Title: Case Management Training in Tayside
1Case Management Training in Tayside
2National Context
- Better Health, Better Care
- Changing Lives
- Care Management training framework
- Integrated Accessible Care
- Rehabilitation Framework
- Capability Framework for nursing
- Audit Scotland Report
- Other work e.g. Lanarkshire/NES
- Open Space events
- English work- community matron
- Improvement programme
3Local Context
- Ongoing,established care management
- Pilot work for case management
- Abertay course for case management
- Promises what we WILL deliver on in the next 12
- Pathfinder site for integrated accessible care
- Host for National LTC Improvement programme
- And tensions/history and baggage
Fragmented Approach
Little or no prevention activity
Task Orientated
Treatment Focussed
Few measurements related to holistic assessment
Patients problems treated in isolation from each
Illness Focussed
Various elements managed by various people
Little patient/ carer empowerment
- Pharmacy Issues
- - Hospital
- - GP
- Community
- Pharmacist
Multiple Hospital Admissions
5Case Management (A Holistic Approach)
Proactive anticipatory care
Patient/ carer empowerment
Clinical Management
Strategic direction
Right Place
Right People Multi-disciplinary
Quality of Life
6Key Skills of Care/Case Management
- Co-ordination
- Collaboration
- Communication
7Benefits for people with long term conditions
- proactive care - anticipating need
- understanding of own condition
- support and building of confidence to self manage
when appropriate - co-ordination of services across agencies
- services as locally as possible
8You asked for
- better coordination of services when you have a
lot of people involved in your care
9We promise
- To build on your existing care management
arrangements which may be provided by the NHS and
Local Authority. We will do this in a way that
ensures that your care is better coordinated
particularly when your needs are or become
multiple and more complex
10Partnership Approach
- Social Services
- Voluntary Agencies
- Specialist services
- AHPs
- Patients/Carers
11Training Issues?? (ones highlighted previously)
- Case Management
- Masters module in Case Management
- Advanced physical assessment
- Extended prescribing
- Motivational interviewing
- Care Management
- Care Management Framework
- Motivational Interviewing
12Better Health, Better Care
- Provide intensive case management based on
individual care plans which coordinate the
services provided by whichever individuals or
organisations are most appropriate for the
patients needs
13Over to Sheila!