributions to others. page 19 Practice
recommendations to support educational
attainment Structure and coordinate educational
advocacy. Provide educational case
management. Involve parents and caregivers
along with youth. Make basic skills acquisition
a priority encourage the continuation of math
and science education. Recognize the impact of
trauma on a childs ability to develop and
learn. Coordinate special education services.
Provide career development, vocational and job
training. Arrange for post-secondary planning
and supports. Promote goal-setting and
educational self-determination. Encourage
co-curricular or extracurricular engagement.
Ensure collection and retrieval of all
educational records for youth. Taken from Its
My Life
Frequently Asked Questions
The Impacts of Trauma
  • Trauma experiences affect the ability to focus
    and learn in school
  • Children in foster care are part of a larger
    group of students who have experienced trauma I
    their home lives

  • High number of chilren in foster care who are at
    risk of not completing school
  • Provide specific supports to ensure successful
    completion with an appropriate high school
  • Work to ensure students in foster care are
    participating in programs that expose and
    encourage post-secondary education opportunities

  • Studies have shown that despite a strong desire
    of children in foster care to obtain a higher
    education, very few enter, and fewer complete,
    post secondary education
  • Reasons for this disparity are numerous, and
    include such issues as lack of mentors and
    advocates that encourage and support the
    completion of high school and the pursuit of
    additional education limited exposure to the
    many education and career opportunities that

  • The school setting is often the most stabilizing
    environment for foster care youth as they travel
    from community to community. It becomes an
    important focal point of their existence, in
    which relationships with school staff and peers
    can be established and maintained.
  • School success for the foster care child takes on
    major significance since the ability to break the
    cycle of trauma and poverty is often based on
    being educationally prepared for employment and
    the future.
  • It is common for children in foster care to
    experience disruptions in their foster placement
    causing them to be moved form one home or
    facility to another. The ensuring disruption of
    academci progress can further set a child back
    emotionally and educationally,.

  • Impact of trauma from the abuse, neglect,
    abandonment, and removal from the home, as those
    events may affect the childs abilty to learn.

Confidentiality of Student Records and Information
Additional Assistance/Resources
Effective Communication
Next Steps
  • Parent Liaison will contact you to meet at school
    to review records
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