Business Ethics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Ethics


Deontology. The Relativist Perspective. Virtue Ethics ... Deontology... focuses on the rights of the individual, not consequences (considers intentions) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Business Ethics

Business Ethics
  • Unit Four

Individual and the Business Organization
  • Values
  • Morals
  • Ethics

How good people make toughchoices. Kidder
  • Justice versus Mercy
  • Short-term versus Long-term
  • Individual versus Community
  • Truth versus Loyalty

Belief Systems
  • Home
  • Religious Affiliations
  • School
  • Social Organizations

Personal Moral Philosophy
  • Correct Moral Philosophy?
  • Different Philosophies in Different Situations?
  • People can change their value structure.

Moral Philosophy
  • refers to principles or rules that people use to
    decide what is right or wrong
  • presents guidelines for determining how to settle
    conflicts in human interests
  • guides businesspeople in formulating strategies
    and resolving specific ethical issues
  • There is no one moral philosophy accepted by

Moral Philosophy Perspectives
  • Teleology
  • Egoism
  • Utilitarianism
  • Deontology
  • The Relativist Perspective
  • Virtue Ethics
  • Justice Perspectives
  • Distributive
  • Procedural
  • Interactional

  • considers acts as morally right or acceptable if
    they produce some desired result such as
    pleasure, knowledge, career growth, the
    realization of a self interest, or utility
  • assesses moral worth by looking
    at the consequences for the

Categories of Teleology
  • Egoism
  • right or acceptable behavior defined in terms of
    consequences to the individual
  • maximizes personal interests
  • Enlightened egoists take a longer term
    perspective and allow for the well being of
  • Utilitarianism
  • concerned with consequences
  • considers a cost/benefit analysis
  • behavior based on principles of rules that
    promote the greatest utility rather than on an
    examination of each situation (greatest good for
    greatest number of people)

  • focuses on the rights of the individual, not
    consequences (considers intentions)
  • believes in equal respect and views certain
    behaviors as inherently right
  • proposes that individuals have certain inherent
  • freedoms conscience, consent, privacy, speech
    due process
  • rule deontologist
  • conformity to general moral principles
  • act deontologists
  • evaluate ethicalness based on the act

The Relativist Perspective
  • defines ethical behavior subjectively from the
    experiences of individuals and groups.
  • Relativists use themselves or those around them
    as their basis for defining ethical standards.
  • A positive group consensus indicates that an
    action is considered ethical by the group.
  • acknowledges that we live in a society in which
    people have different views.
  • There are many different bases from which to
    justify a decision as right or wrong.

Virtue Ethics
  • What is moral in a given situation is not only
    what conventional wisdom suggests, but also what
    a moral character would deem appropriate.
  • Elements include truthfulness, trust, self
    control, empathy, and fairness.
  • Attributes in contrast to virtue include lying,
    cheating, fraud, and corruption.

Three Types of Justice
  • Distributive justice
  • an evaluation of the outcomes or results of a
    business relationship (evaluating benefits
    derived/equity in rewards)
  • Procedural justice
  • based on the processes and activities that
    produce the outcomes or results (evaluating
    decision making processes and level of access,
    openness and participation)
  • Interactional justice
  • based on an evaluation of the communication
    processes used in business relationships
    (evaluating accuracy of information and
    truthfulness, respect and courtesy in the process)

Applying Moral Philosophy to Ethical Decision
  • Evidence suggests that individuals use different
    moral philosophies depending on the context
    (personal versus work decisions).
  • Pressures at work are different from personal
  • Decision making is affected by the corporate
    culture at work (rules, work group, etc.).
  • Moral philosophies should be assessed on a

Cognitive Moral Development...
  • Kohlbergs model consist of 6 stages
  • punishment and obedience
  • individual instrumental purpose and exchange
  • mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships,
    and conformity
  • social system and conscience maintenance
  • prior rights, social contract or utility
  • universal ethical principles

Kohlbergs Model
  • Kohlbergs 6 stages can be reduces to 3 different
    levels of ethical concern
  • concern with immediate interests and with rewards
    and punishments
  • concern with right as expected by the larger
    society or some significant reference group
  • seeing beyond norms, laws, and the authority of
    groups or individuals

Importance of Kohlbergs Theory
  • provides encouragement that individuals in a
    company can change or improve their moral
  • supports managements development of
    employees moral principles through
    applicable strategies
  • indicates that the best way to improve employees
    business ethics is to provide training for
    cognitive moral development

Moral Belief Systems, Not Lists
  • Each of us has a system of moral beliefs that has
    two functions
  • Direct and evaluate our own behavior
  • Understand and evaluate the behavior of others
  • Our belief system works insofar as it helps us
    understand and act in social institutions

Levels and Stages of Rational DevelopmentRights
  • I. Pre-Conventional Level
  • Stage 1 Punishment and Obedience
  • Stage 2 Instrumental Relativism
  • II. Conventional Level
  • Stage 3 Interpersonal Concordance
  • Stage 4 Law and Order
  • III. Post-Conventional Level
  • Stage 5 Social-Contract, Universal Principles

Mechanics of Moral Development
  • Cognitive Disequilibrium Engine of Moral Dev.
  • When our moral beliefs do not help us direct our
    own behavior and/or they do not help us
    understand the behavior of others
  • we create a new system that helps us understand
    and act more effectively in our institutional
  • Hierarchical Integration Moral beliefs, not
    systems, are sticky through transitions
  • We retain beliefs of early stage we integrate
    them with beliefs of later stages

Stakeholder Analysis of Kohlbergs System
  • Pre-Conventional Level
  • Stages 1 and 2
  • I am the primary stakeholder
  • Conventional Level
  • Stage 3
  • My family and friends are the primary
  • Stage 4
  • My referent group is the primary stakeholder
  • Post-Conventional Level
  • Stage 5 and 6
  • All people, relationships groups are, initially,
    stakeholders of equal standing.

What to do?
  • You have recently been promoted to a director
    position in HR, and have been given the layoff
    list to be issued in 3 days. A good friend of
    yours tells you she is closing on house tomorrow,
    and how excited her whole family is. She is on
    lay-off list. What should you do?

Responses to Business Case from Different Levels
of Reasoning
  • Group work
  • Given the stage of moral reasoning assigned to
    your group, what would you do, and why?
  • Is the stage of moral reasoning you are working
  • Factually comprehensive?
  • Ethically comfortable?

Understanding Institutions
  • Gilligans Care-Based Theory of Moral Development

Female Moral Development
  • Motivated by Selfish Concerns
  • Motivated by increasing Recognition
  • Making decisions based upon greatest good for
    self and others.

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Care and Rights
  • Care
  • Relationships
  • Responsibility
  • Care and Compassion
  • Rights
  • Individualism
  • Duty
  • Rights and Reason

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Again, Moral Belief Systems
  • We use a system of moral beliefs to
  • Direct and evaluate our own behavior
  • Understand and evaluate the behavior of others.
  • Effectiveness (understanding and behavior) in
    social institutions is test of validity.
  • Development is motivated by affective (emotional)
    and rational factors

Care The Evolution of Reasoning
  • Level I
  • Relationships are evaluated by how well they make
    me feel
  • Level II
  • Relationships are evaluated by how well they
    follow social expectations
  • Level III
  • Relationships are evaluated by how well
    relationships and participants can flourish

Stakeholder Analysis of Gilligans System
  • Self-Oriented Reasoning
  • I am the primary stakeholder.
  • Social Expectations Reasoning
  • I am a secondary stakeholder. My group determines
    which relationships and people are the primary
  • Self-Determined, Care Grounded Reasoning
  • All relationships deserve equal consideration.

Care, Rights, Both?
  • Rights reasoning is grounded on impartial
  • Care reasoning is grounded on partial reasoning
  • Care and rights are incompatible

Integrating Care and Rights
  • Hypothesis We need both care and rights to
    understand our institutional environment.
  • Religion
  • Government
  • Business
  • We can use care and rights reasoning at different

A Definition of Ethical Business Decision-Making
  • Ethical business decision-making creates value by
    promoting sustainable networks of stakeholders
    (individuals, personal relationships, and groups)
    in a context of human dignity and environmental
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