Title: Training Large Numbers
1Training Large Numbers
- The Andhra Pradesh Experience
Strategy- Direct Training
Strategy- Consolidation
Work In Progress
3Andhra Pradesh
4Training For All
Sl.No. Elected Representatives BRGF RGSY Total
1 ZP Chairpersons 13 9 22
2 Vice Chairpersons 13 9 22
3 ZPTCs 655 442 1097
4 Co-option Members(ZP) 26 18 44
5 MPPs 655 442 1097
6 MPTCs 8955 7206 16161
7 Co-option Members(MPP) 655 442 1097
8 Sarpanches 12987 8840 21827
9 Wardmembers 128194 91868 220062
TOTAL 152153 109276 261429
Officials Officials
1 GP Secretaries 5151 4388 9539
2 Mandal Parishad Staff 2698 1694 4392
3 ZP Staff 544 639 1183
4 Line Department Officials 8 Per Mandal 5240 3536 8776
Total 13633 10257 23890
Grand Total 165786 119533 285319
5Some Numbers Rural Development
Sl.No Functionaries Number
1 Project Directors 22
2 Addnl. Project Directors 22
3 Asst. Project Directors 171
4 Programme Officers 1098
5 Addnl. Programme Officers 1098
6 Technical Assistants 3539
7 Engineering Consultants 944
8 Field Assistants 21856
9 Mates 228669
10 Social Audit SRPs/DRPs 474
11 Mate Trg. Coordinators 94
12 Computer Operators 1745
Total 259732
6Measures initiated
- AMR APARD is the Nodal Agency for Implementing
Capacity Building Action Plan - AP State Govt. issued Comprehensive guidelines on
training strategy for PRI Elected Representatives
and Official Functionaries. (G.O.Ms.No.520
Dt.7.12.2006) - Training cells established in all 22 Zilla
Parishads for outreach activities - A Comprehensive Capacity Building Action plan
for 6 years (2006-07 to 2011-2012) under BRGF and
4 years (2006-2010) under RGSY were approved by
7Training Monitoring
- District Collector is designated as District
Training Commissioner to monitor the training
programmes - CEO, Zilla Parishad, District Panchayat Officer
Supervise the implementation of the training
programme - Release of Training Funds to CEO Zilla Parishad
- MPDO monitors the programmes at Mandal level
State Level
District Level
DLRCs (17)
DCBC (5)
TTDC (22)
Mandal Level
MRC Training Centres (1096)
Mandal Parishad Meeting Halls (1096)
CLRCs Centres (55)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Systematic Approach to Training
Analysis of tasks to be performed by the
Specification of Required K.S.A. Statement of
Training Needs Course Design (Syllabus,Analysis
Synthesis of content, Methodology, Detailed
Session Plans, Visual aids, films, Handbooks,
checklist, reading material etc.,) Piloting of
the Modules Modification of draft training
modules Implementation Monitoring of training
12Delivery-Trainer Profile
- Trainers selected by a district level committee
from - Government Officials-In service or Retired
- NGOs working for PRIs
- Elected Representatives-Past Present
- Women Trainers
- Teachers/Lecturers working on PRI/RD or related
13Training Methodology
- Emphasis on participatory methodologies-field
immersion - Each module is prepared in local language for
trainees and session plan for the trainers - Most of the trainings are also facilitated
through Films based on field realities and role
plays - Group approach for facilitation by the faculty
14Delivery- Direct Training
- TOT for Mandal Members, Sarpanchas,
- Ward Members
- Master Trainer Development (50)
- Direct Training to ZP Chairperson
- Training of Sarpanchas, Ward Members
- By Mobile Teams
15Mobile Training Delivery
16Working sheet Number of Trainers Required to
Cover the ward Members
S. No. Name of District No. of Mandals No. of GPs No. of Ward Members Ward Members to be trained excluding Upa-Sarpanches No. of Teams required per District (No. of Mandals/4) No. of Resource Persons required per District (Col. No.7x5) No. of Batches (Col. No.6 / 50 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Adilabad 52 866 8408 7542 13 65 151
2 Anantapur 63 1005 10316 9311 16 80 186
3 Chittoor 65 1380 13132 11752 16 80 235
4 Cuddapah 50 818 8016 7198 13 65 144
5 East Godavari 58 1012 11358 10346 15 75 207
6 Guntur 57 1022 10738 9716 14 70 194
7 Karimnagar 57 1194 11684 10490 14 70 210
8 Khammam 46 770 7896 7126 12 60 142
9 Krishna 49 973 9968 8995 12 60 180
10 Kurnool 53 898 9350 8452 13 65 169
11 Mahabubnagar 63 1348 13330 11982 16 80 240
12 Medak 46 1059 10298 9239 12 60 185
13 Nalgonda 59 1178 11666 10488 15 75 210
14 Nellore 46 961 9040 8079 12 60 161
15 Nizamabad 36 719 7278 6559 9 45 132
16 Prakasam 56 1041 12000 10959 14 70 219
17 Rangareddy 32 705 7008 6303 8 40 126
18 Srikakulam 38 1102 10464 9362 10 50 187
19 Visakhapatnam 39 944 9310 8366 10 50 167
20 Vizianagaram 34 931 8856 7925 9 45 158
21 Warangal 50 1014 10306 9292 13 65 186
22 West Godavari 46 887 9640 8753 12 60 175
Total Total 1095 21827 220062 198235 278 1390 3964
17Working sheet Number of Trainers Required to
Cover MPTC Members and Sarpanches
Sl.No District No. of mandals No of GPs No.of sarpanches No.of MPTCs including co-option members Total no. of participants No. of Teams No. of resource persons_at_ 3 persons of the team No. of Batches_at_50 participants per batch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Adilabad 52 866 637 569 1206 13 39 24
2 Anantapur 63 1005 1005 812 1817 16 48 36
3 Chittor 65 1380 1380 853 2233 16 48 45
4 East Godavari 58 1012 892 1129 2021 15 45 40
5 Guntur 57 1022 1022 909 1931 14 42 39
6 Kadapa 50 818 818 555 1373 13 39 27
7 Karimnagar 57 1194 1194 802 1996 14 42 40
8 Khammam 46 770 396 606 1002 12 36 20
9 Krishna 49 973 973 833 1806 12 36 36
10 Kurnool 53 898 898 777 1675 13 39 34
11 Mahaboobnagar 64 1348 1345 926 2271 16 48 45
12 Medak 46 1059 1059 664 1723 12 36 34
13 Nalgonda 59 1178 1178 824 2002 15 45 40
14 Nellore 46 961 961 599 1560 12 36 31
15 Nizamabad 36 719 719 538 1257 9 27 25
16 Prakasam 56 1041 1041 775 1816 14 42 36
17 Ranga Reddy 33 705 705 500 1205 8 24 24
18 Srikakulam 38 1102 1078 648 1726 10 30 35
19 Vijayanagaram 34 931 865 649 1514 9 27 30
20 Visakapatnam 39 944 681 546 1227 10 30 25
21 Warangal 50 1014 932 760 1692 13 39 34
22 West Godavari 46 887 842 887 1729 12 36 35
 Total 1097 21827 20621 16161 36782 274 834 736
- MPTC Training Programmes at Mandal Head Quarters
- Sarpanch Training at Mandal Head Quarters
- Ward Member Training at Mandal Head Quarters and
Panchayat Cluster levels - Total Master Resource persons 50
- Total No. of ToTs 1390
- Total Mobile Teams constituted 278 _at_ 5 ToTs in
each team
- Wide coverage in print and electronic media
- Scrolling advertisements in leading TV channel
- CEO, DPO and DRO monitors the training programme
through wireless conference, personal visits - ETC faculty to act as Link Officer to each
district - DRPs in ZP Training cell collects attendance
particulars and reports to APARD
20MPDOs made the necessary announcements
MPDOs made the necessary arrangements at the venue
21Training Class in Progress
Group Discussion
22Exclusive Training programs
23Special Target Group Training
SC/ST Elected Representatives
Women Elected Representatives
24Consolidation of Training Satellite TV
- Fixed Point Chart for the entire year
- Transmission Every Thursday
- Two Way Audio-One way Video
- Screening of 4 Short Films in the forenoon
- Interactive Session in the Afternoon
- Functionary wise Training Material
- Short films, Documentaries, Docudramas, Panel
Discussions, Talks by Experts etc
25Consolidation of Training - Magazine
26Consolidation Training through Video Conferencing
SIRDs ISDN Districts NIC ETCs Lease Line
(Rail Tel)
27Work In Progress
e-Learning Solutions
- CBTs
- Web based
- Linear Video
- Mobile Phone based
Involvement of NGOs in the last mile delivery
28Work in Progress
- Ward Members Training (Face-Face)
- Help Line
- Training to ULB Functionaries
- Lab to Land Initiative
29Evaluation Studies
Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)
Centre for Management Development (CMD)
- Trainings are Useful to the Jobs
- Knowledge Skills acquired in training are
applied in the job - Performance of the subordinates improved
- Training Methodology is good
- Reading Materials supplied are relevant
- Training benefitted the trainees in acquiring the
IT skills - Skill sets improved in field measurements of
civil works - Enhanced Participation in social audit
30Evaluation Studies
National Institute or Rural Development (NIRD)
Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI)
- Elected Representatives and Officials have
developed a clear understanding of RD and PRI
institutional mechanisms - Developed new Knowledge Skills relevant to
their jobs - Teaching and content delivery was highly effective
- Training content of Courses was relevent
- Practical exposure given was good
- Inputs in the training programmes were adequate
- Trainer Participant ratio was very good
- Duration of the courses were good
31New Initiatives
- Computer Based Tutorials LMS
- Documentary films
- Village Case studies Beacon Panchayats
- Visit to Beacon Panchayats outside AP
- Grama Sabha Campaigns
- Mobile Campaign Vans
- M Learning
- APARD-ETC-out reach centres Gram Panchayats
- Help line
- Knowledge Commons - APARD Wikies
32Thank You!