Title: Free Research Poster
1Online Continuing Education Maximizing Adult
Learning Outcomes for a New Generation of
Developmental Disability Professionals
Danielle Webber, MSW
American Association on Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities Course Library
Cost-Effective Continuing Education and Staff
- Complement personnel preparation, outreach, and
demonstration projects through the use of
training modules. - Seek out cost effective supplemental training.
- Increase exposure to best practices and the
latest advances in the field.
- Developmental Disability
- Direct Support Professionals Curriculum
- Employment Supports
- Workforce Skills, Supervision, and Management
- Behavioral Health Introductory Topics
- Human Services Workforce Development
- Executive and Board Leadership
- Compliance/OSHA
AAIDD in partnership with Essential Learning
offers online continuing education and training
opportunities to students and developmental
disability professionals via aaidd.cequick.com.
Our Developmental Disabilities Course Library
contains courses on a wide variety of topics at
multiple skill levels. More than 300 of the
courses are accredited by state and national
organizations. The library is constantly growing
and updated to adapt along with the latest
advances in the field.
Analysis In Progress
- Analyze course selection, course completion, and
evaluation data to enhance our understanding of
the individual learner experience. - Gather organizational perspectives on the
efficacy of online learning for desired training
outcomes as well as successful models of social
media integration within Essential Learnings
online training courses. - Access to this information could lead to
improvements in online continuing education that
will maximize adult learning outcomes. -
Organizational Perspectives
Online continuing education can lead to desired
staff training outcomes and provides a return on
investment not possible with a blended learning
model or through in-person courses. Integration
of these courses with various social media
available today may have a positive impact on
organizational culture and staff productiveness.
both E-learning and tele-classes represent
effective, affordable alternatives to live
workshops because they keep training quality high
while responding effectively to cost containment
mandates. (Singley, 2011)
Acknowledgements Sherry Beamer, MSW, Rick Bruce,
Daniel Singley, PhD, Essential Learning.