Title: Discovery potential of a high energy beta beam
1Discovery potential of a high energy beta beam
- J. Burguet, D. Casper, F. GarcÃa, P. Hernández,
JJ - CERN Neutrino working group
- 19-11-03
- The physics potential of the beta beam for the
low gamma option (6He 60, 18Ne18100, L130 km)
has been extensively explored. - We want to address the question that we asked in
Golden'' what is the optimal baseline and
energy for the beta-beam? In particular we want
to consider higher gamma options and
correspondingly longer baselines
3Higher gamma why?
- As in the Nufact increasing the energy for fixed
E/L is advantageous - statistics increases linearly with E (due to the
cross section) ? reduce the detector mass
keeping the same rates - longer baseline ?enhance matter effects ?
possibility to measure the sign of Dm23, that is
the neutrino hierarchy - increase the energy ? easier to measure the
spectral information in the oscillation signal ?
important to reduce the intrinsic degeneracies
4Observing matter effects
- At O(1000) km matter effects and true CP are of
the same order
d 0
d 90
E/L Dm23/2p
5Solving degeneracies
Use energy dependence to disentangle the true
solution from fake solution.
Fake solution (at ltEgt)
True solution
6How to accelerate? (Matts dixit)
- Refurbished SPS can achieve g 600. Super
conducting magnets in the SPSC but same storage
ring of the present design - For higher gamma one could inject ions in the
LHC, up to g(6He) 2488 and g(18Ne) 4158 - This possibility looks more futuristic due to the
complexity of the storage ring and also looses
would be unavoidable we assume a lose of a
factor 10 in the number of ions
- The obvious technique at low energies is water.
- Good e/m separation
- Good energy resolution
- Clear pattern recognition for low multiplicity
events - Large mass (beta-beam low gamma option Mton)
- As the energy increases the rates increase
linearly (at fixed E/L) - Thus one could, a priory, afford a lighter (more
granular) detector for the same rate. - Note that an important advantage of the beta-beam
is that we do not need to measure the muon
charge, thus no need to magnetize
8Beta-beam Fluxes
The electron energy spectrum produced in the
decay at rest of a He6 ion is very well described
by the simple formula
Where Eo is the end-point electron energy
9In the ion rest frame the spectrum of the
neutrinos is
After performing the boost and normalizing the
total number of ion decays to be Nb per year, the
neutrino flux per solid angle in a detector
located at a distance L aligned with the straight
sections of the storage ring is
Error on previous results identified (end point
2g(E0-me) rather than 2gE0
- Three setups considered
- Low (60) medium (350) and high (1500) g for near
(130 km) medium (730 km) and far (3000 km)
baselines - Two detectors
- Water detector (SK, UNO) like. Includes full
simulation of efficiencies and backgrounds - Granular detector (SCIBAR, Minerva). Simulation
and final analysis still in progress - Today ? shown only water results
Note Given the different g for 6He and 18Ne it
is not necessary to have 3 bunches for 18Ne. On
the contrary it would be better to have 3 bunches
for the 6He6!
Detector UNO type (400Kton) water cerenkov
Efficiency 0.4-0.5 Background fraction 10-3
Running time 10 years
Detector (a) SK type (40 Kton) water
cerenkov (b) UNO type (400Kton) water cerenkov
Running time 10 years
Efficiency Takes into account migrations due to
resolution and CC background to QE Backgrounds
Takes into account feed-down backgrounds Possibili
ty to improve (to be explored) run at two or
more g (200,250,300,350..) to reduce feed down
Running time 10 years
Detector (a) Light detector of O(50) kton
(tracking calorimeter a la Minerva, liquid argon
TPC). Simulation and analysis in progress (b)
UNO type (400Kton) water cerenkov seems very hard
at this energies but can be tried anyway (perhaps
with g cascade trick)
Today ? Only statistical errors
- Notice
- Light water detector at 730 km performs
similarly than Mton at 130 km (improves on
degeneracies) - Mton class detector at 730 km spectacular
- Not a sizeable improvement at 3000 km (Mton
detector, stat only)
Setup-II (SK like detector)
Separate sin(d)1 from sin(d) 0 at 99 CL
Setup-III Uno like detector (stat only)
Setup-II Uno like detector
- Exclusion plot shows capability of observing sign
of Dm23 in the q13-d plane at 730 km - At 3000 Km matter effects are very large. Sign
resolved in all parameter space. - At 130 km matter effects are negligible. Sign NOT
resolved in all parameter space.
Setup-II (730 Km)
- Setup-I suffers from low cross section, muon
threshold and Fermi motion that makes energy
binning very difficult - Setup-II seems optimal. It requires a moderate
increase in g (feasible at SPS) and a longer
baseline. Water technique can be used, thus
sinergy with UNO physics. Physics potential
comparable with the NuFact - Setup-III needs to be explored in more detail, in
particular concerning baseline, detectors and the
possibility of cascading the g. Water looks
unlikely. It requires LHC acceleration. Not
obvious benefit wrt Setup-II