Summer Institute on Aging - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Summer Institute on Aging


Your Guide to Medicaid The Medicaid Pharmacy Program does have a Preferred Drug. List (PDL). Your doctor and pharmacist have copies of this list. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Summer Institute on Aging

Help Your Clients Understand A Dual Role for
the Social Worker
  • Summer Institute on Aging
  • June 10, 2010
  • Nancy Daugherty
  • Program Coordinator
  • WV Geriatric Education Center (WVGEC)

Your Guide to Medicaid
  • The Medicaid Pharmacy Program does have a
    Preferred Drug
  • List (PDL). Your doctor and pharmacist have
    copies of this list.
  • If the drug that is prescribed for you is not on
    the list, a prior
  • approval will be required. In most cases, the
    drug prescribed or
  • a substitute (approved by your doctor) from the
    list, can be given
  • to you while you are in the pharmacy. If not, a
  • emergency supply of your prescription is always
    available to you.
  • You should never leave the pharmacy without some
    of your
  • medicine. As soon as the approval is given, you
    will be able to
  • get the rest of your prescription.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the prevalence of low and limited health
    literacy (LHL) in the general population and the
    impact of LHL on important health outcomes.
  • Communicate effectively with all clients,
    including those with LHL.
  • Coach your clients about strategies for using the
    skills they do possess to interact more
    effectively with their other health providers and
    the system.

What Do We Mean Health Literacy?
  • The ability to obtain, process, and understand
    basic health information and services needed to
    make appropriate health decisions and follow
    instructions for treatment.

What Do We Mean Health Literacy?
  • Many factors contribute
  • General literacy-the ability to read, write, and
    understand written text and numbers
  • Amount of experience in the health care system
  • Complexity of information being presented
  • Cultural factors
  • How material is communicated.

National Assessment-Adult Literacy 2003
  • Four levels defined
  • Proficient fully developed skills, can read and
    understand virtually all text and numerical info
  • Intermediate can deal with most of info in
    health care settings, including ability to
    calculate BMI
  • Basic most have difficulty understanding typical
    patient handouts or filling in health insurance
  • Below basic may be able to identify the date of
    a medical appointment from a hospital appointment
    slip given them

Question 1
  • What of US adult population functions at only
    basic or below-basic levels of health literacy?
  • 10-15
  • 20-25
  • 35-40
  • 50-55
  • gt 60

National Assessment-Adult Literacy 2003
  • Survey results
  • Proficient- 12
  • Intermediate- 53
  • Basic- 22
  • Below-basic- 14 (12 women, 16 men)

National Assessment-Adult Literacy 2003 Adults
  • Survey results
  • Proficient- 3 (0.5)
  • Intermediate - 38 (1.3)
  • Basic - 30 (0.8)
  • Below basic 29 (1.4)
  • Note People with lower HL levels tended to get
    health information from the radio and television,
    instead of print materials, friends and family,
    or health professionals

Question 2
  • Do you accurately identify which of your patients
    have limited health literacy?
  • Yes, all of the time
  • Yes, most of the time
  • Yes, some of the time
  • Very infrequently
  • Only if someone tells me the patient is having a

  • AMA Foundation
  • Health literacy and patient safety Help
    Patients Understand 2007-2009
  • Online courses
  • http//
  • http//
  • http// Health Literacy and
    Public Health

Patients with limited literacy skills
  • 26 did not understand when their next
    appointment was scheduled
  • 42 did not understand instructions to take
    medication on an empty stomach
  • 78 misinterpret warnings on prescription labels
  • 86 could not understand rights and
    responsibilities section of a
    Medicaid application

LHL a strong predictor of poor health
  • Health knowledge deficits
  • Pts. less likely to know how to use inhaler
  • Pts. w/ DM less likely to know sxs. of
  • Pts. w/ HTN less likely to know wt.loss, exercise
    lower BP
  • Mothers less likely to know how to read
  • Less likely to understand direct-to-consumer TV
  • Less healthy behaviors
  • More smoking, including during pregnancy
  • More exposure to violence
  • Less breastfeeding
  • Less access to routine childrens health care

Increased Costs of LHL
  • Annual health care costs of Medicaid enrollees
  • 2,891 All enrollees
  • 10,688 Enrollees with limited literacy
  • Weiss BD, Palmer R. Relationship between health
    care costs and very low literacy skills in a
    medically needy and indigent Medicaid population
    J Am Board Family Pract. 20041744-47

Risk Factors for LHL
  • Age greater than 65
  • Low income
  • Unemployed
  • Did not finish high school
  • Minority ethnic group (Hispanic, African
  • Recent immigrant to US who does not speak English
  • Born in US but English is second language

Behaviors and responses that may indicate LHL
  • Behaviors
  • Patient registration forms that are incomplete or
  • Frequently missed appointments
  • Noncompliance with medication regimens
  • Lack of follow-through w/ laboratory or imaging
    tests, referrals
  • Patients say they are taking their medications,
    but labs or physiological parameters do not
    change as expected
  • Responses to receiving written information
  • I forgot my glasses. Ill read this when I get
  • I forgot my glasses. Can you read this to me?
  • Let me bring this home so I can discuss it with
    my children.
  • Responses to questions about medication regimens
  • Unable to name medications or explain what
    medication are for
  • Unable to explain timing of medication

Non-disclosure of limited literacy
  • 85 Co-workers
  • 75 Health care providers
  • 68 Spouses
  • 62 Friends
  • 52 Children
  • Parikh NS, Parker RM, Nurss JR, Baker DW,
    Williams MV. Shame and health literacy the
    unspoken connection Patient Educ Couns. 1996

Question 3
  • How common do you think LHL is in your practice
  • Extremely common
  • Very common
  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Very uncommon

Question 4
  • Are you confident that you communicate
    effectively with patients who have limited health
  • Yes, all of the time
  • Yes, most of the time
  • Yes, some of the time
  • Very infrequently
  • It seems as if I am never successful

Evidence based strategy for communicating with
LHL patients and/or families
  • Use plain language
  • Slow down, Create a shame free environment,
    Encourage questions, Make relevant to patient
  • Nonmedical language, terms, e.g. pain killer for
    analgesic, skin infection for cellulitis
  • Limit the amount of information
  • Really no more than 3-5 points per encounter
  • Learn to prioritize
  • Teach back

Teach Back Technique
  • Do not ask a patient, Do you understand?
  • Instead, ask patients to explain or demonstrate
    how they will undertake a recommended treatment
    or intervention
  • If the patient does not explain correctly (using
    their own words), assume that YOU have not
    provided adequate teaching. Re-teach the
    information using alternative approaches
  • Remember, patients have different learning styles

Role Play
  • 81 yo man, lives with his wife, cognitively
    intact, first myocardial infarction, followed by
    LAD stenting. New prescriptions
  • Toprol XL 25 mg daily
  • Altace 2.5 mg daily
  • HCTZ 12.5 mg daily
  • Plavix 75 mg daily
  • ASA 81 mg daily
  • Lipitor 80 mg daily
  • Ambien 10 mg qhs
  • NTG 1/150 SL prn chest pain

Role Play (cont.)
  • Low cholesterol diet
  • Cardiac rehabilitation outpatient referral
  • Needs to have stitches out in 10 days
  • Follow up appointment with PCP in 2 weeks.
  • Follow up appointment with cardiology in 4 weeks.
  • No driving until cleared by cardiology (but the
    patient is the only driver in the family)
  • Off work until cleared by cardiology (but does
    not have sick day benefit)

Role Play (cont.)
  • So how could we narrow this down and limit the
    key concepts when you work with this client?
  • What are the between the lines issues here that
    need to be addressed to keep patient safe and
    from returning to hospital unnecessarily?

How Would You Coach Your Team?
  • Same case, but this time use it as an example for
    coaching your colleagues, the care team, about
    discharge teaching and instructions?
  • What would your key points be? How many?

How Can You Help Clients with LHL?
  • They may not understand how to access the system.
  • They may not understand that they need to access
    the system.
  • They may not understand what the doctors and
    nurses tell them, or what they need to do for
  • They may not feel comfortable asking questions
    when they go to see the doctor.
  • They may not be able to remember their questions
    when they get there, or the answers given.

How You Can Help (cont.)
  • Is there someone who can go with the client and
    help them communicate with the system (two pairs
    of ears and eyes often better than one pair)?
  • Can someone help them write their questions down
    and devise a system to make sure they take with
  • ALWAYS take all of their medicine, including over
    the counter with them (MUCH better than lists,
    especially for folks with LHL)

Role Play
  • You run into Mrs. Jones daughter in the parking
    lot. She tells you that her mother has become
    very forgetful, isnt eating well or taking care
    of herself well.
  • You dont have anything with you (since you just
    came from Zumba class)
  • What could you do for Mrs. Jones daughter, and
    how would you know that she understood?

  • Low health literacy is so VERY common that it
    makes sense to use effective verbal communication
    strategies with every patient and/or family
  • Use
  • Plain language
  • Limit the amount of information to 3-5 points
  • Teach back

WVGEC Faculty Development in Health Literacy
  • 3 cohorts so far
  • Lead Instructor, Charlotte Nath, RN, MSN, CDE,
    EdD with over 10 years practice and teaching
    experience in the field
  • Train the trainer model effective communication
    and how to teach it
  • Follow up projects and evaluation as part of
    secondary and tertiary outcomes for HRSA grant
  • Change clinical outcomes through improved

Health Literacy More Information
  • Contact WVGEC _at_
  • Phone 304-347-1208 or 304-347-1295
  • Mark A. Newbrough, MD, Director _at_
  • Nancy Daugherty, WVGEC Program Coordinator _at_
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