Title: Drawing and Painting Fun (3rd)
1Drawing and Painting Fun(3rd)
- - Castles. Far and near -
2This is Castle of Clavijo, do you know it? Its
in La Rioja.
3Were going to draw a simple castle.
After this, draw two high rectangles, one on each
side of the largest.
Draw a triangle on each of the vertical
Now, draw a small rectangle on the big one, in
the middle.
First, draw a BIG or LARGE rectangle.
4This is the sketch of our castle.
5Lets draw a door.
Draw the battlements with small squares.
Put first vertical lines at the top of the
triangles and then the flags.
Lets draw a window in each tower.
6Finally, we add small details.
And lines on the door.
Small rectangles on the walls.
7Weve finished, you can colour it to your liking
and you can add more details.
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LEARN the parts of a castle.
10How many towers?
How many flags?
What colours?
12When the objects are far theyre small and light.
When the objects are near theyre big and dark.
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