Title: Naziism
1Naziism Holocaust
- Eichmann in Jerusalem
- Obedience to Authority
- Sanctioned Massacres
- Christian Jews as killers of God
- agents of Satan / killers of babies
- money-lenders
- Nazi communist conspiracy
- conspiracy of financiers
- biological race theory parasites
- bacteria
- vermin
3Nazi-ismLeader Principle Prejudice
Authoritarian Personality (T. Adorno et al)
Obedience to Authority (S. Milgram)
- Anti-Semitic?
- Authoritarian?
- Personality change?
- Conscience?
- Banality of Evil?
5Milgram Obedience Experiment
- Subject plays teacher role
- Confederate plays learner role
- Confederate plays experimenter role
6Milgram Obedience Experiment
- Series of experiments
- Indep. variables proximity of authority
- salience of victim
- group admin of shock
- Dep. Variable shock level
7Results from main variations
8Results from main variations
9Factors increasing obedience
- Authority of experimenter
- Proximity of experimenter
- Distance form victim
- Absence of dissenters
- Presence of other compliers
- Reduced role in giving shock
- Authority of institution
10Milgrams Theory
- Force fields
- Subject switches state
- autonomous ? agentic
- conscience inhibited in agentic state
11Zimbardo Prison Experiment
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14 15Zimbardo Prison Experiment
- Random assignment of prisoners guards
- 5 released extreme emotional depression,
crying, rage and acute anxiety - Ended after 6 days
16Zimbardo Prison Experiment
- Guards found sense of power was exhilarating
- Prisoner responses
- Disbelief
- Rebellion
- Isolation, self-interest, deprecation
- Half became sick
17Zimbardo Prisoner Responses
- Loss of personal identity
- Deindividuation
- Learned helplessness
- Emasculation
- ? Power of role
18Nazi DoctorsRobert J. Lifton
- Doubling
- Doctors create Auschwitz self
- Shift between two selves
19States ? Selves
- Milgram 45 min. state change
- Zimbardo 6 days role/identity change
- Lifton months double self
- ? State develops into self ??
20Functions of the ExecutiveChester Barnard, 1938
- Two modes of viewing treating others
- 1) outside of organizations, people can act as
unique individuals - 2) as member of organizations, people are
depersonalized, and regarded in their purely
functional aspects, as phases of cooperation.
21Functions of the ExecutiveChester Barnard, 1938
- Every participant in an organization may be
regarded as having a dual personality -- an
organization personality and an individual
22Functions of the ExecutiveChester Barnard, 1938
- At lower levels in the hierarchy organi-zations
create a zone of indifference - Within which orders are acceptable without
conscious questioning of their authority. - Makes it possible normally to treat a personal
question impersonally.
23Functions of the ExecutiveChester Barnard, 1938
- Higher levels in hierarchy requires creation of
2nd personality -- organizational personality
-- aligned with goals of organization - Most executive decisions appear in the guise
of technical decisions, and their moral aspects
are not consciously appreciated. An executive
may make many important decisions without
reference to any sense of personal interest or of
24Sanctioned Massacres
- Nazi Mobile Killing Units
- MyLai
- Rwanda?
- Iraqi militias?
25My Lai
27Lt. Calley
- Sentenced to life in prison released in 1974
28Hugh Thompson
29Hugh Thompson
30Sanctioned MassacresH. Kelman
- Authorization
- Routinization
- De-individuation of actor
- De-humanization of victims
31Sanctioned Massacres
- Authorization authority situation
- relieves individual of moral responsibility
- calls into play morality of loyalty duty
- Routinization role in organization
- task becomes a job
- violence broken into tasks
- language of euphamisms
32Sanctioned Massacres
- De-individuation of the actor
- individual takes on identity of organization
- de-emphasize personal characteristics
- De-humanization of the victims
- victims given group identity
- victims portrayed as non-human
- Deprived of membership in common human group
33Sanctioned Massacres
- Killers torturers can be made
- Tearing-down re-construction of identity
- separation
- liminal phase of instruction, rehearsal
testing - return in new status