Regression Extensions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Regression Extensions


... + 0.19*District Political Change - 0.00082*Electoral Slack - 0.000080*Seniority Y = 0.26077 + 0.19*District Political Change - 0.00082*Electoral Slack ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Regression Extensions

Regression Extensions
  • WW Chapter 14

  • So far we have assumed that our independent
    variables are measured intervally. Today we will
    discuss how to interpret dummy variables in
  • Recall that a dummy variable takes on two
    possible values, 0 or 1.

The Regression Model
  • Suppose we want to estimate the following model
  • Y ? ?1D ?2X ?
  • Y of militarized disputes a state gets
    involved in per year
  • X amount of annual military spending
  • D 1 if the state is democratic
  • D 0 if the state is non-democratic

The Results
  • We want to see if there is a difference between
    democratic and non-democratic regimes in terms of
    how many militarized disputes they get involved
  • Suppose we estimate the following regression
  • Yp -6.4 2.02D .000179X

The Results
  • We can compare the two groups as follows
  • For D0, Yp -6.4 2.02(0) .000179X
  • -6.4 .000179X
  • For D1, Yp -6.4 2.02(1) .000179X
  • -8.42 .000179X
  • The coefficient for D (?1) is the change in Y
    that accompanies a unit change in D, which is
    either zero or one.

The Impact of a Dummy Variable
  • We can see that the dummy variable changes the
    value of the Y-intercept (?). If we were to plot
    these two regression lines, they would be
    parallel lines with slope (.000179), and
    Y-intercepts 6.4 or 8.42.
  • We can conclude that democracies get involved in
    about 2 fewer conflicts per year compared to

  • More generally, if D is a 0-1 dummy variable in a
    regression model,
  • Ypa b1D b2X
  • Then the regression line where D1 is parallel
    and b1 units higher than the line where D0.

Multiple categories
  • Suppose we want to expand our measure of
    democracy to three levels democracy, anocracy,
    and autocracy. We could create two dummy
  • D1 1 if anocracy, 0 otherwise
  • D2 1 if democracy, 0 otherwise

Multiple categories
  • We leave the third category (autocracy) out as a
    reference group. We always have one less dummy
    than there are categories because if we included
    all three, there would be perfect
  • Our new model is
  • Y ? ?1D1 ?2D2 ?3X ?

Estimating the model
  • Suppose we estimate our new model and obtain the
    following results
  • Yp -5.1 1.4D1 3.6D2 .0021X
  • For autocracies (D10, D20), Yp -5.1 .0021X
  • For anocracies (D11, D20), Yp -6.5 .0021X
  • For democracies (D10, D21), Yp -8.7 .0021X

  • In this case we have three parallel regression
    lines. We can see that democracies are involved
    in 3 ½ fewer disputes than autocracies, and
    around 2 fewer disputes than anocracies. We can
    also see that anocracies get involved in 1.4
    fewer disputes than autocracies.

  • Severing the Electoral Connection
  • Shirking in the Contemporary Congress
  •  Lawrence S. Rothenberg and Mitchell S. Sanders
  • American Journal of Political Science
  • Question If incumbents in Congress plan to
    retire or if they pursue higher office and face a
    distinct constituency, will they behave
    differently? In particular, will they have
    greater incentives to shirk?

  • Shirking Legislative behavior differs from what
    would be observed given perfect monitoring and
    effective punishment by constituents (i.e.,
    through elections).
  • Two Types of Shirking
  • 1)   Ideological Shirking
  • Members change their votes away from the
    ideological position of their district.
  • 2)   Participatory shirking
  • Members vote less frequently (casting fewer roll
    call votes).

  • Previous studies suggest that participatory
    shirking occurs, but that ideological shirking
    does not. Rothenberg and Sanders argue that this
    is largely a function of poorly specified
    measures of Congressional Shirking.
  • Research Design
  • Compare a member's actions during the 4th
    quarter of one Congress with her actions in the
    4th quarter of the next Congress. Shortly before
    an election, those seeking reelection know that
    they will be judged by the electorate those not
    standing for reelection know that they are free
    to shirk.

  • Research Design
  • They examine roll call votes taking place after
    July 1st of an election year in consecutive
    Congresses between 1991 and 1996. This produces
    366 cases from the 102nd Congress, 305 from the
    103rd Congress, and 327 from the 104th Congress.

  • Dependent Variables
  • 1)   Ideological Change
  • ?Ideological PositioniCongress kI - Ideological
    PositioniCongress k?
  • 2)   Abstention Change
  • ?Abstention RateiCongress kI - Abstention Rate
    iCongress k?
  • Expectation If departing members change their
    voting patterns more and abstain more, then this
    constitutes evidence of shirking.

  • Independent Variables
  • 1)   Retiring (Dummy Variable) equals 1 for
    individuals not running for reelection and not
    seeking other elected office (14.2 of their
    total 998 legislators) and 0 otherwise
  • 2)   Pursuing Statewide Office (Dummy Variable)
    equals 1 for individuals leaving the House to
    seek statewide office (3.2 of the total) and 0
  • 3)   Seniority years of prior service at the
    beginning of each Congress do senior members
    change their position less and vote more often
    than junior members?

  • Independent Variables
  • 4)   Electoral Slack member's vote share
    (proportion of the two-party vote) in the prior
    election do electorally secure members have more
    liberty in voting?
  • 5)   District Political Change absolute
    difference in the proportion of the two-party
    vote received by 1988 presidential candidate
    Michael Dukakis in the old and the new district
    (to reflect possible vote changes based on
    redistricting that occurred in 1992).

  •        There is evidence of member shirking,
    both in terms of ideological and participatory
    shirking. Retiring and Pursuing Statewide Office
    are significant and positive in both equations.
  •        Impact on Ideological Change retiring
    members increase their ideological change by
    .039, while political aspirants increase their
    ideological change by .033 (the scale is -1 to 1
    for the ideology variable).

  •        Impact on Abstention Change Retiring
    members' abstention rates increase by .11 (11),
    which is substantial in an era where average
    abstention rates are near 5. Political
    aspirants' abstention rates increase by .15
  •        Small R2 values, especially for the
    Ideological Change model, suggest that there is
    substantial randomness associated with behavioral
  •        Significant intercept in the Ideological
    Change equation indicates that legislator
    ideology is at least somewhat fluid for all

Comparing members running for reelection to those
leaving Congress
  • 1)   For Ideological Change
  •        Running for reelection (Retiring 0 and
    Pursuing Statewide Office 0)
  • Y 0.074 .039(0) 0.033(0) 0.54District
    Political Change 0.016Electoral Slack
  • Y 0.074 0.54District Political Change
    0.016Electoral Slack 0.000025Seniority

Comparing members running for reelection to those
leaving Congress
  •        Not running for reelection (Retiring 1
    and Pursuing Statewide Office 1)
  • Y 0.074 .039(1) 0.033(1) 0.54District
    Political Change 0.016Electoral Slack
  • Y 0.146 0.54District Political Change
    0.016Electoral Slack 0.000025Seniority
  • This means that members that are leaving Congress
    are 7.2 more likely to change their ideological
    position (0.146 - 0.074) compared to members

Comparing members running for reelection to those
leaving Congress
  • 1)   For Abstention Change
  •        Running for reelection (Retiring 0 and
    Pursuing Statewide Office 0)
  • Y 0.00077 0.11(0) 0.15(0) 0.19District
    Political Change - 0.00082Electoral Slack -
  • Y 0.00077 0.19District Political Change -
    0.00082Electoral Slack - 0.000080Seniority

Comparing members running for reelection to those
leaving Congress
  •        Not running for reelection (Retiring 1
    and Pursuing Statewide Office 1)
  • Y 0.00077 0.11(1) 0.15(1) 0.19District
    Political Change - 0.00082Electoral Slack -
  • Y 0.26077 0.19District Political Change -
    0.00082Electoral Slack - 0.000080Seniority
  •  This means that members that are leaving
    Congress have changes in abstention rates that
    are 26 higher than members staying in Congress.

Interactive dummy variables
  • We can also interact our dummy variables with
    other independent variables if our theory implies
    such a relationship.
  • For example, we might posit the following model
  • Y ? ?1D ?2X ?3DX ?

Interactive dummy variables
  • In our previous example, this would be warranted
    if we believed that military spending in
    democracies had a different effect on their
    propensity to use force than military spending in
  • We might argue that democracies use increased
    military spending for defense, not for
    aggression, and thus that their rates of dispute
    involvement might vary (this is just a
    hypothetical argument).

Interactive dummy variables
  • For D0 (non-democracies), the model reduces to
  • Y ? ?2X ?
  • For D1 (democracies), the model reduces to
  • Y ? ?1(1) ?2X ?3(1)X ?
  • Y (? ?1) (?2 ?3)X ?
  • We can see that an interactive dummy changes both
    the intercept (by ?1) and the slope (by ?3).

Examining the Residuals of a Regression Model
  • We make several assumptions about the error term
    in the regression model, ?.
  • For example, we assume that the errors are
    normally distributed
  • ?i ? N0, ?2
  •  A violation of non-constant variance is called
    heteroskedasticity (errors are not the same
    across the range of X values).

  • A simple way to detect heteroskedasticity is to
    plot the residuals against one or more of the
    independent variables.
  • One common pattern that may indicate
    heteroskedasticity is a fanning out residual

  • We also assume no auto-correlation, or that
    Cov?i, ?j 0 if i ? j. A typical violation
    occurs with time series data where the errors are
    related over time.
  • To detect autocorrelation, it is useful to plot
    the residuals over time. We should observe a
    pattern in the residuals such that a high value
    is followed by another high value, and a low
    value is followed by another low value, etc.
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