Storage Management and Caching in PAST - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Storage Management and Caching in PAST


Storage Management and Caching in PAST A Large-scale persistent peer-to-peer storage utility Presented by Albert Tannous CSE 598D: Storage Systems Dr. Bhuvan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Storage Management and Caching in PAST

Storage Management and Caching in PAST
  • A Large-scale persistent
  • peer-to-peer storage utility

Presented by Albert Tannous
CSE 598D Storage Systems Dr. Bhuvan Urgaonkar
Introduction to PAST (1)
  • P2P systems can be characterized as distributed
    systems in which all nodes have identical
    capabilities and responsibilities and all
    communication is symmetric
  • PAST An Internet-based, P2P global storage
    utility, which aims to provide strong
    persistence, high availability, scalability and
  • PAST is based on a self-organizing, Internet
    based overlay network of storage nodes that
    cooperatively route file queries, store multiple
    replicas of files, and cache additional copies of
    popular files
  • Storage nodes and files are each assigned
    uniformly distributed identifiers

Introduction to PAST (2)
  • PAST is composed of nodes connected to the
    Internet, where each node is capable of
    initiating and routing client requests to insert
    or retrieve files
  • PAST nodes form a self-organizing overlay network
  • Inserted files are replicated across multiple
    nodes for availability
  • Advantages of PAST
  • Exploits the multitude and diversity of nodes in
    the Internet to achieve strong persistence and
    high availability
  • No need for physical transport of storage media
    to protect backup and archival data
  • No need for explicit mirroring to ensure high
    availability and throughput for shared data

Introduction to PAST (3)
  • Files stored are associated with a quasi-unique
    fileId that is generated at the time of the
    files insertion into PAST
  • Files stored are immutable
  • Files can be shared by the owner by distributing
    fileId (and decryption key if necessary)
  • Pastry is the routing scheme used to route
    clients requests to proper nodes

Introduction to PAST (4)
  • A client needs the fileId (and maybe the
    decryption key) to retrieve a file
  • PAST does not provide facilities for searching,
    directory lookup, or key distribution.
  • PAST is intended as an archival storage and
    content distribution utility, not a
    general-purpose FS

PAST Overview (1)
  • Any host connected to the Internet can be a PAST
    node, just needs the software
  • Set of operations exported to PAST clients
  • fileId Insert(name, owner-credentials, k, file)
  • file Lookup(fileId)
  • Reclaim(fileId, owner-credentials)
  • Each PAST node is assigned a 128-bit node
    identifier, called a nodeId
  • A set of nodeIds is an excellent candidate for
    storing the replicas of a file, since the nodes
    are likely to be diverse in all aspects

PAST Overview (2)
  • During an insert operation, PAST stores the file
    on the k PAST nodes whose nodeIds are numerically
    closest to the 128 msb of the files fileId
  • k is chosen to meet the availability needs of a
    file, relative to the expected failure rates of
    individual nodes
  • PAST is layered on top of Pastry

  • Pastry A P2P request routing and content
    location scheme
  • Pastry is efficient, scalable, fault resilient
    and self-organizing
  • Pastry routes an associated message towards the
    node whose nodeId is numerically closest to the
    128 msb of the fileId, among all live nodes
  • A file can be located unless the k nodes whose
    nodeIds are numerically closest to the 128 msbs
    of the fileId have failed within a recovery period

PAST Operations (1)
  • Insert Request a fileId is computed as the SHA-1
    hashcode of the files textual name, the clients
    public key, and a random salt. The required
    storage (file size times k) is debited against
    the clients storage quota, and a file
    certificate is issued and signed with the owners
    private key
  • The file and the certificate are routed to the
    first node closest to the fileId. The node
    accepts the replica and forwards it to the k-1
    other nodes
  • When the k nodes have accepted the replica, the
    client recieves an acknowledgement

PAST Operations (2)
  • Lookup request Client node sends a request
    message, using the requested fileId as the
    destination. When a node that stores the file
    receives the request, node responds with the
    content and the stored file certificate
  • Reclaim request Like an insert request, the
    clients node issues a reclaim certificate, which
    allows the replica storing nodes to verify that
    the files legitimate owner is requesting the
    operation. The storing nodes each issue and
    return a reclaim receipt, which the client node
    verifies for a credit against the users storage

  • Each PAST node and each user of the system hold a
    smartcard (read-only clients dont need a card).
    A private/public key pair is associated with each
  • Each smartcards public key is signed with the
    smartcard issuers private key for certification
  • The smartcards ensure the integrity of nodeId and
    fileId assignments, thus preventing an attacker
    from controlling adjacent nodes in the nodeId
    space, or directing file insertions to a specific
    portion of the fileId space.

Storage Management (1)
  • The goal is to allow high global storage
    utilization and graceful degradation as the
    system approaches its maximal utilization
  • Responsibilities of the storage management
  • Balance the remaining free storage space among
    nodes in the PAST network as the system-wide
    storage utilization is approaching 100
  • Maintain the invariant that copies of each file
    are maintained by the k nodes with nodeIds
    closest to the fileId

Storage Management (2)
  • 2 ways to resolve the conflicting
  • Replica diversion Allows a node that is not one
    of the k numerically closest nodes to the fileId
    to alternatively store the file, if it is in the
    leaf set of one of those k nodes, to accommodate
    differences in the storage capacity and
    utilization of nodes within a leaf set
  • File diversion A file is diverted to a different
    part of the nodeId space by choosing a different
    salt in the generation of its fileId when a
    nodes entire leaf set is reaching capacity. Its
    purpose is to achieve more global load balancing
    across large portions of the nodeId space

Causes of Storage Load Imbalance
  • If not all the k closest nodes can accommodate a
    replica (insufficient storage), but k nodes exist
    within the leaf sets of the k nodes that can
    accommodate the file
  • That imbalance in the available storage among the
    l k nodes in the intersection of the k leaf
    sets can arise for several reasons
  • The number of files assigned to each node may
    differ because of statistical variation in the
    assignment of nodeIds and fileIds
  • The size distribution of inserted files may have
    high variance and may be heavy tailed.
  • The storage capacity of individual PAST nodes

Per-Node Storage
  • Assumption The storage capacities of individual
    PAST nodes differ by no more than two orders of
    magnitude at a given time
  • PAST controls the distribution of per-node
    storage capacities by comparing the advertised
    storage capacity of a newly joining node with the
    average storage capacity of nodes in its leaf
  • If the node is too large, it is asked to split
    and join under multiple nodeId
  • If a node is too small, it is rejected
  • A node is free to advertise only a fraction of
    its actual disk space for use by PAST. The
    advertised capacity is used as the basis for the
    admission decision

Replica Diversion
  • Goal Balance the remaining free storage space
    among the nodes in a leaf set
  • 3 policies are used
  • Acceptance of replicas into a nodes local store
  • Selecting a node to store a diverted replica
  • Deciding when to divert a file to a different
    part of the nodeId space

File Diversion
  • Goal Balance the remaining free storage space
    among different portions of the nodeId space in
  • When a file insert operation fails, a negative
    acknowledgment is returned to the client node
  • The client node in turn generates a new fileId
    using a different salt value and retries the
    insert operation
  • A client node repeats this process for up to 3
    times. If, after 4 attempts the insert operation
    still fails, the operation is aborted and an
    insert failure is reported to the application

Maintaining Replicas
  • PAST maintains k copies of each inserted file on
    different nodes within a leaf set
  • Neighboring nodes in the nodeId space
    periodically exchange keep-alive messages
  • When a new node joins the system or a previously
    failed node gets back on-line, its included and
    another node is dropped from each of the previous
    leaf sets
  • A node that becomes one of the k closest nodes
    for certain files has to acquire a replica of
    each file, re-creating replicas that were
    previously held by the failed node
  • A node that ceases to be one of the k nodes for
    certain files can discard the copies

File Encoding
  • Reed-Solomon encoding adding m additional
    checksum blocks to n original data blocks (all of
    equal size) allows recovery from up to m losses
    of data or checksum blocks
  • This reduces the storage overhead required to
    tolerate m failures from m to (m n)/n times the
    file size
  • By fragmenting a file into a large number of data
    blocks, the storage overhead for availability can
    be made very small
  • Storing fragments of a file at separate nodes
    (and thereby striping the file over several
    disks) can also improve bandwidth

Caching (1)
  • Goal Minimize client access latencies (fetch
    distance), maximize the query throughput and
    balance the query load in the system
  • Maintaining replicas lead to availability, query
    load balancing and latency reduction
  • A highly popular file may demand many more than k
    replicas in order to sustain its lookup load
    while minimizing client latency and network
  • If a file is popular among one or more local
    clusters of clients, its advantageous to store a
    copy near each cluster

Caching (2)
  • PAST nodes use the unused portion of their
    advertised disk space to cache files
  • Cached copies can be evicted and discarded at any
    time when a node stores a new primary or
    redirected replica of a file, it evicts one or
    more cached files to make room for the replica
  • Cache insertion policy
  • A file routed through a node as part of a lookup
    or insert operation is inserted into the local
    disk cache if its size is less than a fraction c
    of the nodes current cache size (the portion of
    the nodes storage not currently used to store
    primary or diverted replicas)
  • Cache replacement policy Based on the
    GreedyDual-Size (GD-S)
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