CS 2130 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 2130


... Operating Systems B - Ken Thompson - First version of Unix C - 1972 - Dennis Ritchie ... C Programming Language – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 2130

CS 2130
  • Lecture 2
  • Academic Misconduct
  • More Overview History
  • Some C Stuff

Policy Reminders
  • No Cell phones/Beepers/Alarms
  • Be considerate of others. Be on time.
  • No whispering
  • Buzzcard required to take exams
  • Policies posted on
  • Class newsgroups
  • git.cc.class.cs2130.announce
  • Class Co-Web
  • http//swiki.cc.gatech.edu8080/cs2130

New Institute Policies!
  • Effective Fall semester, 2001
  • Graduating seniors take the final exam during
    finals week
  • Mid-semester grade reports for all 1000 and 2000
    level classes
  • Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade (non-binding)
  • Issued after Fall Break (on or about Oct 17)
  • After Drop Day!
  • Students with unsatisfactory performance will be
    encouraged to meet with TA or Instructor

Academic Honesty
  • It is expected that (unless specific instructions
    to the contrary are given) all student
    submissions will be individual efforts.
  • All required coursework that is submitted for
    evaluation in this academic course becomes the
    property of the Georgia Institute of Technology,
    and is subject to review for evidence of academic
    misconduct. If such evidence is discovered,
    then the offending students will be referred to
    the Dean of Students for investigation.

Academic Misconduct
  • Section XVIII.C. of the Student Rules and
    Regulations defines academic misconduct as "any
    act that does or could improperly distort student
    grades or other student records."
  • Among the list of items that are cited in this
    section are the following

Academic Misconduct
  • 1. Possessing, using or exchanging improperly
    acquired written or verbal information in the
    preparation of an essay, laboratory report,
    examination, or other assignment included in the
    academic course.
  • 3. Submission of material that is wholly or
    substantially identical to that created or
    published by another person or persons, without
    adequate credit notations indicating the
    authorship (plagiarism).

Academic Honesty
  • In layman's terms, this means that if any student
    receives or provides any information that would
    enable himself/herself or any other person to
    complete an assignment or examination that is not
    wholly the work of the person submitting that
    assignment or examination, then that student is
    in violation of the academic honor code of
    Georgia Tech. This includes copying published
    material from any source, whether written or

Academic Honesty
  • To prevent problems in this area, make sure that
    all assignment solutions that you submit are
    properly cited (this includes homeworks). If you
    copied the answer from a book ("any" book), then
    cite it. If you got the information from a web
    page, then cite it. If you got it from your class
    notes, then cite it. As long as appropriate
    citations are given, then the worst thing that
    will happen to you if you copy from an
    "unapproved" source is that you will get a 0
    (ZERO) on the assignment. If you copy material
    and do not cite it, then you will be reported to
    the Dean of Students on suspicion of academic

Academic Honesty
  • Any such incidents will be dealt with
    accordingly, and penalties for conviction can be
    severe - up to and including notice of academic
    misconduct on a transcript, failure in the
    academic course, expulsion from the College of
    Computing, expulsion from Georgia Tech, and
    community service.

  • Tentative Dates on Syllabus (i.e. subject to
    change, but they usually don't)
  • Test 0 Thursday, September 20, 2001
  • Test 1 Thursday, November 8, 2001
  • Final Exam TBA
  • Graduating Seniors must take the Final Exam!

Languages Translation
  • Natural Languages
  • English
  • French
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • Esperanto
  • Very complex rules of grammar
  • Often ambiguous
  • Usually tied to speech
  • Constantly evolving
  • Often very context sensitive
  • Computer Languages
  • Assembler
  • Fortran, Cobol, Basic
  • C, Ada, Forth
  • Lisp, Scheme, SML
  • Prolog
  • Smalltalk, C, Java
  • Grammars more structured than natural languages
  • Precise?
  • Not often spoken
  • Fixed by version/standard
  • Context free?

Languages Translation
  • Converting one language into another
  • We will deal with translation of computer
  • Why do we need translation?
  • Efficiency
  • Abstraction (Want to write in HLL)

A Little History
  • Beginnings (30's and 40's)
  • Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
  • Turing, Godel, Church, Markov, Post, Kleene
  • Binary logic/Idea of algorithms
  • First electronic computers in 40's
  • Programming by wiring then machine language
  • Development of Programming (50's)
  • Symbolic names
  • Assemblers
  • High Level Languages (60's)
  • High Level Languages (e.g. Fortran/Cobol)
  • Data structures/Parameters
  • Transportability?/Program as assembly of parts

X 2
A Little More History
  • Program Size Complexity Increasing (70's)
  • C and Pascal
  • Recursion and Dynamic Memory
  • Interactivity/Timesharing (80's)
  • Software Engineering
  • Object Oriented Approach Smalltalk C
  • Network Prominance (90's)
  • Internet/www
  • Separate compilation
  • Java
  • Next???

Translation by any other name...
  • Compiler
  • Translates program written in "source" language
    to "target" language
  • Interpreter
  • Translate and immediately execute
  • Assembler
  • Translate into machine language for particular
  • Macro Processor
  • Textual substitutions

  • Fortran
  • .for ? .obj ? .exe
  • C
  • .c ? .o ? a.out
  • Java
  • .java ? .class
  • Compilation often used for speed and efficiency
    of executable code

  • Emulators
  • Basic
  • Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • Lisp
  • Scheme
  • Java Virtual Machine
  • Interpreters often used for educational/rapid
    prototyping and portability in the case of Java

  • Typically processor/machine specific
  • Some compilers produce assembly code
  • Very close tie to hardware
  • Symbolic version of machine language
  • Still used for speed/size in performance critical
  • Needlepoint for nerds?

Macro Processors
  • C Preprocessor
  • Performs many useful tasks before "actual"
    compilation begins
  • Macro substitutions
  • C
  • Initially preprocessor translated C program
    into C program
  • m4
  • UNIX macro processor
  • Nobody understands how to use it

Other Items?
  • Linkers
  • Loaders
  • Editors
  • Debuggers
  • Profilers
  • Project Managers
  • Instant Messengers
  • Quake
  • Jolt/Surge/etc.

C Programming
  • 5 Weeks
  • Not a C Programming course
  • Focus on using for translation
  • C as translation target
  • Course designed to be taken at same time as ECE

C Review?
  • BCPL (Typeless) - 1967 - Operating Systems
  • B - Ken Thompson - First version of Unix
  • C - 1972 - Dennis Ritchie - Implemented on PDP-11
  • Unix rewritten in C in 1974
  • Publication of "The C Programming Language" by
    Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
  • ...
  • ANSI C (1989)
  • Major updates to C standard in 1994 and 1999
  • We will use C89 in CS 2130 (GNU C compiler)

C Stuff
  • C Programs generally consist of one or more
  • Execution starts in a function called main
  • Arrays
  • Start at 0
  • No bounds checking
  • Strings
  • There are no strings...more later!
  • Structures
  • Like records (or objects where all members are
  • Pointers
  • Variable containing an address or location

More C Stuff
  • Comments / /
  • Types
  • Character
  • Integers
  • Warning Hex constants...Octal Constants
  • Long and Short
  • Signed and Unsigned
  • Floating Point
  • Sizeof
  • sizeof(int) / sizeof a type /
  • sizeof x / sizeof a data object /

  • A constant or variable by itself is an expression
  • Combinations of constants and variables with
    operators are also expressions
  • Examples
  • 7 / Constant /
  • x / Variable /
  • x 7 / with operator /
  • x x 7 / with operators /
  • x x 7 / Simple statement /

  • Assignment Operator Evaluate expression on
    right, store result in variable on the left
  • Add value on right side to variable on left
  • - Subtract value on right side from variable on
    left side
  • Multiply variable on left side by value on
    right side
  • Assignment expression itself has a value!
  • a b c 0

Other Operators
  • Binary Arithmetic - /
  • Unary - --
  • Bitwise ltlt gtgt
  • Relational lt lt gt gt !
  • Logical !

Pretty much the same as Java except there is no
boolean value
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