Title: Welcome to Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness Map attack
1Welcome to Physical Fitness, Health and
WellnessMap attack
Created by Joe Steiner
Growth and Development
2Teachers Guide
This presentation is set up to help study for
Map testing and provide questions and answers in
the areas of health and wellness. The content
coincides with the areas that will be covered for
map testing on the 5th grade level. The
following page will help you organize and present
the information to your class.
3Teacher preparation
- Go over sections that coincide with what you
are teaching and incorporate presentation - Look through the presentation to become
familiar with the content - Use buttons to advance screens and to go back
to previous screens - Have students keep a notebook
- Encourage student participation and enjoy the
lessons, having fun is a must
4Growth and Development
During our lifetime we go through several
different stages of growth and development.
How many stages can you identify? Click and find
5Identify the stages of GrowthYoungest to Oldest
1. Prenatal growth
Match the picture to the word. Click for answers
3. childhood
4. Adolescence
5. Adulthood
6Personal and Family Health
Growth and Development
Factors that affect growth and development
How many do you Know?
Heredity is the passing on of certain traits from
parent to child. Heredity affects the way you
grow because your traits for growing were passed
to you by your parents.
8Physical Activity
When you stay physically active you not only look
better but develop a higher self-esteem and it
can help you remain healthy throughout the rest
of your life.
9 Age and Sex ( Male/Female)
Girls often begin their growth spurt before
boys. Girls on the average start at age 10 Boys
usually start at age 12
10Your Mission Draw a picture of your family and
identify what stage of growth each family member
is in.