The Decline of the Gerontocracy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Decline of the Gerontocracy


Was he a dissident or a Menshevik ? Many reforms resembled those proposed by Sakharov Remained wedded to Communist Party Economic difficulties created by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Decline of the Gerontocracy

The Decline of the Gerontocracy
Stagnations Bitter End
  • Leonid Brezhnev, Yury Andropov, Konstantin
    Chernenko the decline of the old party
  • Tight party control
  • Suppression of dissidents and artists
  • Military build-up
  • Reliance on oil money to fill the gaps in the

Brezhnev dies 10 November 1982
  • Succeeded by Yury Andropov, who presided at the

Andropov dies 9 February 1984
  • Long-time head of the KGB
  • Tried to tighten discipline
  • Promoted his protégé Mikhail Gorbachev

to be succeeded by Konstantin Chernenko who
died on 10 March 1985.
  • One of the old Ukrainian Mafia, came to power in
    a deal with reformers on sequence of succession.

The minuses and the pluses of stagnation
  • Tight ideological control
  • Dissidents persecuted exiled, put in mental
  • Creaky economy produced shortages, poor quality
  • Decline in health of the nation
  • Everyone had a job of sorts
  • Life was predictable
  • One did not have to try too much
  • Many look back today with nostalgia to the zastoy

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev (b. 1931)
  • The last leader of the USSR, architect of the end
    of the Cold War and of the confrontation in Europe

Gorbachev The path to power
  • 1978 Appointed to Central Committee as secretary
    for agriculture
  • 1982 Nov 10. Brezhnev dies, Yuri Andropov
    replaces him
  • 1984 Feb 9. Andropov dies, Konstantin Chernenko
    replaces him
  • 1985 March 10 Chernenko dies. Gorbachev replaces
    him as General Secretary of the CPSU.

Alexander Yakovlev (1923-2005)
  • 1983 Gorbachev visits Canada, meets Alexander
    Yakovlev, Soviet ambassador
  • Famous talk in Eugene Whelans back yard
  • Eugene Whelan and Gorbachev

Alexander Yakovlev
  • So we took a long walk on that Minister's farm
    ... I somehow, for some reason, threw caution to
    the wind and started telling him about what I
    considered to be utter stupidities in the area of
    foreign affairs, especially about those SS-20
    missiles that were being stationed in Europe and
    a lot of other things. And he did the same thing.
    We were completely frank. He frankly talked about
    the problems in the internal situation in Russia.
    He was saying that under these conditions, the
    conditions of dictatorship and absence of
    freedom, the country would simply perish. So
    during our three-hour conversation we poured it
    all out and during that three-hour conversation
    we actually came to agreement on all our main
    points. He left, and literally two weeks later I
    received an invitation to take the post of the
    head of the Institute of International
    Relations and
  • the World Economy. I went back to Russia.

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
  • 1978 Pro-Soviet Government set up in Afghanistan
  • Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
  • 5 December 1978 Friendship treaty with the
    Soviet Union - excuse to invade.
  • December 24, 1979 Invasion by USSR forces

Afghan war The Russians Viet Nam
  • 1980 Boycott of Summer Olympics in Moscow - USA,
    Canada, other western countries
  • 1985-6 Civil war with mujahideen at its height
  • April 14, 1988 Negotiated settlement in Geneva
  • February 15, 1989 USSR withdraws from Afganistan

1989 Soviet troops leave Afghanistan
The toll of the Afghan War
  • USSR 14453 dead 19 751 disabled
  • Huge material losses
  • Afghan 1 - 2 million killed, millions displaced
  • The Taliban, fuelled by American, British, Saudi
    money, eventually take over

Problems abroad
  • 1978 Karol Wojtyla elected pope.
  • Growing independence of Soviet bloc members, esp.
  • Solidarnosc movement

More problems abroad
  • Ronald Reagan opposes evil empire.
  • Cranks up the arms race Star Wars
    anti-ballistic missile system
  • Price of oil falls catastrophically

Disasters at Home
  • 1986 April 26 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
  • Revealed secrecy, incompetence of Soviet
  • Courage of those who fought the disaster
  • Dramatized ecological problems of USSR

Gorbachevs Six Years1985-1991
  • Perestroika, glasnost, democratization

Gorbachevs First Move
  • "Struggle against alcoholism May 1985-1990
  • Clumsy program of destroying vineyards,
    increasing cost of vodka, closing beer halls
  • Government propaganda created resentment
  • Loss of 10 billion Rubles of state income
  • Huge growth in production of samogon

Perestroika, Glasnost, Democratization
  • February 1986 27th Party Congress
  • Perestroika the restructuring of the economy,
    injecting reality into targets and prices,
    allowing enterprises to make their own decisions
  • Prices not decontrolled budget had huge deficit,
    money printed to cover deficit led to huge
    increase in real price inflation

  • Open discussion of problems as a means to achieve
    real efficiencies
  • Led to questions about blind spots of history
    Katyn, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939, the
    Gulags and Stalins show trials
  • By 1988 censorship lifted from literature, film,
    the arts. Now Soviet citizens can read anything

  • Transfer of control of state from Party to
    semi-elected Congress of Peoples Deputies and
    Supreme Soviet elected by it
  • 750 members from districts, 750 from territories,
    750 from public organizations including 100
    from Communist Party First meeting 1989.
  • Gorbachev elected president of Supreme Soviet.

  • Open discussion of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
  • Baltic Republics Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and
    also Moldova (formerly Bessarabia) demanded their
  • As central power was loosened, republics begin to
    demand their languages be given prime status over
    Russian Ukrainian, Georgian, etc.

Molotov-Ribbentrop PactAgreed division 1939
(left) Actual division 1940 (right)
Gorbachevs Six years 1985
  • Eduard Shevardnadze becomes Foreign Minister,
    proclaims the Sinatra doctrine

Gorbachevs Six years 1986
  • February March First mention of perestroika at
    Party Congress
  • April Chernobyl disaster
  • December Sakharov brought back from exile in

Gorbachevs Six years 1987
  • January at Plenum of Politburo economic and
    political reforms announced
  • Rehabilitation of victims of Stalin announced
  • Eltsin attacks Gorbachev, resigns from Politburo

Gorbachevs Six years 1988
  • The year of glasnost
  • March Nina Andreyevas letter in Sovetskaya
  • May Law on cooperatives, allowing private
  • June Gorbachev proposes a new Congress of
    Peoples deputies
  • December Armenian Earthquake, 45,000 killed.

Gorbachevs Six years 1989
  • January February withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • March-April Elections to Congress
  • June Tianan Men Square incident in China
    dissidence suppressed
  • 9 November Berlin Wall comes down
  • November December Communists ousted throughout
    Soviet bloc
  • December 14 Sakharov dies

1990 A fateful year
  • Germany is being reunited
  •  Other Soviet bloc members do it their way
  • Gorbachev is awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace
  • Gorbachev chosen president of the Supreme Soviet
    of the USSR
  • Crisis looms in Soviet leadership Yakovlev,
    Shevardnadze forced out in December. Is another
    Tiananmen looming?

Gorbachevs Six years 1990
  • September 9 Alexander Men murdered
  • September Battle over 500 Days reform program
    for economy
  • The hard-liners begin to plot. Crisis looms in
    Soviet leadership Yakovlev, Shevardnadze forced
    out in December. Is another Tiananmen looming?

Gorbachevs NemesisBoris Eltsin (1931-2007)
  • 1985 December Gorbachev brings Eltsin to Moscow
    to head the party apparatus for the city
  • 1987 Eltsin criticizes Gorbachev openly in
    Committee, divested of power

Gorbachevs legacy
  • Ended Cold War
  • Brought the USSR out of Afghanistan
  • Moved USSR towards elected democracy and free
  • Nearly succeeded in saving a reformed USSR

Gorbachev and ideology
  • Was he a dissident or a Menshevik?
  • Many reforms resembled those proposed by Sakharov
  • Remained wedded to Communist Party
  • Economic difficulties created by gradual reforms
    made him deeply unpopular.
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