2Tropical Rain Forest
- Within 15º of equator - warm all year
- More than 200 cm rain per year
- At least 10 cm of rain each month
- Soils old, weathered, and nutrient-poor
- Tall evergreen trees deciduous emergents
- Highest species diversity productivity
- Second highest standing biomass
- Very little vegetation on dark forest floor
3Tropical Rain Forest
4Tropical Rain Forest
5Tropical Rain Forest
6Tropical Rain Forest
7Tropical Rain Forest
8Tropical Seasonal Forest
- Occurs farther north or south of equator
- One or two dry seasons per year
- Most trees lose leaves during dry seasons
- Species diversity not quite as high as tropical
rain forest
9Tropical Seasonal Forest
10Tropical Seasonal Forest
- Widespread in Africa
- Also found in South America India
- Grassland with scattered trees shrubs
- Slightly drier than tropical seasonal forest
- 3 or 4 very dry months
- Grasses favored by grazing and fire
- Important habitat for large ungulates
13SavannaPuerto Rico
14SavannaEast Africa
15Thorn Forest and Thorn Scrub
- Occur when tropical savanna not grazed or burned
periodically - Thorny short trees or shrubs become more common
- Many Acacia species and other legumes
- Commonly mixed with savanna
16Thorn ForestPuerto Rico
17Temperate Rain Forest
- Western North America, southern Chile, and
Western New Zealand - Mild, rainy winters and summer fog
- Dominated by large conifers
- Greatest standing biomass on earth
- Low tree species diversity
18Temperate Rain ForestWashington
19Temperate Rain ForestOlympic Peninsula,
20Temperate Rain ForestOlympic Peninsula,
21Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Found in North America, Europe, China, New
Zealand - Deciduous trees with some conifers
- Small trees, shrubs, vernal herbs beneath
- Precipitation throughout the year
- High diversity for temperate ecosystems
22Temperate Deciduous Forest
23Temperate Deciduous ForestEastern United States
24Temperate Deciduous ForestNew England
25Temperate Evergreen Forest
- Drier than temperate deciduous forest
- Dominated by pines and other conifers
- Fire important for regeneration
- Common in western United States and Canada
26Temperate Evergreen ForestMontana
27Temperate Evergreen ForestMontana
28Temperate Evergreen ForestSierra Nevada
Mountains, California
29Temperate Evergreen ForestSierra Nevada
Mountains, California
30Temperate Evergreen ForestRocky Mountains
31Temperate Grassland
- Found in central U.S., Brazil and Argentina,
central Asia, and southern Australia - Also called steppe, prairie, pampas
- Hot, wet summers and cold winters
- Dominated by grasses with many forbs
- Soils rich in nutrients and organic material
- Fire and grazing important
- Most highly modified by humans
32Temperate Grassland
33Temperate Grassland
34Temperate GrasslandTibet
35Chaparral Maquis, Mediterranean Vegetation
- Mediterranean, California, Baja California,
Chile, South Africa, SW Australia - Mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers
- Sclerophyllous evergreen shrubs
- Regenerates primarily after fire
- Fairly high species diversity with
- many annual species
36ChaparralSanta Monica Mountains, California
37Fynbos (Chaparral)South Africa
- Mostly located at horse latitudes or in rain
shadow areas - Less than 25 cm precipitation per year
- Can be hot or cold
- Shallow soils with very little organic matter
- Dominated by succulents, shrubs, annuals
- Many animals nocturnal
41DesertSuperstition Mountains, Arizona
42DesertSonoran Desert, Arizona
44Northern Coniferous ForestBoreal Forest, Taiga
- Widespread in North America Asia
- Mean annual temperature less than 5º C
- Growing season less than 100 days
- Much water but not readily available
- Soils cold and acidic
- Slow decomposition
- Dominated by spruce, fir, alder, willow
- Low diversity
45Boreal ForestCanada
46Boreal Forest
47Boreal ForestAlberta, Canada
48Arctic Tundra
- Widespread north of Boreal Forest
- Permafrost -- soils permanently frozen below one
meter - Surface soils thaw during short growing season
- Soils acidic
- Few dwarf shrubs trees
- Mostly lichens, mosses, and sedges
49Arctic TundraNorthern Canada?
50Arctic TundraGreenland
51Alpine Tundra
- High elevation above treeline around world
- Warmer and longer growing season than arctic
tundra - More species and greater productivity
- Better drained soils
- Spectacular mountain scenery
52Alpine TundraGlacier National Park, Montana
53Alpine TundraSierra Nevada Mountains, California
54Alpine TundraSierra Nevada Mountains, California