The Nature of Science, Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Nature of Science, Evolution


Evidences for such intervention should be scrutinized critically, however, ... Organic evolution: observations Author: Mike Phillips Last modified by: IVCC – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Nature of Science, Evolution

The Nature of Science, Evolution Creationism
  • part 2
  • Mike Phillips
  • Geology Professor

Disclaimer (Georgia)
  • This textbook contains material on evolution.
    Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the
    origin of living things. This material should be
    approached with an open mind, studied carefully
    and critically considered.

Scientific Explanations
  • must be natural
  • must be supported by available data
  • must be testable falsifiable
  • subject to revision or refinement or negation
  • should be predictive

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics
  • International Council on Biblical Inerrancy
  • Summit II Chicago, November 10-13, 1982
  • Developed set of affirmations and denials
    regarding Biblical inerrency
  • cited by many creationists as a foundational

The Chicago StatementArticle XX
  • We affirm that since God is the author of all
    truth, all truths, biblical and extrabiblical,
    are consistent and cohere, and that the Bible
    speaks truth when it touches on matters
    pertaining to nature, history, or anything else.
    We further affirm that in some cases
    extrabiblical data have value for clarifying what
    Scripture teaches, and for prompting correction
    of faulty interpretations.
  • We deny that extrabiblical views ever disprove
    the teaching of Scripture or hold priority over

The Chicago Statement Article XXI
  • We affirm the harmony of special with general
    revelation and therefore of biblical teaching
    with the facts of nature.
  • We deny that any genuine scientific facts are
    inconsistent with the true meaning of any passage
    of Scripture.

The Chicago Statement Article XXII
  • We affirm that Genesis 1-11 is factual, as is the
    rest of the book.
  • We deny that the teachings of Genesis 1-11 are
    mythical and that scientific hypotheses about
    earth history or the origin of humanity may be
    invoked to overthrow what Scripture teaches about

The Flat Earth
  • International Flat Earth Research Society
  • Charles K. Johnson, president (deceased)
  • grew to 2000-3000 members by 1995
  • articles
  • http//
  • http//

From Science Digest (July 1980)
  • Johnson's beliefs are firmly grounded in the
    Bible. Many verses of the Old Testament imply
    that the earth is flat, but there's more to it
    than that. According to the New Testament, Jesus
    ascended up into heaven.
  • "The whole point of the Copernican theory is to
    get rid of Jesus by saying there is no up and no
    down," declares Johnson. "The spinning ball thing
    just makes the whole Bible a big joke."

  • The Biblical Astronomer
  • Dr. Gerardus D. Bouw
  • http//
  • (but the Earth is not Flat)
  • http//
  • The Fixed Earth
  • Marshall Hall
  • http//

Biblical Astronomer Credo
  • The Biblical Astronomer was originally founded in
    1971 as the Tychonian Society, on the premise
    that the only absolutely trustworthy information
    about the origin and purpose of all that exists
    and happens is given by God, our Creator and
    Redeemer, in his infallible, preserved word, the
    Holy Bible. All scientific endeavor which does
    not accept this revelation from on high without
    any reservations, literary, philosophical or
    whatever, we reject as already condemned in its
    unfounded first assumptions.

Biblical Astronomer Credo
  • We believe that the creation was completed in six
    twenty-four hour days and that the world is not
    older than about six thousand years. We maintain
    that the Bible teaches us of an earth that
    neither rotates daily nor revolves yearly about
    the sun that it is at rest with respect to the
    throne of him who called it into existence and
    that hence it is absolutely at rest in the

Young Earth Creationism
  • Institute for Creation Research
  • http//
  • Answers in Genesis
  • http//
  • Creation Research Society
  • http//
  • The Biblical Creation Society
  • http//

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • A Christ-Focused Creation Ministry
  • 1. The physical universe of space, time, matter,
    and energy has not always existed, but was
    supernaturally created by a transcendent personal
    Creator who alone has existed from eternity.

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • 2. The phenomenon of biological life did not
    develop by natural processes from inanimate
    systems but was specially and supernaturally
    created by the Creator.

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • 4. The first human beings did not evolve from an
    animal ancestry, but were specially created in
    fully human form from the start. Furthermore, the
    "spiritual" nature of man (self-image, moral
    consciousness, abstract reasoning, language,
    will, religious nature, etc.) is itself a
    supernaturally created entity distinct from mere
    biological life.

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • 6. Processes today operate primarily within
    fixed natural laws and relatively uniform process
    rates but, since these were themselves originally
    created and are daily maintained by their
    Creator, there is always the possibility of
    miraculous intervention in these laws or
    processes by their Creator. Evidences for such
    intervention should be scrutinized critically,
    however, because there must be clear and adequate
    reason for any such action on the part of the

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • 7. The universe and life have somehow been
    impaired since the completion of creation, so
    that imperfections in structure, disease, aging,
    extinctions, and other such phenomena are the
    result of "negative" changes in properties and
    processes occurring in an originally-perfect
    created order.

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • 8. Since the universe and its primary components
    were created perfect for their purposes in the
    beginning by a competent and volitional Creator,
    and since the Creator does remain active in this
    now-decaying creation, there do exist ultimate
    purposes and meanings in the universe.
    Teleological considerations, therefore, are
    appropriate in scientific studies whenever they
    are consistent with the actual data of
    observation, and it is reasonable to assume that
    the creation presently awaits the consummation of
    the Creator's purpose.

ICR Tenets of Scientific Creationism
  • 9. Although people are finite and scientific
    data concerning origins are always circumstantial
    and incomplete, the human mind (if open to the
    possibility of creation) is able to explore the
    manifestations of that Creator rationally and
    scientifically, and to reach an intelligent
    decision regarding one's place in the Creator's

Answers in Genesis
  • Believing in a relatively 'young Earth' (i.e.,
    only a few thousands of years old, which we
    accept) is a consequence of accepting the
    authority of the Word of God as an infallible
    revelation from our omniscient Creator.

CRS Statement of Belief
  • All members must subscribe to the following
    statement of belief
  • 1. The Bible is the written Word of God, and
    because it is inspired throughout, all its
    assertions are historically and scientifically
    true in the original autographs. To the student
    of nature this means that the account of origins
    in Genesis is a factual presentation of simple
    historical truths.

BCS Creation Manifesto
  • While the Bible is not a scientific textbook, it
    makes some clear statements which have a direct
    bearing on the study of various areas of science,
    which provide both frameworks and baselines for
    the study of those subjects. The disciplines and
    issues dealt with in this section are of crucial
    and central importance (though many others could
    be cited), and failure to incorporate them into
    the relevant disciplines will result in failure
    to fully understand the subject, and failure to
    glorify God in that area of His creation.

Old Earth Creationism Intelligent Design
  • Reasons to Believe
  • http//
  • International Society for Complexity,
    Information, and Design
  • http//
  • The Discovery Institute
  • http//
  • Intelligent Design Network
  • http//

Origins(a Christian Leadership University web
  • For Christians, the date of creation is not a
    primary issue of faith and should not be regarded
    as such, because the Bible does not specifically
    state a date of creation.
  • Some scientists in the Intelligent Design
    community of scholars are "young earth
    creationists," and many are not. However, all of
    these scholars recognize that the first priority
    is to concentrate on breaking the domination over
    science held by naturalistic philosophy--the view
    that materialism/atheism is the only rational

Tests for a scientific explanation
  • Was the explanation derived from observation?
  • Does the explanation rely on natural cause?
  • Is it supported by natural data?
  • Can the explanation be changed or negated in the
    light of new information?

Is it science?
Evolution Creationism
derived from observation yes no
natural cause yes no
supported by natural data yes no
change with new data yes no
Irreducible Complexity
  • A functional system is irreducibly complex if it
    contains a multipart subsystem (i.e., a set of
    two or more interrelated parts) that cannot be
    simplified without destroying the systems basic
  • Irreducible complexity differs sharply from
    another form of complexity that may be called
    cumulative complexity. A system is cumulatively
    complex if the parts of the system can be
    arranged sequentially so that the successive
    removal of parts never leads to the complete loss
    of function.

Irreducible Complexity
  • To determine whether a system is irreducibly
    complex employs two approaches
  • An empirical analysis of the system that by
    removing parts (individually and in groups) and
    then by rearranging and adapting remaining parts
    determines whether the basic function can be
    recovered among those remaining parts.
  • A conceptual analysis of the system, and
    specifically of those parts whose removal renders
    the basic function unrecoverable, to demonstrate
    that no system with (substantially) fewer parts
    exhibits the basic function.

Irreducible Complexity
  • Short version If something is too complicated
    to understand its origin, the origin should be
    attributed to an intelligent designer.

Irreducible Complexity
Is it science? Evolution ID
derived from observation yes yes no
natural cause yes no
supported by natural data yes no
change with new data yes no
Irreducible Complexity
  • Is it science?
  • Who decides what is too complex?
  • What happens if someone investigates it anyway?
  • What impact would this have on scientific

Helpful Resources
  • National Center for Science Education
  • http//
  • evolution science and belief Intelligent
  • http//
  • Religious
  • http//
  • Talk.Origins
  • http//
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