Fast Parallel Algorithms for Universal Lossless Source Coding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fast Parallel Algorithms for Universal Lossless Source Coding


Fast Parallel Algorithms for Universal Lossless Source Coding Dror Baron CSL & ECE Department, UIUC Ph.D. Defense February 18, 2003 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fast Parallel Algorithms for Universal Lossless Source Coding

Fast Parallel Algorithms for Universal Lossless
Source Coding
  • Dror Baron
  • CSL ECE Department, UIUC
  • Ph.D. Defense February 18, 2003

  • Motivation, applications, and goals
  • Background
  • Source models
  • Lossless source coding universality
  • Semi-predictive methods
  • An O(N) semi-predictive universal encoder
  • Two-part codes
  • Rigorous analysis of their compression quality
  • Application to parallel compression of Bernoulli
  • Parallel semi-predictive (PSP) coding
  • Achieving a work-efficient algorithm
  • Theoretical results
  • Summary

  • Lossless compression text files, facsimiles,
    software executables, medical, financial, etc.
  • What do we want in a compression algorithm?
  • Universality adaptive to a large class of
  • Good compression quality
  • Speed low computational complexity
  • Simple implementation
  • Low memory use
  • Sequential vs. offline

Why Parallel Compression ?
  • Some applications require high data rates
  • Compressed pages in virtual memory
  • Remote archiving fast communication links
  • Real-time compression in storage systems
  • Power reduction for interconnects on a circuit
  • Serial compression is limited by the clock rate

Room for Improvement and Goals
  • Previous Art
  • Serial universal source coding methods have
    reached the bounds on compression quality
  • Parallel source coding algorithms have high
    complexity and/or poor compression quality
  • Naïve parallelization compresses poorly
  • Parallel dictionary compression Franszek et.
  • Parallel context tree weighting
  • Research Goals good parallel compression
  • Work-efficient O(N/B) time with B computational
  • Compression quality as good as best serial
    methods (almost!)

Main Contributions
  • BWT-MDL (O(N) universal encoder)
  • An O(N) algorithm that achieves Rissanens
    redundancy bounds on best achievable compression
  • Combines efficient prefix tree construction with
    semi-predictive approach to universal coding
  • Fast Suffix Sorting (not in this talk)
  • Core algorithm is very simple (can be implemented
    in VLSI)
  • Worst-case complexity O(N log0.5(N))
  • Competitive with other suffix sorting methods in
  • Two-Part Codes
  • Rigorous analysis of their compression quality
  • Application to distributed/parallel compression
  • Optimal two-part codes
  • Parallel Compression Algorithm (not in this
  • Work-efficient O(N/B) algorithm
  • Compression loss is roughly B log(N/B) bits

Source Models
  • Binary alphabet X0,1, sequence x ? XN
  • Bernoulli Model
  • i.i.d. model
  • p(xi1)?
  • Order-K Markov Model
  • Previous K symbols called context
  • Context-dependent conditional probability for
    next symbol
  • More flexible than Bernoulli
  • Exponentially many states

Context Tree Sources
  • More flexible than Bernoulli
  • More compact than Markov
  • Particularly good for text
  • Works for M-ary alphabet
  • State context conditional probabilities
  • Example N11, x01011111111

Review of Lossless Source Coding
  • Stationary ergodic sources
  • Entropy rate HlimN?? H(x)/N
  • Asymptotically, H is the lowest attainable
    per-symbol rate
  • Arithmetic coding
  • Probability assignment p(x)
  • Coding length l(x)-log(p(x))O(1)
  • Can achieve entropy O(1) bits

Universal Source Coding
  • Source statistics are unknown
  • Need probability assignment p(x)
  • Need to estimate source model
  • Need to describe estimated source (explicitly or
  • Redundancy excess coding length above entropy
  • ?(x)l(x)-NH

Redundancy Bounds
  • Rissanens bound (K unknown parameters)
  • E?(x) gt (K/2) log(N)O(1)
  • Worst-case redundancy for Bernoulli sequences
    (K1) ?(x)maxx?XN ?(x) ? 0.5 log(?N/2)
  • Asymptotically, ?(x)/N? 0
  • In practice, e.g., text, the number of parameters
    scales almost linearly with N
  • Low redundancy is still essential

Semi-Predictive Approach
  • Semi-predictive methods describe x in two phases
  • Phase I find a good tree source structure S
    and describe it using codelength lS
  • Phase II encode x using S with probability
    assignment pS(x)
  • Phase I estimate minimum description length
    (MDL) tree source model Sarg min lS

Semi-Predictive Approach - Phase II
  • Sequential encoding of x given S
  • Determine which state s of S generated symbol xi
  • Assign xi a conditional probability p(xis)
  • Arithmetic encoding
  • p(xis) can be based on previously processed
    portion of x, quantized probability estimates,

Context Trees
  • We will provide an O(N) semi-predictive algorithm
    by estimating S using context trees
  • Context trees arrange x in a tree
  • Each node corresponds to
  • sequence of appended arc
  • labels on path to root
  • Internal nodes correspond
  • to repeating contexts in x
  • Leaves correspond to unique contexts
  • Sentinel symbol x0 makes sure
  • symbols have different contexts

Context Tree Pruning(To prune or not to prune)
  • The MDL structure for state s yields the shortest
    description for symbols generated by s
  • When processing state s
  • Estimate MDL structures for states 0s and 1s
  • Decide whether to keep 0s and 1s or prune them
    into state s
  • Base decision on coding lengths

Phase I with Atomic Context Trees
  • Atomic context tree
  • Arc labels are atomic (single symbol)
  • Internal nodes are not necessarily branching
  • Has up to O(N2) nodes
  • The coding length minimization of Phase I
    processes each node of the context tree Nohre94
  • With atomic context trees, the worst-case
    complexity is at least O(N2) ?

Compact Context Trees
  • Compact context tree
  • Arc labels not necessarily atomic
  • Internal node are branching
  • O(N) nodes
  • Compact representation of the same tree
  • Depth-first traversal of compact context tree
    provides O(N) complexity ?
  • Theorem Phase I of BWT-MDL requires O(N)
    operations performed with O(log(N)) bits of

Phase II of BWT-MDL
  • We determine the generator state using a novel
    algorithm that is based on properties of the
    Burrows Wheeler transform (BWT)
  • Theorem The BWT-MDL encoder requires O(N)
    operations performed with O(log(N)) bits of
  • Theorem Willems et. al. 2000 redundancy
    w.r.t. any tree source S is at most S0.5
    log(N)O(1) bits

Distributed/Parallel Compression of Bernoulli
  • Splitter partitions x into B blocks x(1),,x(B)
  • Encoder j?1,,B compresses x(j) it assigns
    probabilities p(xi(j)1)? and p(xi(j)0)1-?
  • The total probability assigned to x is identical
    to that in a serial compression system
  • This structure assumes that ? is known our goal
    is to provide a universal parallel compression
    algorithm for Bernoulli sequences

Two-Part Codes
  • Two-part codes use a semi-predictive approach to
    describe Bernoulli sequences
  • First part of code
  • Determine the maximum likelihood (ML) parameter
    estimate ?ML(x)n1/(n0n1)
  • Quantize ?ML(x) to rk, one of K representation
  • Describe the bin index k with log(K) bits
  • Second part of code encodes x using rk
  • In distributed systems
  • Sequential compressors require O(N) internal
  • Two-part codes need only communicate
  • Requires O(B log(K)) internal communications

Jeffreys Two-Part Code
  • Quantize ?ML(x)
  • Bin edges bksin2(?k/2K)
  • Representation levels rksin2(?(2k-1)/4K)
  • Use K? ?1.772N0.5? bins
  • Source description
  • log(K) bits for describing the bin index k
  • Need n1 log(?ML(x))-n0log(1-?ML(x)) for encoding

Redundancy of Jeffreys Code for Bernoulli
  • Redundancy
  • log(K) bits for describing k
  • N D(?ML(x)rk) bits for encoding x using
    imprecise model
  • D(ab) is Kullback Leibler divergence
  • In bin k, l(x)-?ML(x)log(rk )-1-?ML(x)
    log(1-rk )
  • l(? ML (x)) is poly-line
  • Redundancy log(K) l(?ML(x)) N H(?ML(x)) ?
    log(K) L?
  • Use quantizers that have small L? distance
    between the entropy function and the induced
    poly-line fit

Redundancy Properties
  • For x s.t. ?ML(x) is quantized to rk, the
    worst-case redundancy is
  • log(K)N maxD(bkrk),D(bk-1rk)
  • D(bkrk) and D(bk-1rk)
  • Largest in initial or end bins
  • Similar in the middle bins
  • Difference reduced over wider range of k for
    larger N (larger K)
  • Can construct a near-optimal quantizer by
    modifying the initial and end bins of the
    Jeffreys quantizer

Redundancy Results
  • Theorem The worst-case redundancy of the
    Jeffreys code is 1.221O(1/N) bits above
    Rissanens bound
  • Theorem The worst-case redundancy of the optimal
    two-part code is 1.047O(1) bits above Rissanens

Parallel Universal Compression for Bernoulli
  • Phase I
  • Parallel units (PUs) compute symbol counts for
    the B blocks
  • Coordinating unit (CU) computes and quantizes the
    MDL parameter estimate ?ML(x) and describes k
  • Phase II B PUs encode the B blocks based on rk

Why do we need Parallel Semi-Predictive Coding?
  • Naïve parallelization
  • Partition x into B blocks
  • Compress blocks independently
  • The redundancy for a length-N/B block is
  • Total redundancy is O(B log(N/B))
  • Rissanens bound is O(log(N))
  • The redundancy with naïve parallelization is

Parallel Semi-Predictive (PSP) Concept
  • Phase I
  • B parallel units (PUs) accumulate statistics
    (symbol counts) on the B blocks
  • Coordinating unit (CU) computes the MDL tree
    source estimate S
  • Phase II-- B PUs compress the B blocks based on

Source Description in PSP
  • Phase I the CU describes the structure of S and
    the quantized ML parameter estimates kss?S
  • Phase II each of B PUs compresses block x(b)
    just like Phase II of the (serial)
    semi-predictive approach

Complexity of Phase I
  • Phase I processes each node of the context tree
  • The CU processes the states of a full atomic
    context tree of depth-Dmax, where Dmax? log(N/B)
  • Processing a node
  • Internal node requires
  • O(1) time
  • Leaf CU adds up block
  • symbol counts to compute
  • each symbol count, i.e., ns??b ns?(b), where ??
  • The CU processes a leaf node in O(B) time
  • With O(N/B) leaves, the aggregate complexity is
    O(N), which is excessive

Phase I in O(N/B) Time
  • We want to compute ns??b ns?(b) faster
  • An adder tree incurs O(log(B)) delay for adding
    up B block symbol counts
  • Pipelining enables us to generate a result every
    O(1) time
  • O(N/B) nodes, each requiring O(1) time

Phase II in O(N/B) Time
  • The challenging part in Phase II is determining
  • Define the context index for a length-Dmax
    context s preceding xi(b) as the binary number
    that represents s
  • The length-2Dmax generator table g satisfies
    gjs?S if s is a suffix of the context whose
    context index is j
  • We can construct g in O(N/B) time (far from
  • Compute context indices for all symbols of x(b)
    and determine the generating states via the
    generator table g

  • An input bus is demultiplexed to multiple units
  • The MDL source and quantized ML parameters are
  • The B compressed blocks y(B) are decompressed on
    B decoding units

Theoretical Results
  • Theorem With computations performed with 2
    log(N) bits of precision defined as O(1) time
  • Phase I of PSP approximates the MDL coding length
    within O(1) of the true optimum
  • The PSP algorithm requires O(N/B) time
  • Theorem The PSP algorithm uses a total of O(N)
    words of memory a total of O(N log(N)) bits
  • Theorem The pointwise redundancy of PSP w.r.t.
    S is ?(x) lt Blog(N/B)O(1)Slog(N)/2O(1)

parallelization overhead
Main Contributions
  • BWT-MDL (O(N) universal encoder)
  • An O(N) algorithm that achieves Rissanens
    redundancy bounds on best achievable compression
  • Combines efficient prefix tree construction with
    semi-predictive approach to universal coding
  • Fast Suffix Sorting (not in this talk)
  • Core algorithm is very simple (can be implemented
    in VLSI)
  • Worst-case complexity O(N log0.5(N))
  • Competitive with other suffix sorting methods in
  • Two-Part Codes
  • Rigorous analysis of their compression quality
  • Application to distributed/parallel compression
  • Optimal two-part codes
  • Parallel Compression Algorithm (not in this
  • Work-efficient O(N/B) algorithm
  • Compression loss is roughly B log(N/B) bits

  • Results have been extended to X-ary alphabet
  • Future research can concentrate on
  • Processing broader classes of tree sources
  • Problems in statistical inference
  • Universal classification
  • Channel decoding
  • Prediction
  • Characterize the design space for parallel
    compression algorithms

Generic Phase I
if (s is a leaf) Count symbol appearances ns0
and ns1 MDLs? length(ns0, ns1) else / s is
an internal node / Recursively compute MDL
length and counts for 0s and 1s ns0 ? n0s0n1s0,
ns1 ? n0s1n1s1 MDLs? length(ns0, ns1) if (MDLs
gtMDL0s MDL1s ) Keep 0s and 1s else Prune 0s
and 1s, keep s
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