Title: Carter
1Carters Foreign Policy
- Image source http//themiddleeastinterest.wordp
2Peace is the unceasing effort to preserve human
rights . . . . A combined demonstration of
strength and goodwill.
3Carters emphasis on human rights brought notable
achievements, . . .
4. . . but complicated the relationship of the
United States with some nations.
(The United States led over sixty nations in a
boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics.)
5Many people think the United States should
boycott the Beijing Olympics in 2008, because of
Chinas support for genocide in Darfur, Sudan.
- Image source http//secrettibet.rsfblog.org/arc
6- Image source http//donklephant.com/2007/06/09/
7- Image source http//adsoftheworld.com/media/pri
8Support for human rights was the cornerstone of
Carters foreign policy.
9Our commitment to human rights must be absolute
. . . .We can neverbe indifferent tothe fate
of freedom elsewhere.
- Image source http//brysonburke.com/mining_ango
10Our country has been strongest and most
effective when morality and a commitment to
freedom and democracy have been most clearly
emphasized in our foreign policy.
11Instead of promoting freedom and democratic
principles, our government seemed to believe that
in any struggle with evil, we could not compete
effectively unless we played by the same rules or
lack of rules as the evildoers . . . . When I
announced my candidacy in December 1974, I
expressed a dream That this country set a
standard within the community of nations of
courage, compassion, integrity, and dedication to
basic human rights and freedoms.
12Carter was committed to finding an ethical
solution to the complicated problems in the
Middle East.
- Image source http//www.jfjfp.org/backgroundC.h
13Egyptian President Anwar Sadatmade a historic
visit to Isreal to begin negotiations with the
Jewish state.
- Image source http//www.knesset.gov.il/history/
14This opened the way for a summit betweenEgypt
and Israel hosted by the United States atthe
Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland.
15The resulting framework for peace became known as
the Camp David Accords.
- Image source http//ap.grolier.com/picturepopup
16Israel withdrew from the Sinai peninsula in
exchange for Egyptian recognitionof the
Jewishstate and the establishmentof peaceful
- Image source http//www.israelipalestinianproco
17Both Sadatand Begin would later receive the
Nobel Peace Prize fortheir efforts.
- Image source http//www.flickr.com/photos/96884
18The Camp David Accords did not resolve all of the
problems the issue of Palestinian refugees
being one of the most-pressing.
- Image source http//tonykaron.com/2007/06/03/ho
19Carters diplomacy a continuationof Nixons
shuttle diplomacy has committed the United
States to remaining an engaged partner,
determined to resolve the problems of the Middle
- Image source http//www.wittyworld.com/editoria
20The Arab-Israeli conflict today
- Image source http//www.science.co.il/Arab-Isra
21Under Carter, the United States stopped helping
regimes that abuse human rights, such as
Nicaragua and Chile.
22Carter proved the United States could deal fairly
with smaller nations when he proposed in 1977
returning the trans-isthmian canal to Panama.
- Image source http//www.orwelltoday.com/panamam
23The Senate ratified the treaty by a one-vote
margin in 1978.
24Even after returning full-control to Panama in
2000, the United States retains the right to
intervene militarily to keep the canal open.
- Image source http//www.photoatlas.com/pics02/p
25Carter established diplomatic relations with the
Peoples Republic of China in January 1979.
- Image source http//www.ihep.ac.cn/huitan/PRC-U
26Carter also called for black majority-rule in the
African nations of Rhodesia (present-day
Zimbabwe) and South Africa.
- Image source http//www.smartindicators.org/pil
27He also called upon the Soviet Union and Cuba to
stop interfering in the internal-affairs of
African nations such as Angola.
- Image source http//error98.blogspot.com/2007/0
28Carter attempted to capitalize on Détente by
promoting arms-limitations negotiations with the
Soviet Union.
- Image source http//www.espionageinfo.com/Bl-Ch
29Cartersefforts were complicatedby his support
of Soviet dissidents.
- Image source http//zenpundit.com/?cat91
30The Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan in
December 1979 threatened harmonious relations
between the two superpowers.
- Image source http//www.solarnavigator.net/geog
31The U.S.S.R. remained in Afghanistan in defiance
of a United Nations resolution calling for their
- Image source http//www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canad
32In response, led by the United States, more than
sixty nations boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
- Image source http//www.davno.ru/soviet-posters
33In January 1979,a revolution ledby Muslim
fundamentalists threatened the monarchy of
Americas Persian Gulf ally, shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi II of Iran.
- Image source http//bss.sfsu.edu/behrooz/Pahlav
34Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi II fled into exile
andwas replaced by the Ayatollah Ruhollah
- Image source http//blogs.britannica.com/blog/m
35In October 1979, the United States allowed the
ailing shah to come to the America for medical
- Image source http//news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_
36Outraged Iranians violating the etiquette of
international diplomacy seized the American
embassy in Tehran on 4th November 1979.
- Image source http//apps.michigandaily.com/blog
37Some people today blame Carter for the loss of
Iran,and how the Islamic republic that emerged
has made Middle East diplomacy more complicated.
- Image source http//marknicodemo.mu.nu/archives
38Fifty-two American citizens were held hostage for
444 days, being released the day Ronald Reagan
was sworn-in as President of the United States.
- Image source http//www.presidentreagan.info/im
39CNN video almanac
- http//www.cnn.com/resources/video.almanac/1980/in
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42- Image source http//www.logosjournal.com/davids