A Debate: Believing in God is Psychologically Healthy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Debate: Believing in God is Psychologically Healthy


When religious beliefs are based on fear of a vengeful god, people can ... but some can feel Pros to Believing in God People who believe in God do not judge ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A Debate: Believing in God is Psychologically Healthy

A Debate Believing in God is Psychologically
  • Jeremy Brenneman
  • Kait Richard
  • Matt Machles
  • Leah Straus
  • Julia Peter

Pros to Believing in God
  • Sven Koenig, an associate professor of medicine
    and psychiatry, who also founded Duke's Center
    for the Study of Religion/Spirituality and Health
    six years ago, has done significant research in
    this field.
  • His recent studies suggest that churchgoing
    people are less prone to disease, have healthier
    immune systems and live longer than people who
    don't attend religious services regularly. Koenig
    is not sure why this is so.
  • Is it that religious people have better support
    systems or healthier lifestyles? Or does a
    belief in God or another ethical system have a
    positive effect on the body's ability to fight

Pros to Believing in God
  • In his 1996 book, Timeless Healing The Power and
    Biology of Belief, Herbert Benson describes
    health and well-being as supported by a
    three-legged stool. One of the stool's legs is
    medications the second, surgery and the third,
    self-care. He argues that all three are necessary
    but that self-care, which includes cultivation
    of patients' inner resources to assist in their
    own healing, is the most disparaged and
    neglected aspect of health care today.

Pros to Believing in God
  • Recent studies have shown that many patients with
    HIV/AIDS have a powerful will to live and some
    report a sense that life has actually improved
    since learning they were infected.
  • The NIH research will build on these studies by
    using more detailed measures and including a
    wider variety of patients. Insights gained from
    this study will help to improve the quality of
    life of those living with HIV/AIDS.
  • There is a growing body of research that supports
    the role of spirituality in healthcare. This work
    furthers that research by investigating how
    spirituality might affect ones quality of life.
    As a result, this study may help deliver more
    effective and compassionate care to patients with
    chronic illness.

Cons to Believing in God
  • Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.
  • -Thomas Paine
  • This quote asserts the position that believing in
    an almighty and powerful god can lead to negative
    psychological defects.
  • When religious beliefs are based on fear of a
    vengeful god, people can become too concerned
    with the negative outcomes of their sins. Many
    religions put great pressure and responsibility
    on its members. They must follow strict laws and
    meet certain expectations presented by the
    religious group. These pressures can be too great
    and the person can be left feeling guilt and
    remorse so severe that they become deeply

Cons to Believing in God
  • Behavioral scientist, Dr. Robert Ellis states
    that religion, discourages self acceptance,
    self-interest and self directedness, which are
    all necessary for sound mental and emotional
  • When members of a religion feel they have not met
    the qualifications or standards of that religion
    this may only add to their problems. Also many
    religions emphasize the importance of humility
    and self-sacrifice. They are taught to not
    embrace things that will benefit them, but that
    will benefit others.
  • While at its root this may be a good premise,
    this idea can also lead to self neglect and poor

Cons to Believing in God
  • Dr. Wendell Watters opinions in his book, Deadly
    Doctrine Health, Illness and Christian God ,
    express the idea that believing in religion can
    lead to many psychological disorders including
    schizophrenia. According to Watters religions are
    like magnets to people who often suffer from
    psychological problems. They seek out help
    through religions, which in turn only harm them
  • Religious people look to a higher being and
    prayer to help them through life thus preventing
    them from seeking out other methods of support.
    Prayer can lead to withdraw and lessening of the
    perception of reality. People can become so
    obsessed with faith and prayer they ignore
    reality and repress and deny certain truths in
    their lives.

Pros to Believing in God
  • God created us all for a specific purpose
  • Religion helps us understand that purpose, even
    if we dont know what it is
  • God will help guide and lead us there
  • He has given us enough knowledge to figure out
    what our purpose is, and it is our responsibility
    to do the right thing

Pros to Believing in God
  • We are all bonded by the power of God
  • His spirit is all around us and is in everything,
    so people are comforted by that
  • All life is connected by a force that we can not
    see, but some can feel

Pros to Believing in God
  • People who believe in God do not judge others for
    their looks, but through there souls
  • That gives them a more mature look on others, and
    they can become kinder and more understanding for
    all life on earth

Cons to Believing in God
  • Belief in God is psychologically unhealthy
    because religion teaches us to avoid committing
    acts that will lead us to emotions such as guilt
    or fear.  We are taught to embrace things with
    love and lead our lives in a prideful manner.
    However, guilt and fear are psychologically
    healthy emotions to feel.
  • Fear can prevent us from getting hurt, either
    physically or emotionally. If we live our lives
    without fearing anything, we are making ourselves
    vulnerable to all the vices in the world.
  • Guilt allows us to learn from our mistakes. If we
    lack guilt, we are susceptible to repeating
    mistakes over and over.
  • Therefore, believing in God is essentially
    causing us to be defenseless human beings,

Cons to Believing in God
  • After a person tells a lie, they generally feel
    guilty that they lied, but no further action
    usually takes place
  • A person with a strong belief in God could suffer
    from depression and soon grow insane for acting
    against God
  • This also leads to anxiety and depression,
    because you whole life just passed you by

Cons to Believing in God
  • Some people believe that God has set a certain
    destiny for us, and it is our goal to find what
    that destiny is.
  • If people waste their whole life trying to find
    that meaning instead of doing what you want, your
    life is a waste and pointless

Cons to Believing in God
  • Eating habits are also influenced, because some
    people change their habits over a period of time,
    or just cease to eat at all
  • When we change our eating habits randomly for a
    month, our body is not given the adequate amount
    of nutrition, so we are more likely to become ill
  • If a person is fasting, thats just plain stupid,
    because you know thats not healthy. We were
    designed to eat, thats how we survive, so if
    your belief is not to eat because your god said
    so, you might want to switch up your religion or
    you might not be here for long

Cons to Believing in God
  • Religion teaches us to anticipate a life after
    death which is usually described as a euphoric
    place, which is supposed to be better and more
    peaceful than the life we had on earth.
    Therefore, it is teaching us that there is
    something wrong or incomplete with the life we
    are presently living. It gives us a sense of
    negative self-worth and forces us to question
    what the meaning of life is.  This is a
    psychologically unhealthy way of thinking because
    it lowers our self-esteem and forces us to value
    what may come in the future, as opposed to what
    we should value in everyday life.

  • http//www.ourchurch.com/view/?pageID92895
  • http//www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename
  • http//www.gwu.edu/medmedia/news_room.cfm?ann_id
  • http//www.med.yale.edu/intmed/hummed/yjhm/spirit/
  • http//www.gwu.edu/medmedia/news_room.cfm?ann_id
  • http//www.eclecticchurch.org/6_Avoidance_of_Negat
  • http//members.aol.com/_ht_a/gayzenla/myhomepage/z
  • http//eunacom.net/Watters_Doctrine.htm
  • http//members.aol.com/_ht_a/gayzenla/myhomepage/z
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