Title: Making Friends For Eternity
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2God wants to havea relationship with YOU!
3How can I have this relationship with God?
How Can I Have this Relationship with God?
4How can I have this relationship with God?
How Can I Have this Relationship with God?
Jesus Christ is the bridge between God and
man. 1 Timothy 25
Now we rejoice in our wonderful new
relationship with God all because of what our
Lord Jesus Christ has done in dying for our
sinsmaking us friends of God. Romans 511
5Lifes top priorities
What Are Lifes Top Priorities?
Priority 1 Love God with all your Heart and
soul and mind and strength.
Matthew 2237-38
Priority 2 Love your neighbor as
yourself. Matthew 2239
6Lifes most important priorities all have to do
with relationships!
Lifes most important priorities all have to do
with r !
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11Lifes Key Relationships
- 4-23 Discovering Gods Love!
- 4-30 Restoring Broken Bonds!
- 5-07 Making Your Spouse Special!
- 5-14 Keeping Your Family Central!
Rescuing Relationships
- 5-28 from the Jaws of Jealousy!
- 6-04 from the Jaws of Anger!
- 6-11 from the Jaws of Words!
- 6-18 from the Jaws of Selfishness!
12Gods ChallengeTo Make Friends For Eternity
God has restored our relationship with Him
through Christ, and He has given to us this
ministry of restoring relationships. 2 Cor.518
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16Sharing Obstacles
- We tend to forget what lost means.
17Sharing Obstacles
- We tend to forget what lost means.
- We have to earn the right to share it.
18Principles for Building Relationship Bridges
Principle 1 Be P !
Principle 1 Be Proactive!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto
19Principles for Building Relationship Bridges
Principle 2 Refuse to W !
Principle 2 Refuse to Wear a Mask!
We can say with confidence and a clear
conscience that we have been honest and sincere
in all our dealings.Paul
20Principles for Building Relationship Bridges
Principle 3 Identify C
Principle 3 Identify Common Ground!
Whatever a person is like, I try to find common
ground with him so that he will let me tell him
about Christ. 1 Cor. 922
21How to Find Common Ground
Listen carefully.
Use the common ground to build bridges.
22Principles for Building Relationship Bridges
Principle 4 Demonstrate Gods l !
Principle 4 Demonstrate Gods love!
Live a life filled with love for others
following the example of Christ. Eph.5 1-2
23Demonstrate Gods Loveby Meeting 3 Basic Needs
We who are strong ought to bear with the
failings of the weak and not to please
ourselvesAccept one another, just as Christ
accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
24Demonstrate Gods Loveby Meeting 3 Basic Needs
2. Affirmation
Bear one anothers burdens. Gal.62
25Demonstrate Gods Loveby Meeting 3 Basic Needs
3. Assistance
Because we loved you, we were happy to share not
only Gods good news with you but even our own
lives. 1 Thess.28
Let us stop just saying we love people. Let us
really love them and show it by our actions. 1
John 317
26Principles for Building Relationship Bridges
Principle 5 Give Credence to their f
and their f !
Principle 5 Give Credence to their feelings and
their fears!
Be careful not to judge people by what they seem
to be. 2 Cor.516
For we must bear the burden of being considerate
of the doubts and fears of others. Rom.152
27Principles for Building Relationship Bridges
Principle 6 Expect God to u you!
Principle 6 Expect God to use you!
Do not worry about what to say or how to say it.
At that time you will be given what to say for it
will not be you speaking but the Spirit of your
Father speaking through you. Matthew 1019
28How Can God Use Me?
Be available for Him to use.
29How Can God Use Me?
Be available for Him to use.
Expect that He will.
30How Can God Use Me?
Be available for Him to use.
Expect that He will.
- 50 are waiting for an invitation.
31Where Should We Start?
As a church lift the evangelism banner higher
and higher!
32Where Should We Start?
As individuals
- Make room for guests at church.
33Where Should We Start?
As individuals
- Make room for guests at church.
- Pray about who to invite.
34Where Should We Start?
As individuals
- Make room for guests at church.
- Pray about who to invite.
- Distribute door hangers for Easter.
35Where Should We Start?
As individuals
- Make room for guests at church.
- Pray about who to invite.
- Distribute door hangers for Easter.
- Invite them to Lifes Key Relationships Series.
- Make room for guests at church.
36Where Should We Start?
As individuals
- Make room for guests at church.
- Pray about who to invite.
- Distribute door hangers for Easter.
- Invite them to Lifes Key Relationships Series.
- Plan to attend 401 Discovering My Mission class.
- Make room for guests at church.
37Will You Do Your Part?