CSE 599 Lecture 7: Information Theory, Thermodynamics and Reversible Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSE 599 Lecture 7: Information Theory, Thermodynamics and Reversible Computing


Compressing the gas From mechanics work = force distance force ... minimum number of bits you ... codes BCH codes Reed-Solomon codes Turbo codes Hamming ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSE 599 Lecture 7: Information Theory, Thermodynamics and Reversible Computing

CSE 599 Lecture 7 Information Theory,
Thermodynamics and Reversible Computing
  • What have we done so far?
  • Theoretical computer science Abstract models of
  • Turing machines, computability, time and space
  • Physical Instantiations
  • Digital Computing
  • Silicon switches manipulate binary variables with
    near-zero error
  • DNA computing
  • Massive parallelism and biochemical properties of
    organic molecules allow fast solutions to hard
    search problems
  • Neural Computing
  • Distributed networks of neurons compute fast,
    parallel, adaptive, and fault-tolerant solutions
    to hard pattern recognition and motor control

Overview of Todays Lecture
  • Information theory and Kolmogorov Complexity
  • What is information?
  • Definition based on probability theory
  • Error-correcting codes and compression
  • An algorithmic definition of information
    (Kolmogorov complexity)
  • Thermodynamics
  • The physics of computation
  • Relation to information theory
  • Energy requirements for computing
  • Reversible Computing
  • Computing without energy consumption?
  • Biological example
  • Reversibe logic gates ? Quantum computing (next

Information and Algorithmic Complexity
  • 3 principal results
  • Shannons source-coding theorem
  • The main theorem of information content
  • A measure of the number of bits needed to specify
    the expected outcome of an experiment
  • Shannons noisy-channel coding theorem
  • Describes how much information we can transmit
    over a channel
  • A strict bound on information transfer
  • Kolmogorov complexity
  • Measures the algorithmic information content of a
  • An uncomputable function

What is information?
  • First try at a definition
  • Suppose you have stored n different bookmarks on
    your web browser.
  • What is the minimum number of bits you need to
    store these as binary numbers?
  • Let I be the minimum number of bits needed. Then,
  • 2I ? n ? I ? log2 n
  • So, the information contained in your
    collection of n bookmarks is I0 log2 n

Deterministic information I0
  • Consider a set of alternatives X a1, a2, a3,
  • When the outcome is a3, we say x a3
  • I0(X) is the amount of information needed to
    specify the outcome of X
  • I0(X) log2½X½
  • We will assume base 2 from now on (unless stated
  • Units are bits (binary digits)
  • Relationship between bits and binary digits
  • B 0, 1
  • X BM set of all binary strings of length M
  • I0(X) log½BM½ log½2M½ M bits

Is this definition satisfactory?
  • Appeal to your intuition
  • Which of these two messages contains more
  • Dog bites man
  • or
  • Man bites dog

Is this definition satisfactory?
  • Appeal to your intuition
  • Which of these two messages contains more
  • Dog bites man
  • or
  • Man bites dog
  • Same number of bits to represent each message!
  • But, it seems like the second message contains a
    lot more information than the first. Why?

Enter probability theory
  • Surprising events (unexpected messages) contain
    more information than ordinary or expected events
  • Dog bites man occurs much more frequently than
    Man bites dog
  • Messages about less frequent events carry more
  • So, information about an event varies inversely
    with the probability of that event
  • But, we also want information to be additive
  • If message xy contains sub-parts x and y, we
  • I(xy) I(x) I(y)
  • Use the logarithm function log(xy) log(x)

New Definition of Information
  • Define the information contained in a message x
    in terms of log of the inverse probability of
    that message
  • I(x) log(1/P(x)) - log P(x)
  • First defined rigorously and studied by Shannon
  • A mathematical theory of communication
    electronic handout (PDF file) on class website.
  • Our previous definition is a special case
  • Suppose you had n equally likely items (e.g.
  • For any item x, P(x) 1/n
  • I(x) log(1/P(x)) log n
  • Same as before (minimum number of bits needed to
    store n items)

Review Axioms of probability theory
  • Kolmogorov, 1933
  • P(a) gt 0 where a is an event
  • P(l) 1 where l is the certain event
  • P(a b) P(a) P(b) where a and b are mutually
  • Kolmogorov (axiomatic) definition is computable
  • Probability theory forms the basis for
    information theory
  • Classical definition based on event frequencies
    (Bernoulli) is uncomputable

Review Results from probability theory
  • Joint probability of two events a and b P(ab)
  • Independence
  • Events a and b are independent if P(ab)
  • Conditional probability P(ab) probability
    that event a happens given that b has happened
  • P(ab) P(ab)/P(b)
  • P(ba) P(ba)/P(a) P(ab)/P(a)
  • We just proved Bayes Theorem
  • P(a) is called the a priori probability of a
  • P(a½b) is called the a posteriori probability of

Summary Postulates of information theory
  • 1. Information is defined in the context of a set
    of alternatives. The amount of information
    quantifies the number of bits needed to specify
    an outcome from the alternatives
  • 2. The amount of information is independent of
    the semantics (only depends on probability)
  • 3. Information is always positive
  • 4. Information is measured on a logarithmic scale
  • Probabilities are multiplicative, but information
    is additive

In-Class Example
  • Message y contains duplicates y xx
  • Message x has probability P(x)
  • What is the information content of y?
  • Is I(y) 2 I(x)?

In-Class Example
  • Message y contains duplicates y xx
  • Message x has probability P(x)
  • What is the information content of y?
  • Is I(y) 2 I(x)?
  • I(y) log(1/P(xx)) log1/(P(xx)P(x))
  • log(1/P(xx)) log(1/P(x))
  • 0 log(1/P(x))
  • I(x)
  • Duplicates convey no additional information!

Definition Entropy
  • The average self-information or entropy of an
    ensemble X a1, a2, a3, aK
  • E ? expected (or average) value

Properties of Entropy
  • 0 lt H(X) lt I0(X)
  • Equals I0(X) log½X½ if all the aks are
    equally probable
  • Equals 0 if only one ak is possible
  • Consider the case where k 2
  • X a1, a2
  • P(a1) ? P(a2) 1 ?

  • Entropy is a measure of randomness of the source
    producing the events
  • Example 1 Coin toss Heads or tails with equal
  • H -(½ log ½ ½ log ½) -(½ (-1) ½ (-1))
    1 bit per coin toss
  • Example 2 P(heads) ¾ and P(tails) ¼
  • H -(¾ log ¾ ¼ log ¼) 0.811 bits per coin
  • As things get less random, entropy decreases
  • Redundancy and regularity increases

  • If we have N different symbols, we can encode
    them in log(N) bits. Example English - 26
    letters ? 5 bits
  • So, over many, many messages, the average
    cost/symbol is still 5 bits.
  • But, letters occur with very different
    probabilities! A and E much more common than
    X and Q. The log(N) estimate assumes equal
  • Question Can we encode symbols based on
    probabilities so that the average cost/symbol is

Shannons noiseless source-coding theorem
  • Also called the fundamental theorem. In words
  • You can compress N independent, identically
    distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, each with
    entropy H, down to NH bits with negligible loss
    of information (as N??)
  • If you compress them into fewer than NH bits you
    will dramatically lose information
  • The theorem
  • Let X be an ensemble with H(X) H bits. Let Hd
    (X) be the entropy of an encoding of X with
    allowable probability of error d
  • Given any ? gt 0 and 0 lt ? lt 1, there exists a
    positive integer No such that, for N gt No,

Comments on the theorem
  • What do the two inequalities tell us?
  • The number of bits that we need
    to specify outcomes x with vanishingly small
    error probability ? does not exceed H ?
  • If we accept a vanishingly small error, the
    number of bits we need to specify x drops to N(H
  • The number of bits that we need
    to specify outcomes x with large allowable error
    probability ? is at least H ?

Source coding (data compression)
  • Question How do we compress the outcomes XN?
  • With vanishingly small probability of error
  • How do we assign the elements of X such that the
    number of bits we need to encode XN drops to N(H
  • Symbol coding Given x a3 a2 a7 a5
  • Generate codeword ?(x) 01 1010 00
  • Want Io(?(x)) H(X)
  • Well-known coding examples
  • Zip, gzip, compress, etc.
  • The performance of these algorithms is, in
    general, poor when compared to the Shannon limit

Source-coding definitions
  • A code is a function ? X ? B
  • B 0, 1
  • B ? the set of finite strings over B
  • B 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, 001,
  • ?(x) ?(x1) ?(x2) ?(x3) ?(xN)
  • A code is uniquely decodable (UD) iff
  • ? X ? B is one-to-one
  • A code is instantaneous iff
  • No codeword is the prefix of another
  • ?(x1) is not a prefix of ?(x2)

Huffman coding
  • Given X a1, a2, aK, with associated
    probabilities P(ak)
  • Given a code with codeword lengths n1, n2, nk
  • The expected code length
  • No instantaneous, UD code can achieve a smaller
    than a Huffman code

Constructing a Huffman code
  • Feynman example Encoding an alphabet
  • Code is instantaneous and UD 00100001101010
  • Code achieves close to Shannon limit
  • H(X) 2.06 bits 2.13 bits

Information channels
I(XY) ? what we know about X given Y
H(X) ? entropy of input ensemble X
  • I(XY) is the average mutual information between
    X and Y
  • Definition Channel capacity
  • The information capacity of a channel is C
  • The channel may add noise
  • Corrupting our symbols

Example Channel capacity
  • Problem A binary source sends ? equiprobable
    messages in a time T, using the alphabet 0, 1
    with a symbol rate R. As a result of noise, a
    0 may be mistaken for a 1, and a 1 for a
    0, both with probability q. What is the channel
    capacity C?

Channel is discrete and memoryless
Example Channel capacity (cont)
  • Assume no noise (no errors)
  • T is the time to send the string, R is the rate
  • The number of possible message strings is 2RT
  • The maximum entropy of the source is Ho log(2RT
    ) bits
  • The source rate is (1/T) Ho R bits per second
  • The entropy of the noise (per transmitted bit) is
  • Hn qlog1/q (1q)log1/(1q)
  • The channel capacity C (bits/sec) R RHn R(1
  • C is always less than R (a fixed fraction of R)!
  • We must add code bits to correct the received

How many code bits must we add?
  • We want to send a message string of length M
  • We add codebits to M, thereby increasing its
    length to Mc
  • How are M, Mc, and q related?
  • M Mc(1 Hn)
  • Intuitively, from our example
  • Also see pgs. 106 110 of Feynman
  • Note this is an asymptotic limit
  • May require a huge Mc

Shannons Channel-Coding Theorem
  • The Theorem
  • There is a nonnegative channel capacity C
    associated with each discrete memoryless channel
    with the following property For any symbol rate
    R lt C, and any error rate ? gt 0, there is a
    protocol that achieves a rate gt R and a
    probability of error lt ?
  • In words
  • If the entropy of our symbol stream is equal to
    or less than the channel capacity, then there
    exists a coding technique that enables
    transmission over the channel with arbitrarily
    small error
  • Can transmit information at a rate H(X) lt C
  • Shannons theorem tells us the asymptotically
    maximum rate
  • It does not tell us the code that we must use to
    obtain this rate
  • Achieving a high rate may require a prohibitively
    long code

Error-correction codes
  • Error-correcting codes allow us to detect and
    correct errors in symbol streams
  • Used in all signal communications (digital
    phones, etc)
  • Used in quantum computing to ameliorate effects
    of decoherence
  • Many techniques and algorithms
  • Block codes
  • Hamming codes
  • BCH codes
  • Reed-Solomon codes
  • Turbo codes

Hamming codes
  • An example Construct a code that corrects a
    single error
  • We add m check bits to our message
  • Can encode at most (2m 1) error positions
  • Errors can occur in the message bits and/or in
    the check bits
  • If n is the length of the original message then
    2m 1 gt (n m)
  • Examples
  • If n 11, m 4 24 1 15 gt (n
    m) 15
  • If n 1013, m 10 210 1 1023 gt (n
    m) 1023

Hamming codes (cont.)
  • Example An 11/15 SEC Hamming code
  • Idea Calculate parity over subsets of input bits
  • Four subsets Four parity bits
  • Check bit x stores parity of input bit positions
    whose binary representation holds a 1 in
    position x
  • Check bit c1 Bits 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15
  • Check bit c2 Bits 2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15
  • Check bit c3 Bits 4,5,6,7,12,13,14,15
  • Check bit c4 Bits 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
  • The parity-check bits are called a syndrome
  • The syndrome tells us the location of the error

Position in message binary decimal 0001
1 0010 2 0011 3 0100 4 0101
5 0110 6 0111 7 1000 8 1001
9 1010 10 1011 11 1100 12 1101
13 1110 14 1111 15
Hamming codes (cont)
  • The check bits specify the error location
  • Suppose check bits turn out to be as follows
  • Check c1 1 (Bits 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15)
  • Error is in one of bits 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15
  • Check c2 1 (Bits 2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15)
  • Error is in one of bits 3,7,11,15
  • Check c3 0 (Bits 4,5,6,7,12,13,14,15)
  • Error is in one of bits 3,11
  • Check c4 0 (Bits 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)
  • So error is in bit 3!!

Hamming codes (cont.)
  • Example Encode 10111011011
  • Code position 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
    6 5 4 3 2 1
  • Code symbol 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 c4
    1 0 1 c3 1 c2 c1
  • Codeword 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
    0 1 1 1 0 1
  • Notice that we can generate the code bits on the
  • What if we receive 101100111011101?
  • c4 1 101100111011101
  • c3 0 101100111011101
  • c2 1 101100111011101
  • c1 1 101100111011101
  • The error is in location 1011 1110

Kolmogorov Complexity (Algorithmic Information)
  • Computers represent information as stored symbols
  • Not probabilistic n the Shannon sense)
  • Can we quantify information from an algorithmic
  • Kolmogorov complexity K(s) of a finite binary
    string s is the single, natural number
    representing the minimum length (in bits) of a
    program p that generates s when run on a
    Universal Turing machine U
  • K(s) is the algorithmic information content of s
  • Quantifies the algorithmic randomness of the
  • K(s) is an uncomputable function
  • Similar argument to the halting problem
  • How do we know when we have the shortest program?

Kolmogorov Complexity Example
  • Randomness of a string defined by shortest
    algorithm that can print it out.
  • Suppose you were given the binary string x
  • 11111111111111.11111111111111111111111 (1000
  • Instead of 1000 bits, you can compress this
    string to a few tens of bits, representing the
    length P of the program
  • For I 1 to 1000
  • Print 1
  • So, K(x) lt P
  • Possible project topic Quantum Kolmogorov

5-minute break
  • Next Thermodynamics and Reversible Computing

Thermodynamics and the Physics of Computation
  • Physics imposes fundamental limitations on
  • Computers are physical machines
  • Computers manipulate physical quantities
  • Physical quantities represent information
  • The limitations are both technological and
  • Physical limitations on what we can build
  • Example Silicon-technology scaling
  • Major limiting factor in the future Power
  • Theoretical limitations of energy consumed during
  • Thermodynamics and computation

Principal Questions of Interest
  • How much energy must we use to carry out a
  • The theoretical, minimum energy
  • Is there a minimum energy for a certain rate of
  • A relationship between computing speed and energy
  • What is the link between energy and information?
  • Between informationentropy and
  • Is there a physical definition for information
  • The information content of a message in physical

Main Results
  • Computation has no inherent thermodynamic cost
  • A reversible computation, that proceeds at an
    infinitesimal rate, consumes no energy
  • Destroying information requires kTln2 joules per
  • Information-theoretic bits (not binary digits)
  • Driving a computation forward requires kTln(r)
    joules per step
  • r is the rate of going forward rather than

Basic thermodynamics
  • First law Conservation of energy
  • (heat put into system) (work done on system)
    increase in energy of a system
  • DQ DW DU
  • Total energy of the universe is constant
  • Second law It is not possible to have heat flow
    from a colder region to a hotter region i.e. DQ/T
    gt 0
  • Change in Entropy DS DQ/T
  • Equality holds only for reversible processes
  • The entropy of the universe is always increasing

Heat engines
  • A basic heat engine Q2 Q1 W
  • T1 and T2 are temperatures
  • T1 gt T2
  • Reversible heat engines are those that have
  • No friction
  • Infinitesimal heat gradients
  • The Carnot cycle Motivation was steam engine
  • Reversible
  • Pumps heat DQ from T1 to T2
  • Does work W DQ

Heat engines (cont.)
The Second Law
  • No engine that takes heat Q1 at T1 and delivers
    heat Q2 at T2 can do more work than a reversible
  • W Q1 Q2 Q1(T1 T2) / T1
  • Heat will not, by itself, flow from a cold object
    to a hot object

Thermodynamic entropy
  • If we add heat ?Q reversibly to a system at fixed
    temperature T, the increase in entropy of the
    system is ?S ?Q/T
  • S is a measure of degrees of freedom
  • The probability of a configuration
  • The probability of a point in phase space
  • In a reversible system, the total entropy is
  • In an irreversible system, the total entropy
    always increases

Thermodynamic versus Information Entropy
  • Assume a gas containing N atoms
  • Occupies a volume V1
  • Ideal gas No attraction or repulsion between
  • Now shrink the volume
  • Isothermally (at constant temperature, immerse in
    a bath)
  • Reversibly, with no friction
  • How much work does this require?

Compressing the gas
  • From mechanics
  • work force distance
  • force pressure (area of piston)
  • volume change (area of piston) distance
  • Solving
  • From gas theory
  • The idea gas law
  • N ? number of molecules
  • k ? Boltzmanns constant (in joules/Kelvin)
  • Solving

A few notes
  • W is negative because we are doing work on the
    gasV2 lt V1
  • W would be positive if the gas did work for us
  • Where did the work go?
  • Isothermal compression
  • The temperature is constant (same before and
  • First law The work went into heating the bath
  • Second law We decreased the entropy of the gas
  • and increased the entropy
    of the bath

Free energy and entropy
  • The total energy of the gas, U, remains unchanged
  • Same number of particles
  • Same temperature
  • The free energy Fe, and the entropy S both
  • Both are related to the number of states (degrees
    of freedom)
  • Fe U TS
  • For our experiment, change in free energy is
    equal to the work done on the gas and U remains

DFe is the (negative) heat siphoned off into the
Special Case N 1
  • Imagine that our gas contains only one molecule
  • Take statistical averages of same molecule over
    time rather than over a population of particles
  • Halve the volume
  • Fe increases by kTln2
  • S decreases by kln2
  • But U is constant
  • Whats going on?
  • Our knowledge of the possible locations of the
    particle has changed!
  • Fewer places that themolecule can be in, now that
    volume has been halved
  • The entropy, a measure of the uncertainty of a
    configuration, has decreased

Thermodynamic entropy revisited
  • Take the probability of a gas configuration to be
  • Then S klnP
  • Random configurations (molecules moving
    haphazardly) have large P and large S
  • Ordered configurations (all molecules moving in
    one direction) have small P and small S
  • The less we know about a gas
  • the more states it could be in
  • and the greater the entropy
  • A clear analogy with information theory

The fuel value of knowledge
  • Analysis is from Bennett Tape cells with
    particles coding 0 (left side) or 1 (right side)
  • If we know the message on a tape
  • Then randomizing the tape can do useful work
  • Increasing the tapes entropy

What is the fuel value of the tape (i.e. what is
the fuel value of our knowledge)?
Bennetts idea
  • The procedure
  • Tape cell comes in with known particle location
  • Orient a piston depending on whether cell is a 0
    or a 1
  • Particle pushes piston outward
  • Increasing the entropy by kln2
  • Providing free energy of kTln2 joules per bit
  • Tape cell goes out with randomized particle

The energy value of knowledge
  • Define fuel value of tape (N I)kTln2
  • N is the number of tape cells
  • I is information (Shannon)
  • Examples
  • Random tape (I N) has no fuel value
  • Known tape (I 0) has maximum fuel value

Feynmans tape-erasing machine
  • Define the information in the tape to be the
    amount of free energy required to reset the tape
  • The energy required to compress each bit to a
    known state
  • Only the surprise bits cost us energy
  • Doesnt take any energy to reset known bits
  • Cost to erase the tape IkTln2 joules

For known bits, just move the partition (without
changing the volume)
Reversible Computing
  • A reversible computation, that proceeds at an
    infinitesimal rate, destroying no information,
    consumes no energy
  • Regardless of the complexity of the computation
  • The only cost is in resetting the machine at the
  • Erasing information costs energy
  • Reversible computers are like heat engines
  • If we run a reversible heat engine at an
    infinitesimal pace, it consumes no energy other
    than the work that it does

Energy cost versus speed
  • We want our computations to run in finite time
  • We need to drive the computation forward
  • Dissipates energy (kinetic, thermal, etc.)
  • Assume we are driving the computation forward at
    a rate r
  • The computation is r times as likely to go
    forward as go backward
  • What is the minimum energy per computational step?

Energy-driven computation
  • Computation is a transition between states
  • State transitions have an associated energy
  • Assume forward state E2 has a lower energy than
    backward state E1
  • A is the activation energy for a state
  • Thermal fluctuations cause the computer to move
    between states
  • Whenever the energy exceeds A

We also used this model in neural networks (e.g.
Hopfield networks)
State transitions
  • The probability of a transition between states
    differing in positive energy DE is proportional
    to exp(DE/kT)
  • Our state transitions have unequal probabilities
  • The energy required for a forward step is (A
  • The energy required for a backward step is (A

Driving computation by energy differences
  • The (reaction) rate r depends only on the energy
    difference between successive states
  • The bigger (E1 E2), the more likely the state
    transitions, and the faster the computation
  • Energy expended per step E1 E2 kTlnr

Driving computation by state availability
  • We can drive a computation even if the forward
    and backward states have the same energy
  • As long as there are more forward states than
    backward states
  • The computation proceeds by diffusion
  • More likely to move into a state with greater
  • Thermodynamic entropy drives the computation

Rate-Driven Reversible Computing A Biological
  • Protein synthesis is an example...
  • of (nearly) reversible computation
  • of the copy computation
  • of a computation driven forward by thermodynamic
  • Protein synthesis is a 2-stage process
  • 1. DNA forms mRNA
  • 2. mRNA forms a protein
  • We will consider step 1

  • DNA comprises a double-stranded helix
  • Each strand comprises alternating phosphate and
    sugar groups
  • One of four bases attaches to each sugar
  • Adenine (A)
  • Thymine (T)
  • Cytosine (C)
  • Guanine (G)
  • (base sugar phosphate) group is called a
  • DNA provides a template for protein synthesis
  • The sequence of nucleotides forms a code

RNA polymerase
  • RNA polymerase attaches itself to a DNA strand
  • Moves along, building an mRNA strand one base at
    a time
  • RNA polymerase catalyzes the copying reaction
  • Within the nucleus there is DNA, RNA polymerase,
    and triphosphates (nucleotides with 2 extra
    phosphates), plus other stuff
  • The triphosphates are
  • adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
  • cytosine triphosphate (CTP)
  • guanine triphosphate (GTP)
  • uracil triphosphate (UTP)

  • The mRNA strand is complementary to the DNA
  • The matching pairs are
  • A U
  • T A
  • C G
  • G C
  • As each nucleotide is added, two phosphates are
  • Bound as a pyrophosphate

The process
RNA polymerase is a catalyst
  • Catalysts influence the rate of a biochemical
  • But not the direction
  • Chemical reactions are reversible
  • RNA polymerase can unmake an mRNA strand
  • Just as easily as it can make one
  • Grab a pyrophosphate, attach to a base, and
  • The direction of the reaction depends on the
    relative concentrations of the pyrophosphates and
  • More triphosphates than pyrophosphates Make RNA
  • More pyrophosphates than triphosphates Unmake RNA

DNA, entropy, and states
  • The relative concentrations of pyrophosphate and
    triphosphate define the number of states
  • Cells hydrolyze pyrophosphate to keep the
    reactions going forward
  • How much energy does a cell use to drive this
  • Energy kTlnr (S2 S1)T 100kT/bit

Efficiency of a representation
  • Cells create protein engines (mRNA) for 100kT/bit
  • 0.03µm transistors consume 100kT per switching
  • Think of representational efficiency
  • What does each system get for 100kT?
  • Digital logic uses an impoverished representation
  • 104 switching events to perform an 8-bit multiply
  • Semiconductor scaling doesnt improve the
  • We pay a huge thermodynamic cost to use discrete

Example 2 Computing using Reversible Logic Gates
  • Two reversible gates controlled not (CN) and
    controlled controlled not (CCN).

A B C A B C0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 11 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
A B A B0 0 0 00 1 0 11 0 1
1 1 1 1 0
CCN is complete we can form any Boolean
function using only CCN gates e.g. AND if C 0
Next Week Quantum Computing
  • Reversible Logic Gates and Quantum Computing
  • Quantum versions of CN and CCN gates
  • Quantum superposition of states allows
    exponential speedup
  • Shors fast algorithm for factoring and breaking
    the RSA cryptosystem
  • Grovers database search algorithm
  • Physical substrates for quantum computing

Next Week
  • Guest Lecturer Dan Simon, Microsoft Research
  • Introductory lecture on quantum computing and
    Shors algorithm
  • Discussion and review afterwards
  • Homework 4 due submit code and results
    electronically by Thursday (let us know if you
    have problems meeting the deadline)
  • Sign up for project and presentation times
  • Feel free to contact instructor and TA if you
    want to discuss your project
  • Have a great weekend!
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