Title: Caio A. S. Coelho
1EUROBRISA A EURO-BRazilian Initiative for
improving South American seasonal forecasts
- Caio A. S. Coelho
- Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos
(CPTEC) - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
- caio_at_cptec.inpe.br
- History
- Aims
- Planned activities
- Motivating results
- Summary
CPTEC-IRI Workshop , Cachoeira Paulista (Brazil),
8 November 2006
2History of EUROBRISA
- 2001-2005 PhD work on forecast calibration and
combination (Coelho 2005) - Developed conceptual framework for forecasting
- (Bayesian approach named forecast assimilation)
- Nino index (Coelho et al. 2003, 2004)
- Equatorial Pacific SST
- (Stephenson et al. 2005)
- South American rainfall
- (Coelho et al. 2006a)
- Regional rainfall and river flow downscaling
- (Coelho et al. 2006b)
- 2005 Preparation, submission and approval of
EUROBRISA proposal by ECMWF council - 2005/2006 Preparation, submission and approval
of young investigator fellowship by FAPESP and
start of EUROBRISA
3The EUROBRISA Projectkey Idea To improve
seasonal forecasts in S. Americaa region where
there is seasonal forecast skill and useful
Involved institutions Country Partners
CPTEC Brazil Coelho, Cavalcanti, Costa Silva Dias, Pezzi
ECMWF EU Anderson, Balmaseda, Doblas-Reyes, Stockdale
INMET Brazil Moura, Silveira, Lucio
Met Office UK Graham, Davey, Colman
Météo France France Déqué
UFPR Brazil Guetter
Uni. of Reading UK Stephenson, Challinor
Uni. of Sao Paulo Brazil Ambrizzi, Silva Dias
- Aims
- Strengthen collaboration and promote exchange of
expertise and information between European and S.
American seasonal forecasters - Produce improved well-calibrated real-time
probabilistic seasonal forecasts for South
America - Develop real-time forecast products for
non-profitable governmental use (e.g. reservoir
management, hydropower production, and
Affiliated institutions
CIIFEN Ecuador Camacho
IRI USA Baethgen
UFRGS Brazil Bergamaschi
4Planned activities
Climate prediction research and development
- Produce probabilistic forecasts of precip. and
temp. with empirical and dynamical coupled models
- Deliver objectively combined (dynamical
empirical) well-calibrated forecasts - Compare skill of empirical, dynamical and
combined forecasts using deterministic and
probabilistic measures - Dynamical and statistical downscaling
- Seasonal predictability studies
Impacts (collaborative work with users)
- Hydrology Downscaling of seasonal forecasts for
river flow predictions and use in hydrological
models - Agriculture Research on the use of seasonal
forecasts in agricultural activities Downscaling
of seasonal forecasts for use in crop models
5EUROBRISA multi-model ensemble system
- 4 coupled global circulation models 1 empirical
Coupled Model Country Hindcast period
CPTEC Brazil 1982-2001
ECMWF International 1987-2001
Meteo-France France 1993-2001
UKMO U.K. 1987-2005
Empirical model Predictor Atlantic and Pacific
SST Predictands Precipitation and temperature
6Correlation maps DJF rainfall anomalies
DEMETER Multi-model ()
ECMWF, Meteo-France, UKMO (1959-2001), I.C.
- Comparable level of determinist skill
- Better skill in tropical and southeastern South
7Mean Anomaly Correlation Coefficient
Most skill in ENSO years and forecast
assimilation can improve skill
8Brier Skill Score for DJF rainfall
Forecast assimilation improved Brier Skill Score
(BSS) in the tropics
9Brier Score decomposition
10Reliability component of the BSS
Forecast assimilation improved reliability in
many regions
11Resolution component of the BSS
Forecast assimilation improved resolution in the
12Regional rainfall downscaling
Multi-model ensemble 3 DEMETER coupled
models ECMWF, Meteo-France, UKMO 3-month
lead Start Aug NDJ Period 1959-2001
13South box NDJ rainfall anomaly
- - - Observation
Forecast Correlation Brier Score
Multi-model 0.57 0.22
FA 0.74 0.17
Forecast assimilation
(Coelho et al. 2006b)
- Forecast assimilation improves skill substantially
14North box NDJ rainfall anomaly
- - - Observation
Forecast Correlation Brier Score
Multi-model 0.62 0.21
FA 0.63 0.18
Forecast assimilation
(Coelho et al. 2006b)
- Forecast assimilation improved skill marginally
15River flow predictions (NDJ)
Annual cycle
Forecast Correlation Brier Score
Parana 0.16 0.25
Tocantins 0.29 0.22
(Coelho et al. 2006b)
- Harder to downscale river flow than rainfall
16Agricultural application
(Challinor et al. 2004)
17EUROBRISA summary
- Challenging initiative for improving the quality
of South American seasonal forecasts - Facilitate exchange and transfer of technology,
knowledge and expertise between participating
institutions - Valuable opportunity to
- - develop an objectively integrated
- (i.e. dynamical empirical) forecasting
system for - South America
- - work closely with end-users to evaluate our
forecasting system in terms of user variables
rather than solely on - traditional climate variables
- Collaborative activities with IRI are of great
18 References
- Coelho C.A.S., S. Pezzulli, M. Balmaseda, F. J.
Doblas-Reyes and D. B. Stephenson, 2003 - Skill of Coupled Model Seasonal Forecasts A
Bayesian Assessment of - ECMWF ENSO Forecasts. ECMWF Technical Memorandum
No. 426, 16pp. - Coelho C.A.S., S. Pezzulli, M. Balmaseda, F. J.
Doblas-Reyes and D. B. Stephenson, 2004 - Forecast Calibration and Combination A Simple
Bayesian Approach for ENSO. - J. Climate, 17, 1504-1516.
- Coelho C.A.S. 2005 Forecast Calibration and
Combination Bayesian Assimilation of Seasonal
Climate - Predictions. PhD Thesis. University of Reading.
178 pp. - Coelho C.A.S., D. B. Stephenson, M. Balmaseda,
F. J. Doblas-Reyes and G. J. van Oldenborgh,
2006a - Towards an integrated seasonal forecasting system
for South America. J. Climate , 19, 3704-3721. - Coelho C.A.S., D. B. Stephenson, F. J.
Doblas-Reyes, M. Balmaseda, A. Guetter and G. J.
van - Oldenborgh, 2006b A Bayesian approach for
multi-model downscaling Seasonal forecasting of
regional - rainfall and river flows in South America.
Meteorological Applications, 13, 73-82. - Stephenson, D. B., Coelho, C. A. S.,
Doblas-Reyes, F.J. and Balmaseda, M., 2005 - Forecast Assimilation A Unified Framework for
the Combination of - Multi-Model Weather and Climate Predictions.
Tellus A, Vol. 57, 253-264. - Available from http//www.cptec.inpe.br/caio