Restoring ROM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Restoring ROM


Restoring ROM & Improving Flexibility Chapter 8 Myofascial Release Stretching Techniques used to relieve abnormally tight fascia Myofascial restrictions are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Restoring ROM

Restoring ROM Improving Flexibility
  • Chapter 8

Importance of Flexibility
  • Important Goal Restore or improve to normal
    pre-injury range of motion
  • With injury there is generally some degree of
    lost range of motion
  • Due to pain, swelling, muscle guarding, /or
    inactivity resulting in tissue shortening
  • Need to encourage stretching exercises
  • Restricted range of motion can impact performance
    result in uncoordinated motion
  • Essential for successful physical performance
    injury prevention

  • Ability of neuromuscular system to allow for
    efficient movement of a joint or series of joint
    through a full, non-restricted pain free range of

  • Flexibility refers to the total range of motion
    (ROM) of a joint or group of joints.
  • The ability of a joint to move freely through the
    full range of motion.
  • It differs from person to person and from joint
    to joint.
  • What affects the extent of movement around a
    given joint?
  • Structural characteristics of the joint
  • Mechanical properties of the connective tissues

  • The GOAL should be to optimize joint mobility
    while maintaining joint stability.
  • Primary FOCUS should be on the systematic, safe
    and effective application of the range of motion
    techniques used.
  • You should be able to communicate to the client
    WHY they should devote time to improving
  • It will enhance their program.

  • Keep the requirements of the activity in mind
  • A persons activity level alone will not improve
  • Stretching exercises are essential if flexibility
    is to be maintained or increased

Anatomic Factors Impacting Flexibility
  • Muscles
  • Increasing flexibility relies on the elastic
    properties of muscle
  • Length can be changed over time
  • Connective Tissue
  • Ligaments joint capsules, while possessing some
    elastic properties, can lose their elasticity
    during periods of disuse immobilization
  • Bony Structures
  • Can limit end point range
  • Bony prominences can also stop movements at
    normal end points in the range
  • Fat
  • Can act as a wedge between lever arms
  • Restricts movement wherever it is found

  • Skin
  • Injury or surgical procedure may alter skin
    variable in elasticity
  • Skin adheres to underlying tissue
  • Neural tissue
  • Develops tightness as a result of compression,
    chronic repetitive microtrauma, muscle
    imbalances, joint dysfunction or morphological
    adaptations due to posture
  • Could stimulate nociceptors pain
  • Cause muscle guarding spasm to protect
    irritated neural structures
  • Neural fibrosis ultimately results causing
    decreased elasticity restricted motion
  • Except for bone structure, age gender all other
    flexibility limiting factors can be modified
    altered to increase range of motion

Soft Tissue Properties that Affect Immobilization
  • Responses that affect soft tissue during
  • Velocity, intensity, frequency duration of
    stretch force
  • Temperature of tissues
  • Elasticity ability of soft tissue to return to
    its resting length after passive stretch
  • Plasticity tendency of soft tissue to assume a
    new greater length after stretch force has been

Soft Tissue Properties that Affect Immobilization
  • Contractile tissue gives muscle characteristics
    of contractility irritability
  • Noncontractile tissue has same properties as all
    CT, including ability to resist deforming forces
    as well as viscoelasticity
  • CT structures of muscle-tendon unit
  • Epimysium enveloping fascial sheath
  • Perimysium encases bundles of fasciculi
  • Endomysium innermost layer that separates
    individual m. fibers myofibrils

Benefits of Flexibility Training
  • Increases Range of Motion
  • Reduction of lower back pain and injury
  • Reduction in the incidence severity of injuries
  • Improved posture muscle symmetry
  • Delay in the onset of muscular fatigue
  • Prevents or alleviates muscle soreness post
  • Increases the level of certain skills muscular
  • Picking something up off the floor
  • Promotes mental relaxation

  • It must be based upon the needs of the client.
  • Deliberate stretching should be done AFTER a
    general warm-up, but BEFORE the primary bout
  • It is dependant upon the activity to be
  • Stair climbing vs. Basketball

General Warm Up
  • Full body rhythmic activities
  • Low-moderate intensities
  • 5 minutes
  • Increase core temp
  • Should not lead to fatigue

Specific Warm Up
  • Specific warm up for the activity
  • 10 minutes

Factors Affecting Flexibility
  • Joint Structure
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Muscle Connective Tissue
  • Exercise History
  • Temperature
  • Resistance Training
  • Pregnancy

Joint Structure
  • Joint Structure
  • Some joints allow more range than others

Age Gender
  • Young more flexible than older
  • Females more flexible than men
  • Youth become less flexible between ages 10-12
  • Childhood is the ideal time to start a
    flexibility program
  • Seniors lose flexibility due to inactivity

Muscle Connective Tissue
  • Tendons, ligaments, fascia, joint capsules, skin
  • Elasticity the ability to return to original
    resting length after passive stretch
  • Plasticity the tendency to assume a new and
    greater length after passive stretch
  • Hyperlaxity allows the joints to achieve a ROM
    that exceeds the normal range of motion

Active Passive Range of Motion
  • Active range of motion (AROM)
  • Dynamic flexibility
  • Joint movement via muscle contraction
  • Ability to move a joint with little resistance
  • Passive range of motion (PROM)
  • Static flexibility
  • Motion of joint to end points without muscle
  • Critical in injury prevention
  • Muscles can be forced to stretch beyond normal
  • Without elasticity it is likely that the
    musculotendinous unit will be injured
  • During athletic activity
  • Must be able to move through unrestricted range
  • Must have elasticity for additional stretch
    encountered during activity

Measuring Range of Motion
  • Essential to assess improvement during
  • Goniometer
  • Utilizes alignment of two arms parallel to
    longitudinal axis of two segments involved in
  • Relatively accurate tool
  • Ensures accuracy standardize techniques methods
    of recording AROM PROM

Agonist vs. Antagonist Muscles
  • Joints are capable of multiple movements
  • Example
  • Quadriceps will extend knee with contraction
  • Quads (muscle producing movement) agonist
  • Hamstrings will stretch during knee extension
  • Hamstrings undergoing stretch antagonist
  • Agonist antagonist work together to produce
    smooth coordinated movements
  • Muscles that work together function
  • What is another pair of agonist/antagonist

Stretching Strategies
  • 2 times per week, for 5 weeks, has been shown to
    improve flexibility
  • Varies depending upon the sport / activity
  • General warm up for 5 minutes
  • Activity specific warm up 10 minutes
  • Post activity stretching 5 minutes
  • Hold each stretch for about 30 - 60 seconds
  • Do 3 - 4 reps

Proprioceptors Stretching
  • Muscle Spindles
  • Within muscle
  • Causes stretch reflex
  • Muscle contracts when stretch too fast
  • Golgi Tendon Organs
  • MT Junction
  • Produces inverse stretch reflex
  • Relaxes muscle when there is too much tension

Types of Stretching
  • Static slow steady
  • Ballistic - bouncing type movements
  • Dynamic avoids bouncing but includes movements
    specific to the activity
  • PNF generally involves a 10 second passive
    stretch followed by the specific technique
  • Hold-Relax
  • Contract-Relax

Static Stretching
  • Most commonly used
  • Safe effective
  • Muscle gradually stretched to the point of mild
  • If discomfort is felt, back off a little
  • Does not activate the stretch reflex
  • Beginners should hold the stretch for 15-20 s
    progress to 30 s
  • Longer holds do not reap more rewards
  • Significant improvements can occur
  • Repeat 3-5 times

Ballistic Stretching
  • Rapid, jerky, uncontrolled movement
  • Difficult to control the motion
  • Higher risk of injury
  • No longer considered acceptable however, is
    appropriate for some activities
  • Disadvantages
  • Increased danger of exceeding the extensibility
    limits of involved tissues
  • Higher energy requirements
  • Greater chance of causing muscle soreness
  • Activation of the stretch reflex

Dynamic Stretching
  • Similar to ballistic but avoids bouncing
  • Puts an emphasis on functionally based movements
  • Includes movements specific to the activity
  • Example ? lunge walk
  • Requires balance and coordination
  • Clients may experience muscle soreness initially

PNF Stretching
  • Widely accepted as an effective method for
    increasing range of motion
  • Performed with a partner
  • Uses both passive movement active muscle action
  • Technique
  • Take the muscle into a static stretch while
    relaxing muscle
  • Hold stretch for 10 s, then contract muscle for 6
    s with a strong isometric contraction against
  • Following a 1-2 s rest, repeat another 30 s
    passive stretch
  • Repeat

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
  • Three techniques that combine alternating
    isometric or isotonic contractions relaxation
    of both agonist antagonists
  • Slow-reversal-hold-relax
  • Contract-relax
  • Hold-relax
  • Hold Relax (HR)
  • Isometric contraction of antagonist followed by
    concentric contraction of agonist with light
  • Facilitates stretch of antagonist
  • Effective with muscle tension on one side of joint

  • Contract Relax (CR)
  • Moves body passively into agonist pattern
  • Athlete instructed to contract antagonist
    isotonically against resistance
  • Athlete then relaxes allow athletic trainer to
    push body further (passively) into agonist
  • Utilized when flexibility is limited due to
    muscle tightness
  • Slow Reversal-Hold-Relax (SRHR)
  • Isotonic contraction of agonist
  • Follow with isometric contraction of antagonist
  • During relax phase antagonist is relaxed while
    agonist contracts in agonist pattern
  • Results in stretch of antagonist
  • Useful to stretch antagonist

Comparing Stretching Techniques
  • Ballistic stretching is recommended for athletes
    engaged in dynamic activity
  • Static stretching most widely used
  • Safe effective
  • PNF techniques
  • Capable of producing dramatic increases in ROM
  • Limitation partner is required
  • Maintaining flexibility
  • Can decrease considerable after only 2 weeks
  • Should be engaged in at least once per week

Specific Stretching Exercises
Stretching Neural Structures
  • Requires differentiation between musculotendinous
    neural tightness
  • Assess movements that create tension in neural
  • May cause numbness tingling
  • Straight-leg raise example

Myofascial Release Stretching
  • Techniques used to relieve abnormally tight
  • Myofascial restrictions are unpredictable may
    occur in different planes directions
  • Requires specialized training in depth
    understanding of fascial system
  • Fascia
  • Connective tissue that runs throughout the body
    establishes interconnectedness of body
  • If altered or injured can result in localized
    response at focal point of injury or away from
    injury site
  • Responds to gentle pressure

  • Sometimes called Soft-tissue Mobilization
  • Treatment
  • Localize restriction
  • Considerably more subjective component relies
    heavily on clinicians experience
  • Focuses on large treatment area
  • Work superficial to deep
  • Joint mobilizations may follow
  • Tissue stretching elongation as well as
    strengthening should follow
  • Postural re-training may also be required
  • Dramatic results may occur
  • Treatment should be done at least 3 times per
  • Perform manually or via foam roller

(No Transcript)
Neurophysiological Basis of Stretching
  • Stretch Reflex
  • Muscle is placed on stretch muscle spindle
  • Muscle spindles fire relaying info. to spinal
  • Spinal cord relays message to golgi tendon
    increases tension
  • After 6 seconds, golgi tendon organ (GTO) relays
    signal for muscle tension to decrease
  • Cause reflex relaxation
  • Prevents injury - protective mechanism
  • Ballistic stretching does not allow this
    overriding response by GTO

  • With static stretching GTOs are able to override
    impulses from muscle spindle following initial
    reflex resistance
  • Allows muscle to remain stretched without injury
  • PNF benefits greatly from these principles
  • With slow-reversal hold technique, maximal
    contraction of muscle stimulates GTO reflex
    relaxation before stretch applied

  • Autogenic inhibition
  • Relaxation of antagonist during contraction
  • During relaxation phase, antagonist is placed
    under stretch but assisted by agonist contraction
    to pull further into stretch
  • GTO is protective mechanism that inhibits tension
    in the muscle
  • Reciprocal inhibition
  • Isotonic contraction of an agonist muscle elicits
    a reflex relaxation of antagonist muscle group -
    (protect against injury)

Effect of Stretching on Physical Mechanical
Properties of Muscle
  • Physical lengthening of muscle occurs due to
    reflex relaxation
  • Contractile non-contractile elements of muscle
    dictate capability of deformation recovery
  • Both resist deformation
  • Deformation is dependent on degree of stretch
  • Non-contractile limit degree
  • Contractile limit velocity
  • Greater stretch more non-contractile components

  • Stretches sustained long enough (autogenic
    inhibition) result in viscoelastic plastic
    changes in collagen elastin
  • Viscoelastic changes allow slow deformation
    imperfect recovery (not permanent)
  • Plastic changes result in permanent changes in
  • Greater velocity greater chance for exceeding
    tissue capacity (viscoelastic plastic)

Effects of Stretching On Kinetic Chain
  • Joint hypomobility causes
  • Faulty posture
  • Muscular imbalance
  • Abnormal neuromuscular control
  • Alteration in arthrokinematics
  • Change in muscle tension to reduce translation
  • Alters degrees of tension activation in
    synergist, stabilizers neutralizers
  • Compensatory response

Muscle Tightness Hypertonicity
  • Impact on length-tension relationships
  • Alters force couples arthrokinematics
  • Impacts normal force couple relationships
    creates kinetic chain reaction
  • Impacts synergistic function of kinetic chain
  • Causes abnormal joint tissue stresses, neural
    compromise vascular/lymphatic stasis
  • Alters recruitment strategies stabilization
  • Alters neuromuscular efficiency impacting
    activation/firing sequence
  • Additionally altered joint function stress
  • Can causes reciprocal inhibition
  • Increases muscle spindle activity
  • May impart inhibitory response (decreased
    neuromuscular control)
  • Result synergistic dominance synergist
    compensatory action for weak inhibited muscle

Importance of Warm-up Prior to Stretching
  • Intramuscular temperature should be increased
    prior to stretching
  • Positive effect on ability of collagen elastin
    to deform
  • Enhances reflexive relaxation associated with
    golgi tendon organs
  • Optimal temperature 39oC/103oF
  • To increase low intensity, warm-up type
    exercise or modalities
  • Exercise should be primary means of warm-up
  • Environment - Heat vs. Cold

Flexibility vs. Strength
  • Co-exist
  • Muscle bound
  • Negative connotation
  • Loss of motion
  • Encourage full pain free movements during
  • Strength training will provide individual with
    ability to develop dynamic flexibility through
    full range of motion
  • Develop more powerful coordinated movements

Guidelines Precautions for Stretching
  • Warm-up
  • Overload or stretch beyond normal range
  • Not to point of pain
  • Stretch to point of resistance
  • Increases in range will be specific to muscle
    being stretched
  • Use caution when stretching around painful joints
  • Avoid overstretching ligaments capsules
  • Exercise caution with low back neck stretches
  • Stretch from seated position to reduce stress on
  • Continue normal breathing while stretching
  • For improvements in ROM, utilize static PNF
    stretching techniques
  • Ballistic stretching should be used by those who
    possess flexibility are accustomed to it
  • Ballistic stretching should follow period of
    static stretching
  • Stretching should be performed a minimum of 3
    times per week
  • For maximum gains stretching 5-6 times per week
    is ideal
  • 5-10 second stretch prepares muscles for
    activity, 30-60 second stretch increases

  • Assess clients flexibility to pinpoint strengths
  • Design program that stretches the specific
    muscles used by the client during activity
  • Warm up before stretching to increase temp
  • Perform stretches daily
  • Stretch all major muscle groups and opposing

  • Focus on technique during the stretch
  • Hold stretches for 30 seconds initially later 60
  • Do 4 reps each stretch for optimal gains
  • Stretch to mild discomfort, not pain
  • Keep breathing slow and rhythmical during stretch
  • Stretch muscles in different positions and planes
  • Stretch after primary bout

Stretching Body Regions
  • Neck
  • Shoulders Chest
  • Torso
  • Upper Back
  • Lower Back
  • Hips
  • Posterior Arm
  • Anterior Thigh Hip Flexor
  • Posterior Thigh
  • Adductors Groin
  • Calf
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