5. Endogenous right hand side variables - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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5. Endogenous right hand side variables


5. Endogenous right hand side variables 5.1 The problem of endogeneity bias 5.2 The basic idea underlying the use of instrumental variables 5.3 When the endogenous ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 5. Endogenous right hand side variables

5. Endogenous right hand side variables
  • 5.1 The problem of endogeneity bias
  • 5.2 The basic idea underlying the use of
    instrumental variables
  • 5.3 When the endogenous right hand side variable
    is continuous
  • 5.4 When the endogenous right hand side variable
    is binary

5.1 Endogeneity bias
  • Consider a simple OLS regression
  • Yit a0 a1 X1it uit
  • Recall that our estimate of a1 will be unbiased
    only if we can assume that X1it is uncorrelated
    with the error term (uit)
  • We have discussed two ways to help ensure that
    this assumption is true
  • First, we should control for any observable
    variables that affect Yit and which are
    correlated with X1it. For example, we should
    control for X2it if X2it affects Yit and X2it is
    correlated with X1it (see Chapter 2)
  • Yit a0 a1 X1it a2 X2it uit

5.1 Endogeneity bias
  • Second, if we have panel data, we can control for
    any unobservable firm-specific characteristics
    (ui) that affect Yit and which are correlated
    with the X variables.
  • From Chapter 4
  • Yit a0 a1 X1it a2 X2it ui eit
  • We control for the correlations between ui and
    the X variables by estimating fixed effects
  • Our estimates of a1 and a2 are unbiased if the X
    variables are uncorrelated with eit. In this
    case, we say that the X variables are exogenous.

5.1 Endogeneity bias
  • Unfortunately, multiple regression and fixed
    effects models do not always ensure that the X
    variables are uncorrelated with the error term
  • if we do not observe all the variables that
    affect Y and that are correlated with X, multiple
    regression will not solve the problem.
  • if we do not have panel data, the fixed effects
    models cannot be estimated.
  • even if we have panel data, the Y and X variables
    may display little variation over time in which
    case the fixed effects models can be unreliable
    (Zhou, 2001).
  • even if we have panel data and the Y and X
    variables display sufficient variation over time,
    the unobservable variables that are correlated
    with X may not be constant over time in which
    case the fixed effects models will not solve the

  • A variable is more likely to be correlated with
    the error term if it is endogenous
  • Endogenous means that the variable is
    determined within the economic model that we are
    trying to estimate.
  • For example, suppose that Y2it is an endogenous
    explanatory variable
  • Y1it a0 a1 Y2it a2 Xit uit (1)
  • Y2it b0 b1 Xit b2 Zit vit
  • Equations (1) and (2) have a triangular
    structure since Y2it is assumed to affect Y1it,
    but Y1it is assumed not to affect Y2it
  • Given this triangular structure, the OLS estimate
    of a1 in equation (1) is unbiased only if vit is
    uncorrelated with uit
  • If vit is correlated with uit, then Y2it is
    correlated with uit which means that the OLS
    estimate of a1 would be biased
  • To avoid this bias, we must estimate equation (1)
    instrumental variables (IV) regression rather
    than OLS.

  • Equations (1) and (2) are called structural
    equations because they describe the economic
    relationship between Y1it and Y2it
  • We can obtain a reduced-form equation by
    substituting eq. (2) into eq. (1)
  • Y1it a0 a1 (b0 b1 Xit b2 Zit vit) a2
    Xit uit
  • In this reduced-form equation, all the
    explanatory variables (Xit and Zit) are exogenous
  • The basic idea underlying IV regression is to
    remove vit from the Y1it model so that our
    estimate of a1 is unbiased.

5.2 The basic idea underlying the use of
instrumental variables
  • Note that vit is removed from the Y1it model if
    we use the predicted rather than the actual
    values of Y2it on the right hand side.
  • We predict Y2it using all the exogenous variables
    in the system (in our example, we use the two
    exogenous variables Xit and Zit)

5.2 The basic idea
  • We then use the predicted rather than the actual
    values of Y2it when estimating the Y1it model
  • The a1 estimate is biased in eq. (3) but it is
    unbiased in eq. (4) because the vit term has been

  • In eq. (4) the estimated coefficient for the Zit
    variable is
  • We already know the value of from eq.
  • Therefore
  • It is important to note that the
    coefficient can be estimated only if there is at
    least one exogenous variable in the structural
    model for Y2it that is excluded from the
    structural model for Y1it
  • This is the Zit variable in eq. (2)

  • In eq. (4) the coefficient is just
    identified because there is only one exogenous
    variable (Zit) that is in the Y2it model and that
    is excluded from the Y1it model

  • Suppose we had included Zit in both models
  • In this case, the coefficient cannot be
    identified because we estimate and
  • In other words, we cannot determine whether the
    effect of Zit on Y1it is a main effect (a3) or an
    indirect effect through Y2it (a1b2)
  • Here we say that the system of equations is

  • Suppose we had included two exogenous variables
    in the Y2it model and we excluded both these
    variables from the Y1it model
  • Now we have estimates of , ,
    , and .
  • Therefore
  • Here we say that the system of equations is
  • In this example, the system is triangular
    because there are two equations and one
    endogenous right-hand side variable

5.3 When the endogenous right hand side variable
is continuous
  • When the models have a triangular structure, the
    models can be estimated using the ivregress
  • The models can be estimated using 2SLS or LIML or
  • 2SLS is more commonly used in practice

5.3.1 Estimating triangular models using 2SLS
  • Go to MySite
  • Open up the housing.dta file which provides data
    from 50 U.S. states (1980 Census)
  • use "J\phd\housing.dta", clear
  • pct_population_urban the of the population
    that lives in urban areas
  • family_income median annual family income
  • housing_value median value of private housing
  • rent median monthly housing rental payments
  • region1 region 4 dummy variables for four
    regions in the U.S.

  • Suppose we want to estimate the following
  • rent a0 a1 pct_population_urban
    a2 housing_value u
  • housing_value b0 b1 family_income
    b2 region2 b3 region3 b4 region4 v
  • This is a triangular system because there are two
    equations and one endogenous right hand side
    variable (housing_value)
  • If u and v are correlated, the OLS estimate of a2
    will be biased in the rent model

  • If we ignore the endogeneity problem and estimate
    the rent model using simple OLS
  • reg rent housing_value pct_population_urban
  • To take account of the potential endogeneity
    problem we use the ivregress command
  • ivregress estimator depvar1 varlist1 (depvar2
  • estimator is either 2sls or liml or gmm
  • depvar1 is the dependent variable for the model
    which has an endogenous regressor
  • varlist1 are the exogenous variables in the model
    that has the endogenous regressor
  • depvar2 is the endogenous regressor
  • varlistiv are the exogenous variables that are
    believed to affect the endogenous regressor

  • The models that we want to estimate are
  • rent a0 a1 pct_population_urban a2
    housing_value u
  • housing_value b0 b1 family_income b2
    region2 b3 region3 b4 region4 v
  • The rent model has an endogenous regressor
  • ivregress 2sls rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • ivregress liml rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • ivregress gmm rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • The housing_value model can be estimated using
    OLS as there are no endogenous regressors
  • reg housing_value family_income region2 region3

  • We should test whether
  • our chosen instruments are exogenous (i.e., they
    should be uncorrelated with the error term) and
  • it is valid to exclude some of them from the
    model that has the endogenous regressor.
  • If they are not exogenous or they should not be
    excluded, they are not valid instruments.

  • The tests for instrument validity are also known
    as tests of over-identifying restrictions
    because the tests can only be performed if the
    model with the endogenous regressor is
  • the tests assume that at least one of the chosen
    instruments is valid (unfortunately this
    assumption cannot be tested)
  • In our example, the instrumented housing_value
    variable is overidentified because four of the
    exogenous variables (family_income region2
    region3 region4) are excluded from the rent
  • If we had excluded only one of these variables,
    the instrumented housing_value variable would
    have been just identified in which case it
    would not be possible to test for instrument

  • We obtain the tests for instrument validity by
    typing estat overid after we run ivregress
  • ivregress 2sls rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • estat overid
  • These tests are statistically significant, which
    means the chosen instruments are not valid.

  • This is not surprising because we did not have
    good reason to assume that they are exogenous and
    validly excluded from the rent model.
  • For example
  • family_income is endogenous if family incomes
    depend on housing values and rents
  • Why would this be true?
  • rents may be different across the four regions,
    so the region dummies should not be excluded from
    the rent model

  • We obtain different statistics for the tests of
    instrument validity if the models are estimated
    using LIML or GMM
  • However, the conclusions are the same as in our
    previous example
  • ivregress liml rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • estat overid
  • ivregress gmm rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • estat overid

  • Note that we cannot test for instrument validity
    when the endogenous regressor is just identified
  • This is because the test statistics are obtained
    under the assumption that at least one of the
    instruments is valid
  • For example
  • ivregress 2sls rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income)
  • estat overid
  • ivregress liml rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income)
  • estat overid
  • ivregress gmm rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income)
  • estat overid

  • We can also test whether the coefficient of the
    endogenous regressor is biased under OLS.
  • We obtain two Hausman tests for endogeneity bias
    by typing estat endogenous after we run ivregress
  • ivregress 2sls rent pct_population_urban
    (housing_value family_income region2 region3
  • estat endogenous
  • (The Durbin statistic uses an estimate of the
    error terms variance assuming that the variable
    being tested is exogenous whereas the Wu-Hausman
    statistic assumes that the variable being tested
    is endogenous)
  • Given these results, we may be tempted to reject
    the hypothesis that housing_value is exogenous
  • However, the Hausman tests for endogeneity bias
    are only reliable if the chosen instruments are
    valid. In our example they are not, and so we
    cannot draw conclusions about the potential for
    endogeneity bias.

Class exercise 5a
  • Using the fees.dta file, estimate the following
    models for audit fees and company size
  • lnaf a0 a1 lnta a2 big6 u
  • lnta b0 b1 ln_age b2 listed v
  • where lnaf is the log of audit fees, lnta is the
    log of total assets, ln_age is the log of the
    companys age in years, listed is a dummy
    variable indicating whether the companys shares
    are publicly traded on a market.
  • Is the instrumented lnta variable
    over-identified, just-identified, or
    under-identified? Explain.
  • Estimate the audit fee model using 2SLS.
  • Test the validity of the chosen instrumental
  • Test whether the lnta variable is affected by
    endogeneity bias.
  • Verify that the test for instrument validity is
    not available if you change the model so that it
    is just-identified.

  • The key to estimating IV models is to find one or
    more exogenous variables that explains the
    endogenous regressor and that can be safely
    excluded from the main equation.
  • Unfortunately, most accounting studies that use
    IV regression do not attempt to justify why their
    chosen instruments are exogenous or why they can
    be excluded from the structural model.
  • As a result, Larcker and Rusticus (2010)
    criticize the way in which accounting studies
    have applied IV regression
  • A key problem is that the IV results can be very
    sensitive to the researchers choice of which
    variables to exclude from the structural model
    and, in many studies, these variables have been
    chosen in a very arbitrary way

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  • Larcker and Rusticus (2010) recommend that
    researchers justify their chosen instruments
    using theory or economic intuition
  • the estat overid test should not be used to
    select instruments on purely statistical grounds
    particularly as the test is invalid if all of the
    chosen instruments are also invalid
  • When testing instrument validity (estat overid)
    and endogeneity bias (estat endog), it is also
    important to consider your sample size
  • in large samples, the tests may reject a null
    hypothesis that is nearly true.
  • in small samples, the tests may fail to reject a
    null hypothesis that is very false.

5.3.2 Estimating simultaneous equations using
3SLS (reg3)
  • So far we have been examining a triangular
    system. For example, Y2it affects Y1it but Y1it
    does not affect Y2it
  • Y1it a0 a1 Y2it a2 Xit a3 Z2it uit
  • Y2it b0 b2 Xit b3 Z1it vit
  • In a simultaneous system, both dependent
    variables affect each other
  • Y1it a0 a1 Y2it a2 Xit a3 Z2it uit
  • Y2it b0 b1 Y1it b2 Xit b3 Z1it vit

  • Y1it a0 a1 Y2it a2 Xit a3 Z2it uit
  • Y2it b0 b1 Y1it b2 Xit b3 Z1it vit
  • In this case, the OLS estimates are biased
  • Eq. (1) shows that uit affects Y1it while eq. (2)
    shows that Y1it affects Y2it. As a result, it
    must be true that uit is correlated with Y2it in
    eq. (1). Therefore, the OLS estimate of a1 would
    be biased in eq. (1).
  • Eq. (2) shows that vit affects Y2it while eq. (1)
    shows that Y2it affects Y1it. As a result, it
    must be true that vit is correlated with Y1it in
    eq. (2). Therefore, the OLS estimate of b1 would
    be biased in eq. (2).

  • For example, it seems reasonable to argue that
    housing values depend on rents as well as rents
    depending on housing values
  • rent a0 a1 housing_value a2
    pct_population_urban u
  • housing_value b0 b1 rent b2 family_income
    b3 region2 b4 region3 b5 region4 v
  • Note that for identification, each equation must
    contain at least one exogenous variable that is
    not included in the other equation. These are
  • pct_population_urban in the rent model
  • family_income, region2 - region4 in the
    housing_value model

  • We estimate this kind of model using the reg3
  • reg3 (depvar1 varlist1) (depvar2 varlist2)
  • use "J\phd\housing.dta", clear
  • reg3 (rent housing_value pct_population_urban)
    (housing_value rent family_income region2
    region3 region4)
  • Unfortunately, the overid and endog commands are
    not currently available with reg3

5.4 When the endogenous right hand side variable
is binary
  • So far we have been dealing with the case where
    the endogenous regressor is continuous.
  • We may want to estimate a model in which the
    endogenous regressor is binary.
  • This brings us to a special class of models which
    are known as self-selection or Heckman
    models. Selectivity Endogeneity where the
    endogenous regressor is binary
  • The basic idea is similar to the instrumental
    variable techniques that we have already

  • Examples of endogenous binary variables in
  • Companies decide whether to use hedge contracts
    (Barton, 2001 Pincus and Rajgopal, 2002).
  • Companies decide whether to grant stock options
    (Core and Guay, 1999).
  • Companies decide whether to hire Big 5 or non-Big
    5 auditors (e.g., Chaney et al., 2004).
  • Governments decide whether to fully or partially
    privatize (Guedhami and Pittman, 2006).
  • Companies decide whether to follow international
    financial reporting strategy (Leuz and
    Verrecchia, 2000).
  • Companies decide whether to recognize financial
    instruments at fair value or disclose (Ahmed et
    al., 2006).
  • Companies decide whether or not to go private
    (Engel et al., 2002).

Selection model
  • Concerns about selectivity arise when the RHS
    dummy variable (D) is endogenous
  • Endogeneity results in bias if E(u D) ? 0.
  • If u and v are correlated, then E(u D) ? 0, in
    which case the OLS estimate of the effect of D on
    Y would be biased.

Selection model
  • The intuition underlying Heckman is to estimate
    and then control for E(u D). First model the
    choice of D
  • Z is a vector of exogenous variables that affect
    D but have no direct effect on Y.

Selection model
Selection model
  • Estimate E(u D) and include it as a control
    variable on the RHS of the Y model
  • E(u D) ?? IMR where ? captures the
    correlation between u and v while ? is the
    standard deviation of u and

Selection model
  • The MILLS variable is added as a control for
    selectivity in the Y model
  • The OLS estimate of the effect of D on Y is now
    unbiased because E(e D) 0.
  • The D and Y models can be estimated in two-steps
    or estimated jointly using maximum likelihood
  • ML yields separate estimates of ? and ?.
  • The two-step yields an estimate of ??.
  • Under the null of no selectivity bias, ? 0 and
    ?? 0.

Class exercise 5b
  • We are going to look at a fictional dataset on
    2,000 women.
  • use "J\phd\heckman.dta", clear
  • sum age education married children wage
  • Suppose we believe that older and more highly
    educated women earn higher wages. Why would it be
    wrong to estimate the following model?
  • reg wage age education
  • Estimate a probit model to test whether women are
    more likely to be employed if they are married,
    have children, are older and more highly educated.

5.4 When the endogenous right hand side variable
is binary (heckman)
  • It is easy to estimate the two-step Heckman model
    in STATA
  • heckman depvar1 varlist1, select (depvar2
    varlist1), twostep
  • where depvar1 is the dependent variable in the
    main equation and depvar2 is the dependent
    variable in the selection model
  • Going back to our dataset on female wages
  • heckman wage education age, select(emp married
    children education age) twostep

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  • The 657 censored observations are the women who
    are not in employment.
  • The Wald chi2 tests the overall significance of
    the model.
  • Womens wages are higher if they are older and
    more highly educated
  • The probit model of employment is exactly the
    same as what we had before
  • Women are more likely to be in employment if they
    are married, have children, are more highly
    educated or older.

  • The lamba variable is simply the IMR that was
    estimated from the emp model
  • The IMR coefficient is 4.00 and statistically
  • there is statistically significant evidence of a
    selection effect.

  • The IMR coefficient is the product of rho and
    sigma (??)
  • Thus, 4.00 0.67 5.95

Class exercise 5c
  • Estimate the following audit fee models
    separately for Big 6 and Non-Big 6 audit clients
  • lnaf a0 a1 lnta u (1)
  • lnaf a0 a1 lnsales u (2)
  • where lnaf log of audit fees, lnta log of
    total assets, lnsales log of sales
  • Use the heckman command to control for
    endogeneity with respect to the companys
    selected auditor. Your auditor choice models are
    as follows
  • big6 b0 b1 lnsales b2 lnta v
  • nbig6 c0 c1 lnsales c2 lnta w
  • where big6 1 (big6 0) if the company chooses
    a Big 6 (Non-Big 6) auditor and nbig6 1 (nbig6
    0) if the company chooses a Non-Big 6 (Big 6)

Class exercise 5c
  • What exclusion restrictions are you imposing in
    equations (1) and (2)?
  • Is there statistically significant evidence of
  • For the two different specifications of the audit
    fee model
  • what are the signs of the MILLS coefficients?
  • what are the signs of rho?

Treatment effects model
  • In exercise 5c, we estimated the audit fee models
    separately for the Big 6 and non-Big 6 audit
  • To do this, we use the heckman command
  • Suppose that we want to estimate one audit fee
    model with Big 6 on the right hand side of the
    equation (i.e., we assume that the X coefficients
    have the same slope in the two equations)

Treatment effects model
  • We can estimate this model using the treatreg
  • treatreg lnaf lnta, treat (big6 lnta lnsales)
  • treatreg lnaf lnsales, treat (big6 lnta
    lnsales) twostep
  • If we dont specify the twostep option we will
    get the ML estimates
  • sometimes the ML model will not converge due to a
    nonconcave likelihood function
  • treatreg lnaf lnta, treat (big6 lnta lnsales)

Treatment effects model
  • The results for both the treatment effects and
    Heckman models can be very sensitive to the model
  • For example, the Big 6 fee premium can easily
    flip signs from positive to negative
  • treatreg lnaf lnta, treat (big6 lnta lnsales)
  • treatreg lnaf lnta lnsales, treat (big6 lnta
    lnsales) twostep
  • Note that there are no exclusion restrictions (Z
    variables) in the second specification since lnta
    and lnsales appear in both the first stage and
    second stage models

Exclusion restrictions
  • Francis, Lennox, Francis Wang (2012) argue that
    many accounting studies have estimated the
    Heckman and treatment effects models incorrectly
  • It is well recognized (in economics) that
    exogenous Z variables from the first stage choice
    model need to be validly excluded from the second
    stage outcome regression (Little, 1985 Little
    and Rubin, 1987 Manning et al., 1987).
  • Accounting studies have generally failed to (a)
    impose exclusion restrictions, or (b) provide
    compelling grounds for the validity of the
    exclusion restrictions.

Exclusion restrictions
  • Economists recognize that it is important to
    justify why the Zs can be validly excluded from
    the Y model.
  • For example, Angrist (1990) examines how military
    service affects the earnings of veteran soldiers
    after they are discharged from the army.
  • This involves a selection issue because
    individuals join the military if they have poor
    wage offers in other types of job.
  • Angrist (1990) tackles the selectivity issue
    using data from the Vietnam era, when military
    service was partly determined by a draft lottery.

Exclusion restrictions
D military service
Z Random lottery
Y civilian earnings
Exclusion restrictions
  • Angrist and Evans (1998) test whether child
    bearing reduces female participation in the labor
  • Selectivity is an issue because women are more
    likely to have children rather than enter the
    labor market if their wage offers would be low
    (i.e., lower opportunity cost).
  • Use the gender of the second child as instrument
    for the decision to have a third child.

Angrist and Evans (1998) Exclusion restriction
D decision to have a third child
Z Sex composition of first two children
Y female participation in labor market
Exclusion restrictions
  • In accounting, many studies fail to justify why Z
    has no direct impact on Y.
  • Many studies do not report results for the D
    model, so the reader cannot evaluate the power of
    the Z variables for identifying selectivity.
  • Some studies estimate models in which there are
    no nominated Z variables.

Exclusion restrictions
  • When there are no exclusion restrictions,
    identification of the MILLS coefficients relies
    on the assumed non-linearity
  • MILLS will capture any misspecification of the
    functional relation between X and Y (e.g.,
    non-linearity) in addition to any selectivity

Exclusion restrictions
  • Little (1985) Relying on nonlinearities to
    identify selectivity bias is unappealing
    because it is very difficult to distinguish
    empirically between selectivity and
    misspecification of the models functional form.
  • STATA manual Theoretically, one does not need
    such identifying variables, but without them, one
    is depending on functional form to identify the
    model. It would be difficult to take such results
    seriously since the functional-form assumptions
    have no firm basis in theory.
  • A failure to nominate any Z variables can worsen
    the problems of multicollinearity (Manning et
    al., 1987 Puhani, 2000 Leung and Yu, 2000).

Example Chaney, Jeter and Shivakumar (2004)
D BIG5 (company hires a Big 5 or non-Big 5
Y Audit fees
Z null set
Example Leuz and Verrecchia (2000)
D IR97 (international reporting)
Z ROA, Capital intensity, UK/US listing.
Y Cost of capital
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Leuz and Verrecchia (2000)
  • Is it valid to assume that ROA, Capital
    intensity, and UK/US listing have no direct
    effect on the cost of capital?
  • Are these Z variables really exogenous?

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Leuz and Verrecchia (2000)
  • Are the tests for selectivity bias powerful?
  • Are the results sensitive to functional form?
    (see the free float variable).
  • LV do not report results using OLS
  • LV do not report whether their results are
    sensitive to alternative model specifications.

Going forward
  • Researchers need to be aware that Heckman and
    treatment effects models can provide results that
    are extremely fragile. Sensitivity primarily
    affects the RHS variable that is assumed to be
    endogenous (D) and the IMRs.
  • Studies need to discuss
  • why the Zs are exogenous
  • why the Zs have no direct effect on Y
  • whether the Zs are powerful predictors of D
  • The signs and significance of the IMRs alone do
    not provide compelling evidence as to the
    direction or existence of selectivity bias.
  • Selection studies should routinely report tests
    for multicollinearity problems.

  • When the endogenous regressor is continuous, you
    can control for endogeneity using the ivregress
    or reg3 commands.
  • When the endogenous regressor is binary, you can
    control for endogeneity using the heckman or
    treatreg commands.
  • If you want to control for endogeneity, it is
    vitally important that you have a good
    justification for your chosen exclusion
  • Choosing arbitrary exclusion restrictions will
    probably give you garbage results.
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