What are the SSIA Projects About? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What are the SSIA Projects About?


Ash. The Elms. Mill Street. Caerleon. NP18 1BH. Coleman. Lansdowne Gardens. NP44 3GB. Brynhyfryd. NP44 2NS. Elle. ... Roper. Madison. McKenzie. Garland. Nantgwyn ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What are the SSIA Projects About?

What are the SSIA Projects About?
  • SSIA for Wales Funded Project. -
  • 4 National Safeguarding Children Projects
  • -Information Sharing Processes with Police.
  • -Impact of Parental Mental Health on children
    (work ax Teams).
  • -OBA Approach to Safeguarding Children.
  • -Case Analysis Audit Learning Tool.
  • All Projects have a Multi-agency focus.
  • My Project considers 3 areas
  • -Outcomes and Indicators for Safeguarding based
    on OBA.
  • -Methods for Engagement Participation.
  • -How do we measure LSCB Effectiveness.

Progress towards 3 Project Deliverables
  1. Library of Key Performance Indicators (which
    helps promote multi-agency work).
  2. Process for Engagement and Participation with
    Safeguarded Children (Includes sample
    questionnaires to capture relevant and
    appropriate data on CPR children).
  3. OBA Framework for LSCB effectiveness (plus ideas
    for further consideration).

1. Library of Key Performance Indicators.
  • There are about 50 Safeguarding Children KPIs in
    the Library.
  • Criteria used to determine suitability for
  • Data MUST be Relevant to Safeguarding Children.
  • Data MUST be routinely Available or Essential
    (DDA) with a clear data collection process
  • Indicators measure outcomes for children (where
    possible multi agency basis).
  • Indicators supported by Evidence" where
  • Indicators we can analyse Tells a Story /-
  • Indicators supports discussion the need for
    further investigation or improvement to develop
    local solutions.
  • Need to assess the Quality of help received by
    children and their families.
  • Too focused on what Social Services do.
  • Lack of Child Centred Qualitative Indicators to
    support decisions and improvement. Measure
    Individual Performance v Aggregate.

Key Safeguarding Children Indicators based on an
OBA Approach to delivering services by selecting
3-5 KPIs
  • There are over 50 Safeguarding Children KPIs in
    the Library.
  • Use knowledge, experience, evidence-based
    practice and KPIs (together).
  • Safeguarding Services
  • Children subject of a CPP for a 2nd or
    subsequent time, no matter how long ago.
  • Referral rate for Physical, Emotional or Sexual
    Abuse and Neglect.
  • Safeguarding Children who feel Safe following
    support or services (DDAQ).
  • Children who experienced at least one recorded
    episode of Bullying at School (DDAQ).
  • Prevalence of Domestic Abuse (where child lives
    within household).
  • LSCB Effectiveness (what else can we do)
  • Frontline Staff who feel Competent about using
    all Wales Child Protection Procedures (DDAQ).
  • Frontline Staff who feel Training has improved
    their knowledge understanding of Safeguarding
    Children (DDAQ).
  • SAIT Standards at Band 2 or above.
  • Further DDA Investigations
  • How do the Audit sub-group address QA Agenda?
  • How do Training sub-group measure effectiveness?

Key Safeguarding Indicators Need to Baseline
and Target
Very Good
Baseline of 14.4 (in limits or not) Target
What does Children becoming the subject of CCP
for 2nd or Sequent Time tell us?
  • Rationale
  • Proxy indicator for Level Quality of
    Multi-agency Services a child receives.
  • Helps us monitor whether CPP leads to Lasting
    Improvement in a childs safety overall well
  • Performance
  • Good Performance seen as being between 10 15.
  • Too Low - Review LA threshold for Registration.
  • Too High - Not intervening effectively, need to
    consider the services delivered through the plan.
  • Interrelated Package
  • Necessary to consider alongside other PIs
    Linked to CCP for 2 years or more (considered as
    a pair).
  • Action
  • OBA is after ACTIONS to achieve better CYP
    outcomes not just Measurement.
  • Indicators/Data inform discussions about local
    practice. (too focused on good or bad
    performancemeeting the indicator in isolation).

Torfaen Referral Rate as an Indicator of Detection
What do Referral Rates tell us? Does OBA Help
  • Trend
  • 12 increase in referrals in Wales from 2009 to
  • Why
  • Internal Procedures Processes.
  • Subject to Outside factors (Economic Climate,
    Baby P VC)
  • Review Agency Behaviour Defensive practice.
  • Proportion of Referrals will always be
    Inappropriate (Munro 2010).
  • Need to explain the variation
  • Performance
  • Detection - Thresholds for Managing Risk.
  • Good Performance Increasing rate (Adjust for
    the Why).
  • Good Performance Decreasing rate (Prevention).
  • Ability to Explain the direction.
  • Action
  • Use of Referral Protocol or Guidelines (Review of
    the Referral process in England) to help manage
    the flow of referrals.
  • Multi-agency Team (Incl.SW,HV universal services)
    based together in the community (Munro 2010)
    helps remove uncertainty, complexity and anxiety
    increase experience so reducing inappropriate
    referrals. Westiminister model.

Performance Indicators - General
  • 75 Social Workers believe that current
    performance targets have a negative impact on
    outcomes for service users. (UNISON Survey). Must
    avoid perverse incentives.
  • Current PIs are inadequate for the task without
    any real attempt to include quality measures it
    is difficult to see how we can secure better
    outcomes for children. (Laming report).
  • NSDU (England) looking _at_ Workforce Indicators and
    Organisational Factors which impact on
    performance. (NSDU Consultation). Recruitment
  • IT Systems are too concerned with process, poorly
    served by IT and do not assist professional
    judgment about risk. (Independent Commission on
    Social Services in Wales, 2010). In a climate of
    rising demand and shrinking resource.
  • Too focussed on Processes and Timescale.
  • Poorly designed IT Systems.
  • Neath Port Talbot seen as breaking new ground.
  • KPIs make us ask more questions (Tin Openers) -
    Must have the debate (Views)
  • OBA demands 3-5 indicators NO more , Dont try to
    measure everything.
  • Culture of over dependence on PIs which are not
    always accurate.

2. So what about Engagement and Participation.
  • Move towards Citizen Centred Services
  • Children and Young People have a right to be
    heard and to have a significant say in matters
    that affect them. We will actively listen act
    on what we hear.
  • (Sustainable Social Services for Wales A
    Framework for Action, 2011)
  • We will expect service providers to put in place
    stronger arrangements to involve those who use
    services directly.
  • (Sustainable Social Services for Wales A
    Framework for Action, 2011)
  • Service users need a stronger voice in service
    design and evaluation. (Sustainable Social
    Services for Wales A Framework for Action,
  • Recommendation 20 Develop participatory
    methodologies with children who experience the
    Safeguarding system. (Inquiry into Safeguarding
    Children Boards in Wales)
  • Time to do Something, Doing nothing is NOT an
    option. Lets do something learn and move on.
  • Torfaen Childrens Safeguarding Survey (Pilot)
    commenced 07/03/2011.

2. Torfaen Childrens Safeguarding Survey.
  • Is the Survey able to Inform the LSCB about
    children and young peoples (CYP)
  • Perception of the service and support they
    receive (Good Bad).
  • Possible areas for further consideration (Service
    design improvement).
  • Feelings and welfare pre and post registration
    (Safe outcomes)
  • The Survey will help clarify the following
  • CYP are able to discuss their views, opinions and
    feelings through a semi-structured interview.
  • Questions are suitable and provide appropriate
    feedback (recognise there are issues on
    perception and definition of safe).
  • Participation will not result in any further
    emotional distress.
  • Participation helps measure the effectiveness of
    services in taking reasonable steps to ensure
    that CYP feel safe.
  • Participation helps support service design and
    change to ensure they are more effective and
    responsive to CYP.
  • Use of an independent advocate service allows CYP
    to be more open about their feelings and the
    services they receive.

Appendix 4 Implementation Process for Torfaen
Childrens Safeguarding Survey
Is Child aged 6-17 years old (Cohort) Quota
Decision taken to Place child On Child
Protection Register _at_ ICC
NYAS meet Child prior to ICC- listen document
views wishes ()
After ICC Child invited to complete the
Meet Child_at_ an appropriate venue complete
Registration Questionnaire
Not on CPR Not Involved in The Survey
lt5 years old Not Involved in The Survey
Return Questionnaire Pre-ICC form () to Social
Services for Analysis
NYAS will give the child a Short Information
leaflet about the Survey
Meet Child_at_ an appropriate venue complete
De-Registered Questionnaire
Decision taken to Remove child from Child
Protection Register _at_ CCR
LA contact NYAS who agree to meet listen to
3. Framework for LSCB Effectiveness.
  • Findings following extensive research
  • Complex Not easy to measure effectiveness of
    multi-agency working to protect children from
    risk of harm.
  • Continue with the use of Proxy indicators.
  • SAIT is fit for purpose.
  • Observations of SAIT Process /- Self
  • Observations of SAIT Processlack of Practitioner
  • Consider Sub Group Activities especially Audit
    sub-group and the QA agenda Training sub-group
    and the impact (effectiveness) of training
  • Introduce One high level indicator to help
    facilitate Inspection and peer group analysis.
  • Consider two new DDAQ indicators.

Key LSCB Effectiveness Target
Performance Indicator Torfaen LSCB will
achieve 90 of the SIAT Standards at Band 2 or
OBA Approach to LSCB Effectiveness
How Much did we do?
Number of Training sessions delivered.
Number of Audits completed. Case fie Audits - Achievement of Outcomes in Individual Care Plans?
Number of LSCB meetings.
Number of Serious Case Reviews.
Annual SAIT Workshop Practitioner Consultation.
Number of Client Questionnaires Completed and processed (DDAQ)
Number of Completed CRBs

How well did we do it?
Attendance rate by Agency at all Training sessions.
Audits ? Care Plans where individual Outcomes for children were achieved? Quality
Attendance rate by Agency at all LSCB meetings. SCRs ? Quality
SAIT Standards at Band 2 or above.
Children Young People who report a positive outcome to services (DDAQ)

Is anyone better off?
Front line Staff who feel Competent about all Wales Child Protection Procedures (DDAQ).
Front line Staff who feel Training has improved their knowledge and understanding of Safeguarding Children (DDAQ)
SAIT Standards at Band 2 or above.

Calendar Project ends in May 2011
  • Outline project _at_ Audit sub-group and discuss how
    to address Quality Assurance agenda.
  • Outline Project _at_ Training sub-group and discuss
    how to improve practitioner engagement impact
    of Training.
  • Discuss Survey at Merthyr and/or Powys CYP LSCB.
  • Discuss Survey with NSPCC.
  • Implement Pilot Survey in March - (07/03/2011).
  • Discuss Project _at_ SEW LSCB Forum.
  • Reference site visit to England.
  • Present to all Wales Groups on behalf of SSIA.
  • Research Brief - Paper Tools
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