Title: Take a Break!
2What is it?
- Seizure episode of abnormal motor, sensory,
autonomic or psychic activity (or a combination
of these) resulting from sudden excessive
discharge from cerebral neurons - SS depend on which area of brain is affected
twitching, convulsions, atony, mood swing,
perception changes, loss of consciousness,
irritability, etc
3What Causes Seizures?
- Cause is unknown?misfiring of brain cells!
- Primary (as the underlying disease)
- Secondary (to the underlying disease)
- Birth trauma
- Prenatal asphyxia
- Head injuries
- Infections-Fever
- Metabolic disease
- Hypoxia
- Tumors
- Drug/ETOH W/D
- Allergies
- CV disease ?1 in elderly
4Risk Factors
- Incidence decreases with age
- 1 per 1000 incidence in 1st yr of life
- Median age dev is 5-6 yrs of age
- Research 7 of aged 75yrs
- Complex partial seizure is most common type
- Other Risk Factors (see previous slide)
- Neurological conditions
- Cerebral palsy
- Autism
- Family Hx
- etc
5Diagnostic Tests
- Angiography
- Surgery (rare)
6EEG sedation
- Sleep deprived
- Duration1-1 ½ hrs
- must be very still or asleep
- Age lt 5yo?chloral hydrate po or pr
- 25 mg/kg/day as single dose max 500 mg/day
- drowsiness occurs within 10-15 min
- sleep usually occurs within 30-60 min
- monitor POx sats
- fully awake within 2 hrs
- in some cases sleep can last 4 to 8 hours.
7Lab Tests
- To rule out metabolic disease or toxicity
- Blood chemistry
- Liver Renal studies
- Urine culture
- LP
- Serum drug levels (including Rx)
- Lead level
- Toxicology screening (drugs or poisons)
8Epilepsy Facts
- A group of syndromes characterized by recurring
seizures - 2-4 million ppl- 1 in 100 adults
- Does NOT affect intelligence
- Usual age of onset lt 20 yo
- Women? childbearing factors
- Meds?birth defects, BC pill effectiveness ? with
some meds - ? risk of seizure with menses
- ? risk of osteoporosis due to long term med tx
- ? folic acid absorption with meds
9Types of Seizure Activity
- Differentiated by how seizure manifests
- Partial (focal)?begin in only one part of
cerebrum - Simplemotor or sensory, confined to one area
(face, contralateral part of body) then spreads
to adjacent parts - Complexusually temporal lobe aura, impaired LOC
x hrs, automatisms (lip smacking, picking at
clothes, aimless walking) followed by amnesia of
the event - Generalized?involves whole brain
- Absence (petit mal)?brief cessation of all motor
activity blank stare unresponsive (common in
children)may go unnoticed! - Clonic (stiffening)/Tonic (alternating
contraction relaxation jerking)?(grand mal)
10Phases of Tonic/Clonic Seizure
- Aurasensory alteration visual, smell, taste
- Tonic phaseunconscious muscle contraction?high
metabolic demand?sugar! - Clonic phasealternating contract-relax of
muscles - Postictal periodsleepy but arousable
11Status EpilepticusA FIGTx
- Cont seizures w/o recovery time between them
- Seizures lasting gt30 minutes
- Medical emergency!!
- high metabolic demand can cause brain damage or
respiratory arrest!!! - Do A FIG!!
- A - Airway?ET tube
- F - Find the cause
- VS, EKG, Accucheck, drug/toxin levels, ABGs
- I - IV access IV meds (slowly!)
- 50 Dextrose IV to prevent hypoglycemia
- Valium (diazepam) or Ativan (lorazepam) q 10 min
- Dilantin (phenytoin) F/U or longer effect
- G-General anesthesia
- Use of short-acting barbiturate-Pentothal,
(thiopental) for anesthesia (or phenobarb)
12Nursing Responsibilities
- KNOW what to do!!!
- Recording sequence
- Dx may depend on description
- Preceding event, time of day, how long what
occurred during each phase, both sides or one? - Objectivewhich body part 1st, ANS signs (pupil
dilation, salivation, altered breathing,
cyanosis, etc), iteric?LOC, VS, sleep period, etc - Subjective soreness, memory loss, weakness, etc
- Airway mngmt Safety
- Support protect head, turn on side, loosen
clothing, ease to floor if seated, oxygen,
suctioning, note any injurty F/U appropriately
13Antiseizure Medications p1536stabilize nerve
cell membranes
- Dilantin (phenytoin)
- Depakene (valproic acid)
- Depakote (divalproex)
- Tegretol (carbamazepine)
- No grapefruit juice!
- Klonopin (clonazepam)
- Luminal (phenobarb)
- Neurontin (gabapentin)
- CAM Fact Gingko may ? risk of seizure if Hx of
seizure disorder
14Drug Therapy
- Begin with single drug
- Serum levels monitored
- Lowest dose is best dose
- Many have long half life (daily or bid doses)
- Do not DC abruptly!!
15Side Effects of Meds
- Idiosyncratic
- Skin rashes
- Hepatotoxicity
- Blood dyscrasias
- Renal disease
- Toxic effects
- Nystagmus
- Ataxia
- LOC changes
- Cognitive changes
- Drowsiness
- Diplopia
- Dizziness
- Lethargy
- Irritability
- Somnolence
- Anorexia
- NV
Gingival HyperplasiaDilantin gums!
16Client education Health Maintenance
- Oral hygiene
- Reducing fears
- Providing education
- Monitoring for complications
- Developmental considerations
17Public Education
18The End
All pictures in this PowerPoint are intended for
educational purposes only and have been obtained
through internet search engines such as Google
MSN Live Search. I take no individual credit for
content other than assembling them for
presentation and learning opportunities.