Title: 2005 Symposia on VLSI Circuits and Technology
12005 Symposia on VLSI Circuits and Technology
- Meetings Committee
- August 29, 2005
2Review of 2005 Symposia
- Circuits Symposium record for US or Japan
- Registration 540 (vs. 374 in 2003)
- Circuits Short Course 136 (vs. 132 in 2003)
- Paper submissions
- 92 accepted of 259 submissions 36 accept rate
- vs. 77 of 206 in 2003
- Technology Symposium record for US or Japan
- Registration 802 (vs. 546 in 2003)
- Technology Short Course 310 (vs. 115 in 2003)
- Paper submissions (record for Japan)
- 90 papers accepted of 255 submissions 35
accept rate - vs. 84 of 199 accepted in 2002
- All Electronic Presentations
- Produced CD ROM
- Media Kit
32006 Symposia
- 2006 Symposium hosted by US
- Honolulu, Hawaii Hilton Hawaiian Village
- First Committee Meeting 9/22
- Professor Sugano retired at 2005 Symposium
- High bar set by Japan!
4Circuits Submissions Acceptance
5Circuits Paper Submission by Region
62005 Registration Short Course
- 11K surplus for Circuits Symposia in 2004
- 2006 Symposia hosted in US Hilton Hawaiian
Village - Requesting 40K advance
- - Increase from 35K (same as EDS)
- - Run tight just before conference
- Budgeting for
- Registration 375 vs. 401 in 2004
- Short Course 136 vs. 99 in 2004
8Technical Program Committee
- Program Chair Bruce Gieseke
- Technical Chair Stephen Kosonocky
- Secretary
- Ajith Amerasekera, Texas Instruments
- Rump Sessions
- Ken Yang, UCLA
- Publicity and Publications
- Wai Lee, Texas Instruments
- Best Student Paper Award Committee
- Chairman, Ching-Te Chuang, IBM
9Circuits Financial Details
10Invited Talks
- Non-volatile Memory Technologies for Beyond 2010
- Dr. Yun-Seung Shin Samsung
- Development of Entertainment Robot and Its Future
- K. Sabe
- Sony
- Ultra Wide Band (UWB)
- John McCorkle
- Freescale
- Space Electronics
- Mohammad Mojarradi
11Rump Sessions
Organizers NAE (Circuit) C.K. Ken Yang,
UCLA JFE (Circuit) Mamoru Ugajin, NTT Low Power
Design Process Puzzle or Design Dilemma NAE Jim
Farrell, AMD JFE Yukihito Oowaki, Toshiba
Semiconductor Digitizing the Radio to the
Antenna Will Radios Still Need Analog in
2010? NAE Margaret Huang, Freescale JFE Akira
Matsuzawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology The
Roadblock to the TeraBit (1012 bits) Memory Era
Technology or Design? NAE Harry Pon, Intel
JFE Tomoyuki Ishii, Hitachi Joint
Rump Variability has stopped scaling Who will
conquer the issues of variability? JFE Ckts
Koichiro Ishibashi, Renesas Technology Corp. JFE
Technology Hiroo Masuda, STARC, NAE Ckts
Borivoje Nikolic, UC Berkeley NAE Technology
Rajat Rakkhit, Cypress
12Short Course Multi-GHz Clocking for uP
- Organizers
- NAE Vivek De - Intel
- JFE Makoto Nagata - Kobe University
- Basics of High Performance Clock Delivery
- Keng Wong Intel
- High Frequency Clock Distribution Resonant
Clocking - Phillip Restle IBM
- PLL's, VCO's, DLL's and Delay Elements
- Greg Taylor Intel
- Clock Timing Adjustment with Genetic Algorithms
- Tetsuya Higuchi AIST
- Techniques for Synchronizing Multiple Clock
Domains - Masayuki Mizuno NEC
13Symposia Statistical Review
142005/6 NAE TPC
- Ajith Amerasekera
- TI
- Asad Abidi
- Bin Zhao
- Skyworks Solutions
- Borivoje Nikolic
- UCBerkeley
- Bruce Gieseke
- Ching-Te Chuang
- Corrado Villa
- ST Micro
- Georg Braun
- Infineon
- Greg Taylor
- Intel
- Harry Pon
- Kaushik Roy
- Purdue
- Ken Yang
- Kevin Nowka
- Margaret Huang
- Freescale
- Per Larsson-Edefors
- Chalmers Unv.
- Peter Kinget
- Columbia
- Sreedhar Natarajan
- Stephen Kosonocky
- Steven Butler
- Travis Blalock