Title: CERN Certificates platform
1- CERN Certificates platform
- http//ca.cern.ch
- Ruben Gaspar
- On behalf
- Emmanuel Ormancey / Anatoly Gladkov
- HEPIX Fall 2005
- Cern Certification Authority overview
- Architecture
- User, Host, Enrollment certificates
- Certificate usage
- Web sites
- SmartCards
- Project status
3CERN Certification AuthorityArchitecture
- Offline Root CA
- Run on Virtual PC.
- Root CA Server image on removable disks.
- Root will be trusted by default inside CERN.
- Online Issuing CA
- User request for software certificates (client
certificates) - Enrollment station for SmartCard certificates
(authorized user on authorized desktop only can
issue certificates on smartcards), i.e. Card
Service. - User request for Host certificates.
- Allow users to map existing certificates (i.e.
Grid,CACert,Thawte) to their account.
4CERN Certification AuthorityCertificate Request
Internet Explorer or Mozilla browsers can handle
automatically certificate request.
A manual procedure with OpenSSL is also provided.
- Software (client) certificates are requested by
5CERN Certification AuthorityEnrollment Station
- Smartcard certificates can be issued only by
users with a valid enrollment agent certificate
installed on dedicated machine.
6CERN Certification AuthorityHost Certificates
and Certificate mapping
- Users can request Host certificates for CERN
Hosts they manage, and any non-CERN host (not
already certificated).
- Users can map an existing certificate to their
account for authentication (i.e. Grid
7Certificate usage
- Short term
- Authenticate to IS Websites (Win, Web, Mail,
Terminal services, etc) - Provide a common authentication interface for all
CERN services sort of Single Sign On - Sign and encrypt mails
- Medium to long term
- Provide Windows and Linux desktop authentication
using Smartcard certificates. - Embed SmartCard chip to CERN Access card.
8Websites authentication
- Certificate can be installed in any browser, on
any platform. - Certificate is mapped to user account
- Several certificates can be mapped.
- Authentication done automatically
- Popup for selection if several certificates
installed multiple identity supported. - If no client certificate
- Move to forms authentication
- Useful if using a public computer, but can be a
security issue. - Policy to be defined force client certificate
- User must always use their own computers,
increased security but accessibility issue.
9IT/IS Websites authenticationOverview
Opening a website
If several client certificates matching server
requirements are found, browser asks to choose.
Certificate authentication complete.
Cancelled or no certificate installed
10Email signing and encrypting
11SmartCards for Desktop authentication
- Medium to Long term achievement
- Integrate SmartCard ship to CERN Access card
- Use SmartCard to authenticate Windows or Linux
desktop session. - Use software (client) certificates for alternate
accounts authentication (in browser). - No more passwords typed in
- Passwords can be set to random string not known
even by the user, and can be reset automatically
very often. - Policy to be defined keep alternate password
authentication ?
12SmartCardsfor cross platform authentication
- Use the same SmartCard for
- Windows desktop (and laptop)
- Browser authentication
- Linux desktop
- Browser authentication
- Mac OS X desktop
- Browser authentication
- Remote windows
- Windows Terminal Services
- Remote Linux
- Putty (to be defined, possible with OpenSC)
- OpenSSH (to be defined, possible with OpenSC)
- Exceed (to be confirmed)
13Project status
- CERN Certification authority
- CERN CA is up and running.
- All described functionalities are available.
- Grid specifications taken into account (EUGridPMA
specification). - Software (client) certificates
- Available for SSO on IT/IS Websites, planned to
be extended on all web sites. - CERN Certificate issuing available to all CERN
users. - Alternate Certificate mapping available,
including Grid certificates. - SmartCards
- Test cards have been issued, testing on Windows
and Linux in progress. - Hardware vendors being evaluated with TS dept. to
provide next generation of CERN Access cards
(Smartcard Mifare contact less card Magnetic
stripe Photo printed). - Estimated cost 5 / card, 15 to 25 / card
reader (USB or PCMCIA).
14- Questions ?
- http//ca.cern.ch