Title: For the
1Nuclear Science Merit Badge Workshop
- For the
- Boy Scouts of America
- by
- The Pennsylvania State University,
- American Nuclear Society Student Section
- Spring 2005
- The Radiation Science and Engineering Center
- at Penn State
Graphic by Vaughn Whisker
Breazeale Nuclear Reactor
3Basic Safety Rules
- No food, drinks or gum outside of designated
areas - No cell phones or pagers
- No cameras
- If you need to leave the group for any reason
first ask an ANS member to escort you. - Each group will have at least one member assigned
to wear a dosimeter. - A dosimeter is a small device to measure
radiation exposure. - If you read the dosimeter now it will read zero.
At the end of the day it should also read zero
because we are not going to take you anywhere we
expect there to be significant radiation exposure.
4Lets Get Started
Requirement 1
ALARA Alpha Particle Atom Background
Beta Particle Contamination Curie (Ci) Becquerel (Bq)
Gamma Ray Half-life Ionization Quark
Isotope Neutron Nuclear Energy Nuclear Reactor
Particle Accelerator Rad Gray (Gy) Radiation
Radioactivity Radon (Rn) Rem Sievert (Sv)
- As Low As Reasonably Achievable
- This is the principle by which the nuclear
industry operates. The goal is to minimize the
radiation exposure of workers.
6Alpha Particle
- (alpha ray, alpha radiation) An electrically
charged particle made of two protons and two
neutrons. These are thrown off by many
radioactive materials, including uranium and
radium. An alpha particle is identical to the
nucleus of a helium atom. - Symbol ?
- The smallest piece of an element. They are made
up of protons, neutrons, and electrons and the
number of protons determines the kind.
8Background Radiation
- The ionizing radiation always present in nature
from cosmic rays or from radioactive materials in
the air, water, food, ground, building materials,
and some consumer products.
9Beta Particle
- (beta ray, beta radiation) An electrically
charged particle thrown off by many radioactive
materials. If is a free moving electron and
possesses the smallest negative charge found in
nature. Beta particles come out of radioactive
atoms at high speeds. - Symbol ß
- Radioactive material deposited or dispersed in
materials or places where it is not wanted.
11Curie (Ci)
- A measure of the rate at which radioactive
material throws off particles or radiation. It is
named in honor of the French chemists, Marie and
Pierre Curie. One curie is equal to the activity
in one gram of radium.
12Becquerel (Bq)
- The SI (metric) unit of radioactivity in a
material. One Bq measures one disintegration per
13Gamma Rays
- (gamma radiation) A form of ionizing radiation
energy (the same as X-rays) given off when the
nucleus of some radioactive materials
disintegrate. - Symbol ?
- The amount of time it takes for one half of a
group of radioactive atoms to decay. - Symbol (t1/2)
- A process by which atoms lose one or more
electrons and are left with a positive electrical
charge. Some atoms gain an electron and are
negatively charged. - Radiation hitting clouds (or groups) of atoms
changes some of them into ions, some positive and
some negative.
- A sub-nuclear, fundamental particle of matter
that makes up protons and neutrons.
quark Flavor Mass (GeV/e2) Electric charge(e)
u up 0.004 2/3
d down 0.008 -1/3
c Charm 1.5 2/3
s Strange 0.15 -1/3
t top 176 2/3
b bottom 4.7 -1/3
- Atoms of the same chemical element having the
same number of protons (the same atomic number)
but with a different number of neutrons
(different atomic weights). Some isotopes are
radioactive (radioisotopes) and some are not
- A basic atomic particle, having no electrical
charge, found in the nucleus of atoms. It has an
atomic weight of one.
19Nuclear Energy
- Energy released when the nucleus of an atom
splits (fission), joins with another nucleus
(fusion), or disintegrates (radiation). Nuclear
energy is the most exact terms to describe the
energy produced in a nuclear reactor.
20Nuclear Reactor
- A device in which a nuclear fission chain
reaction takes place.
21Particle Accelerator
- An electric device for speeding up electrically
charged particles such as electrons and protons.
These are then used for smashing into atoms at
high speeds. This allows scientists to study the
particles and forces that make up atoms.
- A unit of measure of how much radiation energy
something absorbs when exposed to a radiation
23Gray (Gy)
- The SI (metric) equivalent of a rad. One gray is
equal to 100 rads.
- The energetic particles or rays thrown out by
radioactive elements or produced by X-ray
machines. The best term for atomic radiation is
ionizing radiation, because sound waves, light
waves, and radio waves are also kinds of
- The throwing out of charged particles or gamma
rays from the nucleus of the atom. Some elements
are naturally radioactive, while others can be
made radioactive by squeezing extra neutrons into
the nucleus.
26Radon (Rn)
- A heavy radioactive gas given off by rocks
containing radium (or thorium). Rn-222 is the
main isotope.
- A unit describing the intensity of radiation, the
type of radiation, and the effect on the body.
28Sievert (Sv)
- The SI equivalent of the rem. One sievert is
equal to 100 rem.
- Radiation produced inside a vacuum tube when
high-speed electrons hit a metal target. When
these rays pass through an object, they give a
shadow picture of the denser portions. They must
be used carefully because of their ability to
ionize atoms in the body.
30We Covered
Requirement 1
ALARA Alpha Particle Atom Background
Beta Particle Contamination Curie (Ci) Becquerel (Bq)
Gamma Ray Half-life Ionization Quark
Isotope Neutron Nuclear Energy Nuclear Reactor
Particle Accelerator Rad Gray (Gy) Radiation
Radioactivity Radon (Rn) Rem Sievert (Sv)