Three national accounting "systems": - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Three national accounting "systems":


Three national accounting – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Three national accounting "systems":

Three national accounting "systems"
  • System of National Accounts  2008 (SNA
    revisions 1953, 1968, 1993, 2008)
  • European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA 95 ? SNA
    93 ESA 70 ? SNA 68 )
  • NIPA 2009 (National Income Product Accounts,
  • re OECD, Understanding National Accounts 2006
  • http//

 The reference manuals
  • The standards governing national accounts are
    enshrined in two international reference manuals
    the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA 93),
    which is recognised globally, and the European
    version of this called the European System of
    Accounts 1995 (ESA 95). At the end of 2009 a long
    awaited new revision of the SNA was published.
  • The new manual (2008 SNA) is co-signed by the
    five major international economic organizations
    the United Nations, the International Monetary
    Fund, the OECD, the World Bank and the European
  • The European manual is totally compatible with
    the global manual and includes additional useful
    details. It also has a more legally binding
    character because, according to European
    regulations, EU member countries are obligated to
    implement it.
  • These manuals have contributed substantially to
    improving the international comparability of
    data, although further progress still has to be
    made in this endeavor .
  • The complete 1993 SNA version  is available
    online http//
  • The new version is also available online
  • http//

Two basic aggregates GDP GNI
  • GDP ? Gross Domestic Product
  • GDP   ? outputs -  ?(intermediate consumptions)
  • GDP  ? (gross values added)
  • plus taxes on products
  • minus subsidies on products
  • GNI ? Gross National Income
  • primary income (including earnings) received
    from the rest of the world
  • primary income (including earnings) paid to
    the rest of the world

GDP vs. other aggregates
  • Why the bizarre title gross domestic product, or
    GDP? Domestic indicates that the output measured
    is produced within the economic territory of the
    country, or the group of countries, concerned.
    (It is in fact entirely possible to calculate GDP
    for a group of countries, such as that of the
    euro area.) Gross means the consumption of fixed
    capital is not deducted .
  • Domestic is also in opposition to national, as
    in GNI or gross national income, which is the
    current title of what was referred to as GNP, or
    gross national product, in previous systems of
    national accounts (GNP is still widely used out
    of habit). GDP measures the total production
    occurring within the territory, while GNI
    measures the total income (excluding capital
    gains and losses) of all economic agents residing
    within the territory (households, firms and
    government institutions).
  • For large countries like Germany, the difference
    between GDP and GNI is small (0.4, as seen in
    the following table). But it is larger for a
    small country like Luxembourg, which pays out a
    substantial percentage of its GDP as workers'
    earnings and other so-called primary income to
    the rest of the world. Primary income includes
    interest paid on money invested in Luxembourg.
    Luxembourg also receives substantial primary
    income from abroad, including interest. In the
    final analysis, the difference between GDP and
    GNI is around -11.5 for Luxembourg. Ireland is
    in a comparable situation to Luxembourg, since it
    pays out substantial dividends to the parent
    companies of the American multinational firms
    that have set up there, partly, but not entirely,
    for tax reasons. The result is that Ireland's GNI
    is 16.2 lower than its GDP. While for these
    three countries GNI is lower than GDP, the
    opposite also happens - Switzerland is a case in

GNI vs GDP (in millions of Euro)
Year 2003 Germany Luxembourg Ireland
Gross Domestic Product 2 128 200 23 956 134 786
primary income (including earnings) received from the rest of the world 104 610 52 972 30 296
primary income (including earnings) paid to the rest of the world 118 630 55 722 52 139
Gross National Income 2 114 180 21 206 112 943
Difference between GDP and GNI () 0.7 11.5 16.2
The Three Faces of GDP
Figure 5.2
5 Measures of National Income
(Net) National Income
Personal income
Disposable income

((NI 8,218
(PI) 8,724
(DPI) 7,417
  • Above are 5 alternative measures of national
  • These range from GDP (broadest) to Disposable
  • Plus GNI ? GNP NDP ? NNP Domestic Income

  • Two types of comparisons
  • in space in time
  • Spacial comparisons typically between countries
    (also regional, etc.) here problems of
    purchasing power differences between countries
    (regions) and of exchange rates
  • Time comparisons time series (short and long)
    here problems of purchasing power changing
    over time ("price inflation and disinflation")

On the basis of http//
0 downloaded on March 1, 2009
  • The Quick Reference tables available here show
    the most recent World Bank estimates of total
    population, gross domestic product (GDP), and
    gross national income (GNI). The tables include a
    ranking of countries both by total size and in
    per capita terms.
  • Measuring the size of economies
  • There are many ways to measure the size and
    performance of an economy. The relative size of
    economies, reflected in the rankings provided
    hereand changes in rankings from one year to the
    nextdepend on the specific indicator and the
    method used to covert local currencies to U.S.
  • World Bank Atlas method
  • Purchasing power parities
  • Market exchange rates
  • Why do rankings change?
  • Ranking tables (revised estimates for 2007 posted
    September 2008 October 2008)
  • GNI per capita, Atlas method and PPP
  • GNI, Atlas method
  • GDP
  • GDP, PPP
  • Population

1. World Bank Atlas method
  • The World Banks official estimates of the size
    of economies are based on GNI converted to
    current U.S. dollars using the Atlas method.
  • GNI takes into account all production in the
    domestic economy (i.e., GDP) plus the net flows
    of factor income (such as rents, profits, and
    labor income) from abroad.
  • The Atlas method smoothes exchange rate
    fluctuations by using a three year moving
    average, price-adjusted conversion factor.

2. Purchasing power parities
  • Purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factors
    take into account differences in the relative
    prices of goods and servicesparticularly
    non-tradeablesand therefore provide a better
    overall measure of the real value of output
    produced by an economy compared to other
  • PPP GNI is measured in current international
    dollars which, in principal, have the same
    purchasing power as a dollar spent on GNI in the
    U.S. economy. Because PPPs provide a better
    measure of the standard of living of residents of
    an economy, they are the basis for the World
    Banks calculations of poverty rates at 1 and 2
    a day.
  • The GNI of developing countries measured in PPP
    terms generally exceeds their GNI measured using
    the Atlas method or using market exchange rates.

3. Market exchange rates
  • The total GDP data shown here measured in
    current U.S. dollars use annual, market exchange
  • This means that the values and derived rankings
    are subject to greater volatility due to
    variations in exchange rates.
  • Inter-country comparisons based on GDP at market
    prices should, therefore, be treated with

4. Why do rankings change?
  • Year to year changes in the nominal level of
    output or income of an economy are affected by a
    combination of forces real growth, price
    inflation, and exchange rates. Changes in any of
    the three can affect an economys relative size
    and, therefore, its ranking in comparison to
    other economies.
  • The economic series shown are measured in nominal
    terms, and so their level from year to year is
    affected by changes in the general price level.
  • The Atlas method dampens variability caused by
    fluctuations in exchange rates,
  • while the PPP method eliminates the effects of
    differences and changes in relative price levels.
  • Nominal GDP, perhaps the most familiar measure of
    aggregate economic activity, is most subject to
    price and exchange rate effects.

5. Ranking tables (revised estimates for a given
year are posted in September October of the
next year)
  • GNI per capita, Atlas method and PPP
  • GNI, Atlas method
  • GDP
  • GDP, PPP
  • Population
  • Regional tables from the 20?? World Development
  • Key indicators regional comparisons for People,
    Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and
    Global Links. 
  • Country comparisons East Asia Pacific, Europe
    Central Asia, Latin America Caribbean, Middle
    East North Africa, South Asia, Sub-Saharan
  • Technical notes
  • Country classification

Definitions More technical descriptions of the
indicators discussed above are as follows Gross
national income (GNI) in US Atlas method GNI
is the sum of value added by all resident
producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies)
not included in the valuation of output plus net
receipts of primary income (compensation of
employees and property income) from abroad.
Data are in current U.S. dollars, converted
from countries respective national currencies
using the Atlas method, which uses a three-year
average of exchange rates to smooth effects of
transitory exchange rate fluctuations. (GDP GDP
per capita growth rates, however, are calculated
from data in constant prices and national
currency units, not from the Atlas method
estimates). The World Bank favors the Atlas
method for comparing the relative size of
economies and uses it to classify countries in
low, middle and high-income categories and to set
lending eligibilities in order to reduce
short-term fluctuations in country classification.
Purchasing power parity gross national income
  •  This measure is GNI converted to international
    dollars using purchasing power parity. An
    international dollar has the same purchasing
    power over GNI as a U.S. dollar has in the United
  • The World Bank favors this measure for accurate
    measurement of poverty and well-being in effect,
    it substitutes global prices for local measured
    prices, thereby more accurately reflecting the
    real value of the good or service in question.
  • This is especially true of non-tradable services
    (haircuts are the example) which are assumed to
    produce the same level of welfare from one
    country to another, but which vary widely in
    their measured local price.

Gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices
  • GDP is sum of gross value added, at purchaser
    prices converted at market exchange rates to
    current U.S. dollars, by all resident producers
    in the economy plus any product taxes (less
    subsidies) not included in the valuation of
    output. It is calculated without deducting for
    depreciation of fabricated capital assets or for
    depletion and degradation of natural resources.
    GDP is equal to GNI less net receipts of primary
    income. Value added is the net output of an
    industry after adding up all outputs and
    subtracting intermediate inputs.
  • The World Bank does not use this measure for
    classification of countries into income groups or
    poverty levels, as it is subject to distortions
    caused by short-term exchange rate fluctuations,
    policies and interventions. However, GDP measured
    in constant, local currency units provides the
    basis for estimates of overall economic growth.
  • For more information please see the notes and
    definitions included in the World Development
    Indicators 20??.

Nominal vs Real GDP (etc.)
  •  Economists and journalists have acquired the
    unfortunate habit of using the general term
    growth instead of specifying growth in real GDP.
  • A typical sentence is "growth is 2" instead of
    "growth in real GDP is 2". This lack of
    precision sometimes results in bizarre
    terminology, such as negative growth, which is an
    oxymoron it would be better to say a decrease of
    GDP in volume.
  • Incidentally, national accountants prefer the
    term GDP in volume to real GDP because inflation
    is just as real as growth.

 Gross domestic product, in value and in volume,
Germany, in millions of Euro
Source OECD (2006), National Accounts of OECD
Countries Volume I, Main Aggregates, 1993-2004,
2006 Edition, OECD, Paris. StatLink
Output of the U.S. Economy, 1900-2004
Figure 4.1
Volume vs value terms
  • The subject of measuring economic variables (and
    SNA/ESA/NIPA categories in particular) in terms
    of their changing volume rather than value (real
    vs. nominal) will be allaborated in the next
  • It'll deal with calculating SNA categories in
    constant prices, construction of deflators such
    as Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher aggregate
    indexes, as well as chain-linked series of them.
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