Program Overview Colleges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Program Overview Colleges


Program Overview Colleges & Universities Whole-Person Assessment & Life-Balance Program A Wellness Solution for Students, Faculty or Staff ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Program Overview Colleges

Program OverviewColleges Universities
Whole-Person Assessment Life-Balance
A Wellness Solutionfor Students, Faculty
or Staff
Cultivating Self-Responsibility
Opening a Doorway to Our Personal Wellness

Helping Students Achieve A Higher Level of
Vitality, Health Wellbeing
What is Wellness?
An Exploration
A Wellness Tour Through History
  • It is more important to know what sort of person
    has a
  • disease, than to know what sort of disease a
    person has.
  • Hippocrates (460-380 BC)

  • You already have the precious mixture that
  • will make you well. Use it.
  • - Rumi (13th Century)

A Wellness Tour Through History
A Wellness Tour Through History
Health is not only to be well, but to use well
every power we have. Florence
Nightingale Pioneer - Nursing Public
A Wellness Tour Through History
The doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but will interest his patients in the care of the
human frame, in diet, and in the cause and
prevention of disease. Thomas Edison
  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental
    and social well-being, and not merely the absence
    of disease and infirmity.
  • World Health Organization
  • From Preamble to the WHO Constitution,

High-level wellness is an integrated method of
functioning .. oriented toward maximizing
the potential of which the individual is
capable, within the environment where he is
functioning. Halbert Dunn, MD,
PhD, FAPHA Chief, National Office of Vital
Statistics U.S. Public Health Service
High-Level Wellness
  • John W. Travis, MD, MPH
  • A Founder of the Modern Wellness Movement
  • Inspired by work of Dr. Halbert Dunn Dr.
    Abraham Maslow
  • Protégé of Lewis Robbins, MD, MPH, creator of
    HRA, while completing residency at Johns Hopkins
    and working as an officer in the US Public Health
    Service in early 1970s.
  • Dedicated his life to teaching people to be well
  • Created first wellness center in US in 1975 in
  • Mill Valley, CA
  • Created Wellness Inventory The original
  • wellness assessment
  • Author of Wellness Workbook (1981, 1998, 2004)

Wellness Workbook
  • Dr. Travis is author of the classic Wellness
    Workbook, which provides an in-depth
  • overview of wellness and a full chapter on each
    of the 12 dimensions of wellness.
  • First published in 1981. Latest edition, June
  • Although written for consumers, the Wellness
    Workbook has been used in graduate
  • programs in nursing and public health,
    undergraduate health and wellness classes
  • for over 20 years.

3 Key Wellness Concepts John W. Travis, MD, MPH
The Illness-Wellness Continuum
  • Key Concept 1 Wellness is a process, never a
    static state.
  • This model shows the relationship of the Wellness
    and Treatment Paradigms.
  • Moving from the center to the left shows a
    progressively worsening state of health.
  • Moving to the right of center indicates
    increasing levels of health and well-being.
  • The Treatment Paradigm can only take you to the
    neutral point, where the symptoms of disease
  • have been alleviated. The Wellness Paradigm,
    utilized at any point on the continuum, moves
  • one towards ever higher levels of wellbeing.

The Illness-Wellness Continuum
  • Think of the continuum as a pathway. People can
    be headed in either direction.
  • A person who is generally physically healthy, but
    who is always worrying about
  • their health and complaining, may be to the right
    of the neutral point, but may be
  • facing towards the left, in the direction of
    premature death.
  • A person who is physically or mentally challenged
    may have a positive outlook and
  • be cultivating love instead of fear, and
    consequently may be facing to the right, in
  • the direction of high-level wellness.

The Iceberg Model of Health
Key Concept 2 Illness and Health are only the
tip of an iceberg. To understand their causes
you must look below the surface.
The Iceberg Model of Health
The Iceberg Model of Health
The Iceberg Model of Health
The Wellness Energy System
  • Key Concept 3 We are energy transformers. All
    our life processes, including
  • health and illness depend on how we manage
    energy. Putting together a
  • persons energy inputs and outputs we have the
    complete wellness energy
  • system. These 12 life processes are the basis of
    the Wellness Inventory.

Wellness Energy System - Inputs
What is Wellness? John W. Travis, MD, MPH
  • Wellness is a choice. a decision you make to
    move toward optimal health.
  • Wellness is a way of life. a lifestyle you
    design to achieve your highest
  • potential for well-being.
  • Wellness is a process. a developing awareness
    that there is no end point
  • but that health and happiness are possible in
    each moment, here and now.
  • Wellness is the integration of the body, mind,
    and spirit.the appreciation
  • that everything you do, and think, and feel, and
    believe has an impact on your
  • state of health.
  • Wellness is the loving acceptance of yourself.

Preventing Disease or Creating Wellness?
  • Prevention, or preventing disease, is an
  • concept. The new concept is creating wellness.
  • Senator Barbara Mikulski
  • Hearing on Integrative Medicine Senate
    HELP Committee (2.26.09)

Cultivating Self-Responsibility
  • The next major advance in the health of the
  • American people will be determined by what
  • the individual is willing to do for
  • John Knowles, Former President,
  • The Rockefeller Foundation

A Central OrganizingPrinciple for Supporting
Student Staff Wellness
The Wellness Inventory is a foundational
wellness tool.
Stanford Research Institute Spas and the Global
Wellness Market
What is the Wellness Inventory?
  • Online, whole person assessment and life-balance
  • Designed to help us gain personal insight into
    our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
  • Offers guidance and tools to transform this new
    awareness into sustainable changes in our lives,
    and a renewed sense of health and wellbeing.

How Can the Wellness Inventory Program Benefit
Your Students Staff?
  • Assess individuals in 12 key areas of wellness
    and lifestyle.
  • Determine their motivation to change in each
  • Support individuals in increasing their personal
    responsibility for their health and wellbeing.
  • Create personalized wellness plans using a small
    steps approach.
  • Provide resources tools to help support them on
    their wellness journey.
  • Track their wellness progress in meeting their
  • Bring more balance into their lives and support
    optimal living.
  • Support a higher level of health and wellbeing.

Where is the Program Being Used?
  • University of Arizona Program for Integrative
    Medicine Residents, Fellows, Faculty
  • University of North Carolina Asheville
  • RMIT University (Australia) Curriculum - Masters
    of Wellness
  • Grand Valley State University Research Pilot
    study in Student wellness
  • Central Queensland University (Aust) Research -
    Implementing pilot study with 600 nurses staff
    of independent living centers.
  • Trent University (Canada)
  • California Institute for Integral Studies

Wellness Inventory profiled in special issue
of Military Medicine Total Force Fitness for
the 21st Century A New Paradigm. (Aug. 2010)

Chosen as an exemplar in the Survey of
Multidimensional Health and Fitness Indexes.
The Individual Participants Experience
of the Program
Personal Assessment
  • Student assesses themselves in 12 dimensions of

There are 10 statements for each dimension -
120 statements total. Each statement describes
a wellness action, skill, belief, attitude or
awareness.The assessment generally takes 30-45
minutes to complete. If an student is unable to
complete the assessment at one sitting, they can
save their results and login at a later time to
complete it.
The Assessment

The Wellness Inventory is both an educational
tool and an assessment.

The Assessment
Stimulating awareness of new possibilities for

Receiving your Results

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Creating a Personal Wellness Action Plan

Focusing on the areas your employee is most
motivated to change.

Small steps for continuous improvement
leads to sustainable lifestyle change.
Creating a Wellness Action Plan
Creating a Personal Wellness Plan
  • After completing the assessment and viewing their
    scores, students can choose to continue to create
    a Personal Wellness Action Plan or log off and
    return to create their plan in a later session.
  • The Personal Wellness Plan enables a student to
    create 1-5 simple action steps by following some
    basic guidelines.
  • A wellness coach can be very beneficial in
    creating a realistic wellness action steps based
    upon the specific areas of wellness the student
    is most motivated to Change (as revealed by their
    assessment results).
  • If the student chooses to log off and create
    their plan later, they will log in to My
    Wellness Homepage where they can create their
    Personal Wellness Plan (highlighted on next
    slide), and access other wellness tools including
    My Wellness Journal, the Self-Study Center and
    the 12 Wellness Resource Centers.

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Create Wellness Action Steps
Select Frequency of Email Reminders
Email Reminders
Email Reminders A Key Tool toSupport Your
Wellness Journey

Studentss will receive an email reminder
containing their action steps at the frequency
requested when they created their wellness plan.
Email reminders help employees to stay focused
on successfully completing their action steps,
and on building a sense of self-efficacy in
creating personal change.
Email Reminders Providing Direct Access to
Update Action Steps
In addition to providing regular exposure to
their action steps, email reminders also provide
a direct link to the Update My Wellness Plan
tool. This direct link enables employees to
update their action steps without having to login
at They can also
directly access My Wellness Homepage from their
email reminders without having to log in.
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Email Reminders - Dynamic AccessPoint to My
Wellness Tools
  • Email reminders also provide direct access to My
    Wellness Tools, helping to support students in
    successfully completing their action steps using
    the Kaizen approach of small steps for continuous
  • From the email reminder students can
  • Access My Wellness Journal to record their
    experiences and insights.
  • Access Wellness Commentaries in the Self-Study
  • Access articles, tools and resources in 12
    Wellness Resource Centers.

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My Wellness ToolsSupporting Your
EmployeesWellness Journey

Tools to Support Your Employees

My Wellness Journal
Enables student or staff to record daily
observations and insights and track their
progress in implementing their Wellness action
steps. Student selects one of the twelve areas of
wellness to make a journal entry. Each entry is
recorded and dated chronologically for ease of
access on future visits. The Wellness Journal may
be easily accessed from My Wellness Homepage or
from their Email Reminders. An excellent homework
tool for your student. .
My Wellness Journal

Self-Study Center
The Self-Study Center contains expert
commentaries on the 10 wellness statements from
each of the 12 sections of the assessment (total
of 120 commentaries. Students can read
commentaries on the specific areas of wellness in
which they currently have action steps. This
enables the student to gain a deeper
understanding of these areas. Statements are
listed within each of the 12 areas in the order
of the their level of motivation to change. An
excellent tool to use as homework for your
Self-Study Center

Self-Study Center - Commentary

Expert Resources for Your Students
  • The 12 Resource Centers are a great resource for
    your students, directing them to specific
    articles, exercises, books, educational CDs or
    other resources you feel with support them in
    successfully implementing their wellness action
    steps and deepening their knowledge. You will
    also have access to the 12 Resource Centers from
    your students User Homepage in your
    administrative menu.

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Customizing the 12 Resource Centers
  • The Wellness Inventory can serve as your
    students Personal Wellness
  • Solution and support their personal wellness
    journeys year-round.
  • The 12 Wellness Resource Centers can be partially
    or fully customized
  • to include your counseling centers services,
    classes, workshops,
  • counseling, peer counseling, and wellness

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Supporting Ongoing Wellness

Supporting Ongoing Wellness
The Wellness Inventory can help you monitor
students or facultys ongoing wellness, and to
offer a year-round wellness solution. Use the
program to create a year-round engagement and
relationship with your employees and to help them
develop a deeper commitment to wellness.
  • Reassess participants at 6 months and monitor
    their progress
  • Wellness Coaching (Optional)
  • Wellness Workshops (Optional)
  • Renew access for an additional year(s)

Reassessment Monitoring Progress
  • Student and/or faculty can assess their level of
    wellness at the outset and
  • again at 6 months. Then, monitor their progress
    with the Test
  • Comparison feature.
  • By re-subscribing individuals after the first
    year for an additional year,
  • they will be able to reassess at 12 months and
    then again at 18 months,
  • allowing you to continue your relationship and
    your programs role as their
  • personal wellness solution. People can be renewed
    for multiple years.


Wellness Coaching Workshops Classes
Wellness Coaching Supporting People in
Discovering Their Own Solutions
Wellness Coaching A Partnership for Effective
  • The client is the greatest expert in his/her own
  • Coach is clients partner, not expert giving
    prescriptions or advice.
  • Focus is on the clients present-time wants.
  • Effective method for supporting sustainable
    lifestyle change.
  • Supports client in clarifying their goals,
    creating realistic personal action steps, and
    maintaining accountability.
  • Offer coaching packages as an additional revenue
  • In person or by telephone. Individual or group.
  • Enroll staff member in training program or hire a

A Powerful Tool for CoachingA Palette of
Workshop Series on the 12 Dimensions of Wellness
A Whole Person Approach
Monthly Wellness WorkshopsOptional Feature of
Your Wellness Program
  • Wellness workshop series based on the 12
  • Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly.
  • Provides whole-person focused education
  • Motivate and provide accountability for your
    clients or staff
  • Use workshops internally or market to community
    or businesses.

Wellness Wheel as Organizing Principle for
Health Wellness Curriculum
Design curriculum for health and wellness classes
around 12 dimensions of wellness series of 12
classes focused on each of the 12 dimensions.
Overview of Reporting, Communication,
Coaching Tools
Tools to Support You in Working with Students
  • The Wellness Inventory provides reporting,
    communication, and administrative
  • tools to empower designated wellness coaches,
    consultants, EAP professionals,
  • or HR staff in working with your students, staff
    or faculty.
  • Authorized staff, coaches, or peer counselors may
    have access to individual
  • reports (in accordance with your privacy policy)
    aggregate reports to profile
  • specific employee demographic segments as well
    as a suite of communication
  • tools to facilitate coaching, education, and

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Authorization Email
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Employee Report Homepage
Wellness Score
Satisfaction Score
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Aggregate Reports
Aggregate Reports Wellness Score by Single
Aggregate Reports Satisfaction Score by Single
Aggregate Reports Wellness Score Multiple
Use Aggregate Reports to Create Custom Wellness
  • Aggregate Reports provide insight into wellness
    trends within your employee population across 8
    demographic variables and potentially additional
    custom variables (location, department).
  • Gain overall wellness profile of your population
    and a profile of the collective motivation to
  • Facilitate design of custom wellness programs
    focusing on the areas of collective motivation to
    change, which are most likely to lead to positive

Certification Training
Certification Training
  • Provides in-depth personal experience and
    practical knowledge of the Wellness Inventory
    assessment and personal growth process.
  • Provides unique coaching skill-set to maximize
    the program's effectiveness in creating change in
    peoples lives.
  • Goal of the course is to create competence in
    delivering the program to individuals and in
    groups and organizational settings.
  • Next Trainings February 15-17 through May 17-19,
  • Three concurrent 14 week trainings.

Certification Training Level I Live 14 Week
(Phone) Teleclass
  • Approved by the International Coach Federation
    for 28 CCEs.
  • Level I Graduates - Certified Wellness Inventory
  • Tuition 1,195 4 monthly payments
  • Overview
  • Graduates from 18 countries

Holographic Coaching Practicum
Certification Training Level II
  • Offered to Level I Certification graduates to
    hone their coaching skills
  • using the Holographic Change Process
    Coaching Core Competencies.
  • Level I Graduates - Certified Wellness Inventory
  • 7 Week Training - 595
  • Approved by the International Coach Federation
    (ICF) 14 CCEs

Certification Training
  • Level I II package 1,690
  • 42 CCEs from ICF for both trainings
  • 42 hours credit at Institute for Life Coach
    Training towards a Wellness
  • Coaching Specialist Certificate 42 Hours
    credit towards ILCT
  • Accredited Coach Training Program
  • 42 hours credit towards new Board Certified
    Coach (BCC) credential
  • from the Center for Credentialing Education

Coming full circle
  • The Wellness Inventorys whole person approach
    can help promote the increased health, wellbeing,
    vitality, and life balance that your students
    are seeking.

Endorsements for the Program
  • "This pioneering program gives individuals
    personal insight into
  • 12 dimensions of physical, mental, emotional,
    and spiritual wellness, and provides tools to
    transform this new awareness into lasting
    lifestyle change and a heightened sense of health
    and wellbeing.
  • Larry Dossey, MD,
  • Author, Healing Words

Endorsements for the Program
  • "The journey to a healthy lifestyle begins with
    taking stock of your wellness, and that is
    exactly what the Wellness Inventory does - better
    than any other wellness assessment. As a key tool
    for the health and wellness coach, or as a
    self-directed beginning for the individual on
    their path to a wellness lifestyle, the Wellness
    Inventory is a great place to begin."
  • Michael Arloski, Ph.D., PCC Wellness
    Psychologist, Professional Certified Coach CEO
    Real Balance Global Wellness Services Author of
    Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change

Endorsements for the Program
  • "The Wellness Inventory pushes beyond health
    risk appraisals to the wellness dimension of the
    illness-wellness continuum. This self-assessment
    tool offers new insights into what makes life
    worth living. Medical care will never bring you
    to the brink of joyfulness, zest for life, and
    treating the environment responsibly. The
    Wellness Inventory puts the health back into
    health care."
  • Kent W. Peterson, MD, FACPM CEO, Occupational
    Health Strategies
  • Former director, American College of Preventive

Endorsements for the Program
  • "The Wellness Inventory is the fundamental
    component to our
  • hospital's 7-Step Health and Wellness program.
    Dr. John Travis 12
  • key dimensions of wellness create a holistic
    foundation from which our clients not only
    explore the physical, mental, emotional, and
    spiritual issues of life, but more importantly
    discover ways in which to become responsible for
    their own health."
  • Patricia A. Duryea, Ph.D.
  • Duryea Associates

Endorsements for the Program
  • "As one of the first people to computerize the
    Health Risk Appraisal, Dr. Travis saw its
    limitations early on and developed the Wellness
  • to extend into the all important quality of life
    issues. For over 25 years,
  • he has continued to keep it at the forefront of
  • Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD(hc) Chairman,
    American Health Association
  • Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of
    Arizona School of Medicine University of
    California School of Medicine, San Francisco

Endorsements for the Program
  • "The Wellness Inventory is a powerful tool for
    health and wellness coaches and their clients.
    Coaching is all about motivation, intention and
    follow through, and the Wellness Inventory
    provides clients with invaluable feedback and the
    ability to track progress in any of the 12 areas
    of life. This tool should be part of every
    coach's tool box."
  • Dr. Patrick Williams Master Certified
    Coach CEO, Institute for Life Coach Training

For More Information
  • Jim Strohecker
  • President
  • HealthWorld Online
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • 310-823-9553
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