Social Media Trends - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Media Trends


Social Media Trends & Value Across Generations Carla Ferraro, Research Fellow Australian teen fashion retailer, Supr , was founded ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Media Trends

Social Media Trends Value Across Generations
Ferraro, Research Fellow
In the next 30 minutes
  • Social Media Growth
  • Social Media Trends
  • Social Media in Action
  • ACRS Social Media Research
  • Part 1 Qualitative
  • Part 2

The Rise and Rise of Social Media
  • 74 of the world's Internet surfers visit SM
    (Nielsen, 2010)
  • YouTube, Wikipedia and Facebook are three of the
    top seven online brands visited
  • Time spent using SM rose 210 in 2009 (Nielsen,
  • Average time per person increased 143
  • Average time spent on Facebook and Twitter
    increased 200 and 368 respectively
  • Facebook alone catering to 500 million users
  • 150 million access via mobile devices
  • Twitter growing 579 in annual unique visitors
    (Nielsen, 2010)
  • SM marketing to grow 34 annually over the next 5
  • US3.1 billion by 2014 (Forrester Research, 2010)

Most used SM tools globally
Source 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry
Most popular SM websites in NZ
Source Nielsen 2010 Social Media Report
Asia Pacific SM Trends
  • SM is now one of the most critical trends within
  • 3 of the 7 global online brands are SM sites
  • Online product reviews are the third most trusted
    source of information when making purchase

Source Nielsen 2010 Asia Pacific Social Media
New Zealand SM Participation
  • Online New Zealanders increasing the SM
  • Content sharing the most popular social media
  • Spending an average of 6 hrs per month on SM
  • Source Nielsen 2010 Social Media Report

The New Age Social retailing
  • Shopping meets social networks (Foresee
    Results, 2010)
  • 56 of shoppers who interact with social media
    websites have elected to friend or follow or
    subscribe to a retailer
  • More than 50 of online shoppers use Facebook,
    and of those online shoppers who engage in social
    media, more than 80 use Facebook
  • 49 of respondents who friend or follow
    companies through social media do so to learn
    about special deals and options
  • 45 of users do it to learn about products
  • 5 use social media primarily for customer
  • However, 60 of retailers do not have a presence
    on a social networks
  • 85 of Gen Y shoppers participate in social
    networking (PriceGrabber, 2010)

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Friends Store benefits for Levis
  • Increased sales with peer recommendation acting
    as a powerful incentive to purchase
  • Invaluable feedback on all products
  • Seasonal and product analysis and reporting
  • Better forecasting of sales
  • Design more customised products
  • Identify regional liking of products
  • Customer input for future marketing campaigns
    and product directions

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Social Media Research
Research Objectives
  • To examine the role of SM within the broader
    advertising and communications mix
  • To extend knowledge of how SM compares to
    traditional media consumption
  • To develop a comprehensive picture of weekly
    media consumption
  • To identify consumer knowledge, value and
    attitudes towards SM in general and SM
  • To identify and understand generational

Research Approach
  • Part 1 Media diary
  • Self-completion diary of daily media use over
    one-week period. Split by
  • New media usage digital, interactive, or
    networked information and communication
    technologies, including the Internet, websites,
    blogs, iPhone applications
  • Traditional media usage television, magazines,
    books, or paper-based publications
  • Part 2 Focus group discussions
  • In-depth focus group discussions to better
    understand SM attitudes and consumption drivers.
    Split by
  • Gen Y, Gen X and Boomers


Generation Year Sample
Gen Y 1981 to 2000 30
Gen X 1966 to 1980 35
Boomers 1945 to 1965 35
Part 1 Media Diary
Diarised SM Participation
  • Very High
  • Interacting with others (daily)
  • Looking at and updating profiles
  • Read a blog
  • Positing pictures online
  • High
  • Interacting with others (daily)
  • Looking at and updating profiles
  • Watching online videos about a product/ service
  • Low
  • Some activity interacting with others
  • Looking at profiles (if exist)
  • Posting pictures online

Weekly Media Consumption Hourly Trends
TV radio as background to dinner/ evening
New media more prominent during working hours
Average hourly consumption across week, all
Weekly Media Consumption Daily Trends
Consumption reverses and there is a general dip
in new media over the weekend
Average daily consumption across week, all
New vs. Traditional Media Consumption
Overall new media consumption pattern is
consistent across time of day and by weekday/
New vs. tradition media consumption (weekday by
weekend), all generations
Part 2 Focus Groups
Social Media Experience Perceptions
SM Experience
  • SM experience is first hand for Gen X and Gen Y
  • Boomers experience SM via younger generations

Experience Interest areas Tools Knowledge source
Gen Y Solid Connecting and keeping up to date with friends, social planning, photo sharing Many particularly social networking via Facebook and Twitter Peers
Gen X Sound News and information updates, connecting with friends and family, career planning Various particularly professional networking via LinkedIn and news and information websites/blogs and applications Peers and colleagues
Boomers Limited or none Connecting and sharing with family and friends around the world Very few limited knowledge of social networking tools and content building communities but keen to learn Children or younger colleagues
SM Perceptions
  • SM perceptions
  • Generally positive perceptions of the value of
    SM, but differences in where value lies

General Positive Negative
Gen Y I can no longer live without it Convenience, entertainment, keeping in touch Many fans of brands, companies, bands There is so much pressure to be available online you miss so much if you go a week without Facebookits addictive and dangerous
Gen X Personal vs. professional value News/ informational content valued Career benefits via LinkedIn connecting with people who can track professional profiles and movements - a very useful way to keep in touch with clients and/or be hunted for a job Highlighted caution in social networking content, particularly personal content posted by others I immediately un-tag myself when someone posts a photo of me as I dont want everyone else to know what Ive been up to
Boomers SM not well understood Value as a means for younger people to easily explore topics of interest SM is amazing, particularly being able to keep in touch with many people so easily, and getting thoughts and ideas out there with quick responses SM less focussed on current affairs younger generations are not absorbing much about world issues Not comfortable with SM anonymity and credibility of this form of communication
Social Media Consumption
SM Consumption Gen Y
  • Role in daily life
  • Facebook has replaced the common diary I
    still have a paper diary with family members
    birthdays in it, but Ive missed two this year
    already because theyre not on Facebook
  • Helps to organise it reminds me for
    birthdays, events,...Id forget or miss out
  • Consumption drivers
  • Dual purposes (1) letting the whole world know
    whats going on in your life, and (2) gives you
    instant recommendations like a great bar to
  • To follow the movements of celebrities
  • To create content for example via a blog to
    keep in touch with family, post photos, and we
    all have the password so everyone can interact
  • To arrange to meet people and stay in touch,
    planning social events you can find out who
    will be coming within 38 hours, and make a
    decision from a distance on whether or not to

SM Consumption Gen X
  • Role in daily life
  • Quick interactions with others
  • Posting and reviewing relevant comments (e.g.
    The Age online)
  • Convenience, particularly the ability to do
    two things at once, find information, gain
    real-time updates from friends and family
  • Brings issues to the foreyou cant get away
    with anything anymore
  • Consumption drivers
  • Review sites in planning purchases or travel and
    sending links to others used for decision-making
  • iPhone applications to find information while
    out and about, i.e. Lonely Planet
  • Reviews and testimonials for candid opinions
    hearing of a product or service from others
    helps me to make a decision People can be brutal
    - thats what I use it for
  • Instant status updates SM provides quick,
    short, sharp bursts of information but Facebook
    can do the same and more
  • LinkedIn perceived as Facebook for business
    and as a great way to connect with your
    professional network, new and old

Social Media Consumption Boomers
  • Role in daily life
  • Split in terms of general media consumption,
    some using the Internet and email at work, some
    doing so at home for social and informational
    purposes, and some engaging with Facebook
    although not very often
  • Limited as most consume TV and radio more than
    new media
  • Consumption drivers
  • To communicate with friends and relations
    overseas and interstate, and enable easy photo
  • Facebook somewhat useful for staying in touch
    with people
  • Majority use new media such as email and limited
    and infrequent use of Facebook such as a couple
    of times a month My personal network of
    friends have given up on me ever responding on
    Facebook, their messages are 6 weeks old before I

Social vs. Traditional Media Assessment
Social vs. Traditional Media Gen Y
  • Women have a strong preference towards
    magazines in that they allow you to hold them in
    your hand, for instance reading it with a coffee
  • Traditional media more akin to relaxing You
    can sit down with the papers on a weekend,
    reading full articles whereas social media is
    higher maintenance and more constant, its harder
    to get away from
  • Control You dont have control over
    traditional media whereas you can often opt in or
    out for social media
  • Reading consumer reviews and stories for
    products and services of interest assists in
    pre-purchase research by weighing up the good
    versus bad reviews
  • The ability to build content I like that I
    can add my own comments in different forums
  • Search functionality No matter what I buy, I
    always search online first

Social vs. Traditional Media Gen X
  • Interactive nature favourite authors replying
    to posts and interacting with other readers blogs
  • Speed and ease of access to relevant content
    Using The Age online, I can quickly scan through
    for the things I are most interested in
  • Transparency You cant hide behind social
  • Traditional media can be enjoyed passively it
    allows me to sit back and enjoy the content
    without getting too involved, compared with SM
    where it is difficult not to comment, and it
    makes you feel forced to participate
  • Concern regarding the credibility of online
    reviews and recommendations if believed to be
    written by staff of the company, review was
    disregarded or acted upon with caution

Social vs. Traditional Media Boomers
  • Platforms such as MySpace seen as useful for
    brands and organisations to build awareness and
    share content
  • Majority recognised significant business
    opportunities in using SM All you have to do is
    be updated
  • Impersonal and encourages less face-to face
    communications with people and brands
  • Message frequency is uncontrollable and adds
    more pressure to already reduced personal time

Social Media Advertising Preferences
SM Advertising Preferences by Generation
  • Must be permission-based communications
  • Updates and offers from brands of interest
  • Do not want to be sold to via Facebook as a place
    for connecting with friends
  • Keen to discuss advertising messages and offer
    with friendship network
  • Highlight engagement as opposed to a mere
  • Expect a brand to respond to user content see no
    reply as being ignored by the brand
  • Interested in having a conversation with a
    brand, not only about an offer but the category
    they are in and lifestyle they address
  • Tailored and exclusive offers appreciated and
    opportunity to pass to interested others
  • Reinforce SM advertising with traditional media
    important for raising brand awareness and in
    essence to say yes its real
  • Spam a primary concern spam should be outlawed,
    its unsolicited
  • Social and traditional media should complement
    each other legitimise message If Id only heard
    about it online, I might think it was dodgy
  • Limited in that there is a strong preferences for
    traditional forms of advertising

So what?
  • SM is a permanent part of media consumption
  • Generation differences in terms of SM
    engagement, with the most extensive awareness and
    adoption among Gen Y and Gen X
  • New media, including SM, consumed alongside
    traditional forms to (a) reinforce communications
    and (b) provide credibility
  • Consumers happy to be exposed to SM
    advertising, if permission-based
  • Facebook not a platform for selling due to
    its personal nature, however important tool for
    conversing with brands of interest and keeping
  • SM is about two-way conversation (i.e. brands
    need to respond to consumer content)
  • A multi-channel marketing strategy is most
    effective As a combined effort, sure theres
    some things youre going to miss, but you might
    check something else out like through MX or
    Facebook... brands cant rely on just the one
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