Title: General Pathology
1General Pathology
- Basic Principles of Cellular and Organ Pathology
- Oncology - I
Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. ,1st Med.
Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague
2General Oncology - 1
- Disorders of the cell proliferation and growth
(hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia) - Neoplasms disorders of cell proliferation
and differentiation - Molecular biology of neoplasia - oncogenesis
- Host - neoplasm interactions
- swelling of any kind
- Def.
- persistent
- abnormal
- relatively autonomous
proliferation of cells
5NEOPLASIA history I.
- Ramayana 2000 B.C.
- therapy with knife
- chemotherapy arsenical compounds
6NEOPLASIA history II.
- Galen AD 131201
- according to nature
- pregnancy
- exceeding nature
- inflammatory, reparative, callus
- against nature
- true neoplasms
7Growth Disturbances Their Relation to
8Nonneoplastic Growth Disturbances I
- complete or partial lack of
development (aplasia, hypoplasia) - asymmetry
- oversize
- hamartoma
- choristoma
- ectopic tissue
9Hamartia Hamartoma
- Def.
- A mass of disorganized tissue indigenous to the
particular site.
10Choristia - Choristoma
- Def.
- A mass of ectopic tissue (cells) with a
limmited growth potency
11Nonneoplastic Growth Disturbances II
- repair
- hypertrophy / atrophy -
(incl.pseudohypertrophy) - hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- dysplasia
- anaplasia undifferentiation
12Nonneoplastic Growth Disturbances II
- repair
- hypertrophy / atrophy -
(incl.pseudohypertrophy) - hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- dysplasia
- anaplasia undifferentiation
13Nonneoplastic Growth Disturbances II
- repair
- hypertrophy / atrophy
- hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- dysplasia
- anaplasia undifferentiation
14Nonneoplastic Growth Disturbances II
- repair
- hypertrophy / atrophy
- hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- dysplasia
- anaplasia undifferentiation
15Nonneoplastic Growth Disturbances II
- repair
- hypertrophy / atrophy
- hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- dysplasia
- anaplasia undifferentiation
16Growth Disturbances to Neoplasms Relation
- differential diagnosis pseudotumours
- precursors precanceroses
(preblastomatoses) - both 1. and 2.
- Def.
- persistent
- abnormal
- relatively autonomous
proliferation of cells
18Neoplasia (Tumour)
- DNA disease
- Stepwise accumulation
- of genetic abnormalities
- Escape of immunological clearing systems
19Neoplasia - causes
- External
- Irradiation
- chemical cancerogens
- oncogenic viruses
- Internal
- immunosupression (inborn, acquired)
- chronic irritation (inflammation)
20Oncogenic Viruses
- SV 40 polyoma
- Adenoviruses
- Herpesviruses
- Epstein Barr
- Hepatitis B
- Rous sarcoma
- Leukemia
21Cell Cycle Regulators control of cellular
- polypeptide growth factors EGF, PDGF , FGF, TGFa,
ß (protooncogenes) - ligand receptor binding
- activation via conformation alteration (kinase)
- signal transduction second messengers (tyrosine
kinases) - activation of transcription factors
- DNA synthesis initiation
- cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases cdk
- cdk associated inhibitors cki
22Cell Cycle Regulators growth factors
- Polypeptide growth stimulators
- EGF, PDGF, TGF a (protooncogenes)
- cytokins
- IL-1,
- TNF angiogenesis
- Polypeptide growth inhibitors
- T(ransforming)GF ß
- interferon a
- prostaglandin E-2
23Cell Cycle Regulation Disorders uncontroled
cellular proliferation
- polypeptide growth factors (e.g. EGF, PDGF ,
FGF,) acting as oncogenes via overexpression - ligand receptor amplification
- signal transducing proteins (e.g. ras
oncoproteins) - activation othe mitogenic
signaling pathway - nuclear DNA synthesis regulators (myc, jun, fos)
- mitochondrial oncogenes (bcl-2) prevention of
24Molecular Biological and Morphological
Tumour Progression
Normal cell
- dysplasia
- adenoma
- infiltrating
- carcinoma
Loss of growth control
Loss of apoptosis control
Loss of Senescence control
genomic instability
activation proteases
Metastasising tumour cell
Molecular biological
Morphological Tumour Progression
25Host - Neoplasm Interactions
- immune surveillance
- immune response
- spontaneous regression
- local preassure
- cachexia
- anaemia
- immunodepression
- products of neoplastic cells
26NEOPLASIA function
- immunoglobulin
- osteiod
- keratin
- mucus
- melanin
- hormones
27NEOPLASIA function
- immunoglobulin
- osteiod
- keratin
- mucus
- melanin
28ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIAHormone Production and
- may or may not be present
- unregulated may be excessive
- benign tumours more likely to be active
- size of tumour not related to the degree
of function - metastases may cause hyperfunction