Title: Young People, Risk, Resilience and Offending
1Young People, Risk, Resilience and Offending
2The ESRC Pathways into and out of Crime Risk,
Resilience and Diversity Research Priority
Network Second Conference27 February 2004,
Halifax Hall, The University of
Network Second Conference 27 February 2004
31. Bring together practitioners, policy-makers
and academics with shared concerns about young
people and crime. 2. Share research findings
and seek feedback. 3. Generate debate about the
relationship between research, policy and
4distancing explaining crime or deviancy in a
way which denies it has any relationship with the
core values and structures of society Jock
Young, 1999, pp. 22-23.
51. the voices of young people 2. the meaning and
significance of risk and protective factors
to both children and their families 3. the
impact of constructions of risk and
protection on how children and young people
negotiate pathways into and out of crime
4. the eco-systemic relationship between
different aspects of childrens
experience 5. the processes of resistance to
criminal pathways 6. the impact of interactions
with formal and informal social structures,
institutions and processes upon the lives of
children and young people.
6Project 1 University of Sheffield Risk and
resilience in children who are offending,
excluded from school, or who have behaviour
problems. Project 2 University of Nottingham
Risk, protection and resilience in Urban Black
and Asian Culture. Project 3 University of
Newcastle Risk, protection and resilience in the
family life of children and young people with a
parent in prison. Project 4 De Montfort
University Young People, social capital and its
impact on risk, protection and resilience.
Project 5 University of Essex The
identification of risk and protective
factors, and levels of substance misuse amongst
young offenders.
7Workshops1. Does Social Capital Matter to
Risk and Resilience? Professor Hazel Kemshall,
Thilo Boeck Dr Jennie Fleming, De Montfort
University, Leicester2. Understanding Risk and
Resilience from the Perspective of Prisoners and
their Families Graham Williams, Pete McCarthy
and Professor Janet Walker, University of
Newcastle3. Charlie Why Ya Hideing Dr Kaye
Haw, University of Nottingham 4. Young Peoples
Experiences and Perspectives of Assessment Dr
Alan France, Leigh Dunkerton and Dr Edward
Sellman, University of Sheffield