Title: Two dimensional (2D) System Ideas for Industrial Processes
1Two dimensional (2D) System Ideas for Industrial
2Examples of Practical 2D Processes
- Plastic film extrusion
- Coating processes (adhesives on paper sheets)
- Steel rolling and continuous casting
- Spray actuation systems
3Motivation Personal Experience
- 1970-72 real-time image processing for bubble
chamber photographs - 1975-85 self-tuning control
- 1980s self-tuning filters for 2D images
- 1980s modeling and control of polymer film
extruders - 1990s algorithms for practical 2D systems
4Motivation Practical (e.g. Paper Making)
- Technical - product quality and plant
- Economics 1 reduction in waste produces a
300,000 Euro saving per year per machine
- Environment - EU plant efficiency requirements
5Motivation Research
- A generic class of 2-D dynamic systems - paper,
plastic film, sheet forming, coating and
- Opportunity for innovation - 2-D concepts not
previously used in sheet forming.
- Applications driven research - real 2-D systems
as motivation for appropriate 2-D theory.
6Idealised Plastic Film Extruder System Aspects
of the Control Problem
sensor signal processing
8Control Issues Practical 2D Systems
- Models and identification
- Sensors and sensor signal processing
- Control
2-D models should describe the joint MD and CD
- Model for identification 2D-ARMAX
- Two dimensional datastructures for sheet
This structure for 2-D control
- 2-D identification 2D-ARMAX estimation
- 2-D adaptive memory methods
- non causal model estimation methods
- edge effects
- non causal model estimation methods
- uses row-recursive methods for FIR 2-D filter
implementation to generate prediction errors and
- 2-D adaptive memory methods
- 2-D forgetting factors give selected weights to
information from all directions
- Structure estimation
- Example shows a method for QP support size
17Control Issues Practical 2D Systems
- Models and identification
- Sensors and sensor signal processing
- Control
18Sensors the requirement
- Extrusion line speeds move at 300m/min. Paper
machines move at 1000m/min (30miles/h) - Less than 0.002 of a paper roll is measured
- Need for increased density of measurement
19Scanning gauge data collection
20How do we get full sheet information?
- Hardware for Full Sheet Sensing
- sensor arrays
- Software for Full Sheet Sensing
- Generalised Sampling Theory
21Distortion of sheet data using scanning gauges
- Collecting data along a zig-zag path scanning
gauges are performing a 2-D SAMPLING PROCESS.
- 2-D spectral analysis shows that the two scans
(left scan and right scan) collect sheet data in
different ways.
22Sampling theory reminder
time domain
frequency domain
Data spectrum
23Spectra of scanninggauges
- The scans are NOT in the CD,
- Alternate scans are in opposite directions
- RESULT the two sets of spectra are distorted and
in different ways
24Scan averaging interpretation
In a basic scanner the results of adjacent scans
are averaged
25Result of basic gauge signal processing
26How to avoid distortion and get full sheet
- Use Generalised Sampling to reconstruct the MD
signal. - Get the full sheet information by assembling the
reconstructed MD signals
27Generalised Sampling
- By considering reconstruction along an MD line,
the Generalised Sampling Theorem can be used to
reconstruct the full 2-D sheet and double the
28Signal processing interpretation
Sampling along the MD as a generalised sampling
Signal processing block diagram
29MD reconstruction results
Reconstruction of MD data using generalised
Reconstruction of MD using conventional signal
30Scan averaging interpretation
Generalised sampling reconstruction results in an
average of scans in both directions. The
weightings used at each CD point is different
- Conventional averaging of scanner data gives a
distorted view of the sheet variations, and has
an aliassing bandwidth of 1/2T.
- Generalised sampling reconstructs full sheet
data by compensating for the scanning geometry.
The bandwidth is DOUBLED to 1/T.
32How do we get full sheet information?
- Hardware for Full Sheet Sensing
- sensor arrays.
- Software for Full Sheet Sensing
- use 2-D sampling theory find out how and under
what conditions full sheet information can be
reconstructed from scanning gauge data.
33Multi-gauge scanning arrays
- Sensor signal processing doubles the scanning
gauge bandwidth
- Arrays of gauges give an expensive solution if
more bandwidth is required
- Scanning arrays are a scaleable solution to the
bandwidth problem
34 Multi-gauge scanning array
35Practical 2D Systems Scanning Sensor Array
Research System
36Multi-gauge scanning arrays
- Calibration of sensors across the web/sheet done
by special calibration transfer trick
- Only one expensive gauge is required
- Gauge technologies can be mixed (e.g. beta gauge
and infrared)
- Generalised sampling is applicable to multiple
37Control Issues Practical 2D Systems
- Models and identification
- Sensors and sensor signal processing
- Control (Courtesy of Honeywell)
38CD Profile Control Loop
- The pursuit of better paper quality has placed
new demands on Cross Directional (CD) control
systems - smaller zone sizes
- faster response
- lower CD spreads
39Symptoms of a tuning problem
40Tuning just right!!!
smooth paper!
active, but not picketing
sensor signal processing
42NEW DIRECTIONS 2D Scanning Actuators
- Consider Mass Deposition Processes
- eg spray painting
- Source of mass is spray gun that is moved over
surface - manipulation usually done by robot
- Aim to deposit specific mass profile on surface
- for most applications, desired profile is uniform
(ie flat)
43Scanning Actuators
- Given footprint of mass flow rate from gun
- What track should the gun follow over the surface
to achieve desired mass profile? - Scanning actuator is dual of scanning sensor
44Raster Pattern
Part being Sprayed
- Results from 2D scanning theory tell you
- how close to put the tracks
- how far off edges you need to scan to avoid edge
Robot Path
45More Complex Paths
- Generalised Scanning Theory also shows that this
path is also valid - Path is suitable for thermal spray processes
- aim to achieve specific temperature profile
- more difficult problem because heat flows
Robot Path
46Example of 2D Spray Actuation
- Spray forming of metal as an alternative to
casting - 2D generalised sampling ideas from sensing are
DUALISED to get dual results for actuation. - Metal is sprayed in a special pattern to optimise
spray cast metal quality
47Benefits of spray-forming
- Reduced cost
- Costs US 100Million to provide tooling for new
car model - Reduced time
- Takes gt18 months to produce tooling for big parts
(bumpers, bonnets, door panels etc) - Freeze design long before production
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52Typical sprayed steel flat
532D Spray Actuation
- Painting.
- Spray coating
- Metal deposition
- And many more
For example..
54And 2D Sensing again Sub-sea profiling
- Greg Stuart of Honeywell Greg supplied the
information and slides of his profile control
system. - Steven Duncan of Oxford University Steven
supplied slides of his 2D actuation systems - Final photograph from CropDusters