Title: World Religions
1World Religions
2What river served as the cradle of Indian
3What river is used for religious ceremonies and
4What significant group traveled from Central Asia
to the plains of Northern India?
5The ancient Indus Valley civilization wrote in
what language?
6Ancient India had four classifications of
citizens know as?
- Varnas
- Priests, Teachers
- Warriors, Police
- Merchants, Farmers,
- Peasants, Servents
- The Untouchables
7A rigid social structure in which people were
born in to specific groups.
8A belief system in which there are multiple Gods
is called?
9What is the belief that the individual soul is
born again in a different form?
10What is the name for the force that determines
how the person will be reborn in the next life?
11What is the divine law?
12Who are the three main Hindu gods?
13What is the goal of Hinduism?
What is it?
14What is the name of the Hindu scriptures?
15What part of the Vedas reveal the core beliefs of
Hinduism ?
17Buddhism started as a break-off of what other
major world religion?
18Who started the Buddhism?
- Prince Siddhartha Gautama
19What did Guatamas parents try to keep him from
- Illness
- Death
- Pain
- Old Age
20He was also know as Buddha which means what?
21What are Buddhas certainties for this life?
22What are the Buddhist holy scriptures known as?
- Eightfold Path
- Middle Path
23What is the goal of Buddhism?
24What are some of the main differences between
Hinduism and Buddhism?
25World Religions (monotheism)
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Islam
27Who is considered to be the founder of Judaism?
28Who was the leader of the Jewish exodus out of
29The belief in a single god is known as?
- Monotheism
- Judaism was the first religion to practice such a
30What is the record of Rabbinic discussions
pertaining to Jewish Law?
31What is the Jewish Bible called?
32The first 5 books, and most important part of the
Tanakh is called what?
33What Jewish holiday celebrates the last meal
before they left Egypt?
34What holiday does the Jewish people celebrate
during the winter season?
35What Jewish holiday is also known as the Day of
36What does the term Yahweh refer to?
38Who is considered to be the founder of
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Why is he called that if he was born in
39Christianity started as a break-off of what other
major world religion?
40What is the Christian holy book called?
- The Bible
- Old Testament
- New Testament
41What part of the Christian bible speaks of the
details of Jesus life and speaks of the good
- The Gospels
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
42What main belief separated the Jewish beliefs
from the Christian beliefs?
- They did not agree upon the fact that Jesus was
the Messiah.
43What holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus?
44What Christian holiday celebrates Jesus
resurrection from the dead?
- The newest of the major world religions
46Who is considered to be the founder of Islam?
47Islams God is known as?
48The Islamic holy scriptures are known as?
49What was the name of the central beliefs of the
Muslim people?
- The 5 Pillars
- Profession of faith
- Prayer
- Charity
- Fasting
- Pilgrimage
50Muslim worshipers do so inside of a what?
51What is the holy city for Muslims?
52How many times a day must a Muslim pray?
53What Muslim celebration requires a month of
54What was the name for desert nomads who traveled
between Mecca and Medina?
55Islam came to be after Mohammad had a vision from
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